Please recommend IEM for bass lover

Aug 23, 2008 at 4:03 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


500+ Head-Fier
Nov 16, 2006
I just sold my Westone UM2's and regret selling them.
Now I'm looking for some new IEM's which sound similar to UM2's or better.
I 've not updated myself for a while so I don't know much about many new IEM's.
I've owned Shure E500,e3c, UE triple fi, Westone UM2,UM1 , Ety Er4s ,Er6.
I like Um2 the most.
I'm looking for something new so.....

Please recommend me some IEM's that
-Great bass and great sound overall
-cost below $500

From my quick search, Klipsch x10 seems to be a good choice.
Any idea?

Aug 23, 2008 at 4:56 PM Post #3 of 21

Originally Posted by direcow /img/forum/go_quote.gif
how about the futuresonic atrios?

or the UESF5EB...

That would be a step down from what he's owned previously.
Aug 23, 2008 at 5:19 PM Post #4 of 21
The price of the Klipsch IMAGE x10 has gone down to a point where they are a good deal if you like head-crushing bass.

I ordered these as well in my search for a replacement for the ER-4P, but I found the bass to be too much for my liking so I returned them. Also, the cord, while less horrible than the ER-4P's cord, is still very microphonic and doesn't have a natural facility for over-the-ear operation.

Klipsch does have the BEST silicone tips ever, though. Guys, we really need to pester Amy more so they start selling replacement Eargel packs!
Aug 23, 2008 at 5:41 PM Post #5 of 21
Didn't realize you sent the Image X10s back (see other thread). Too much bass? Hmmm. I am still curious about them. Again, the US SF5 Silver seems perfect for your needs.

Sorry to digress.

Back to the OP. I know I sound like a broken record on the Sleeks, but they are not on the list above, and now that the bass+ mod is a reality, their bass has really become something to hear. It's such a small mod it's hard to be believe it has such a impact. But it does.

For $200, a major bargain. And there are a few Head-Fiers (Channum is one) who chose the Sleeks over the TF10 and the SE530 (you can read Channum's reasoning on the Sleek thread). Plus, if this is of interest to the OP, the Sleeks are supposed to be getting a wireless functionality via Kleer Sound (though it seems to be taking longer than expected). I am looking forward to the idea of not having to worry about a cable at all with IEMs, if the technology works and the SQ is the same. The only downside is you will have to keep track of them once you take them out (instead of letting them dangle, which I do now via a shirt clip).

Also, if not the Sleeks, agree that the Image X10s sound like the answer to your search, since they apparently deliver on the bass front and are very comfortable. In fact, I just ordered a pair out of curiosity, $211 on Amazon (from Amazon, not a third-party seller).

Amy (Klipsch person) says that price won't last long. Not sure, but that is a very good price for a $350 MSRP phone.
Aug 23, 2008 at 5:43 PM Post #6 of 21

Originally Posted by synaesthetic /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The price of the Klipsch IMAGE x10 has gone down to a point where they are a good deal if you like head-crushing bass.

I ordered these as well in my search for a replacement for the ER-4P, but I found the bass to be too much for my liking so I returned them. Also, the cord, while less horrible than the ER-4P's cord, is still very microphonic and doesn't have a natural facility for over-the-ear operation.

Klipsch does have the BEST silicone tips ever, though. Guys, we really need to pester Amy more so they start selling replacement Eargel packs!

Just as an FYI, no matter how bad the microphonics can be, a cheap shirt clip always seems to tame it for me (rather than over the ear). I just hate the feeling of IEM cable tugging, so I have a clip on every pair of phones I own. Ety makes a decent universal one (not the ER4P clip, but the one for the er6i).
Aug 23, 2008 at 7:19 PM Post #7 of 21
The ER-4P shirt clip does provide one useful function, but removing microphonics is not it. It keeps the weight of the cable off my ears. The two "pigtail" wires leading to each earphone continue to smack against each other, against clothing, against my hair, against zippers, and cause cable thump.

And it's kind of a pain to deal with all this. I like being able to just put my earphones in and go. I don't want to have to wear them like an article of clothing. =P
Aug 23, 2008 at 7:59 PM Post #8 of 21
All the more reason why it's too bad the SA6s didn't work out for you. If the wireless thing ever gets done and meets expectations, goodbye microphonics. Sure you gave them a fair shot. What about wearing over the ears?

If not, the SF5s will be just right. They are easy to use on the go, and I didn't dislike them, just found them lacking in something. Had I not had the Sleeks (or if they didn't feel comfy) I would have kept the SF5s, no doubt.
Aug 24, 2008 at 6:48 PM Post #9 of 21
Thanks everyone.
I just bought Kilpsch Image X10 .
Just like you said very comfy and microphonics.
I'm going to get Ety er6i clip soon.

As for SQ ,I think UM2 is a bit better in every aspects but let's give them some times.
Aug 24, 2008 at 7:08 PM Post #10 of 21
If you really like bass, Shure 420, UE10 and UE11, but those later one are above your price point...X10 has bass but it is not a bass head IEM, is has above average bass, but it is very good, detailed, and goes deep, bass heads are after other kind of overpowered bass...
Aug 24, 2008 at 8:20 PM Post #11 of 21

Originally Posted by freakmax /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks everyone.
I just bought Kilpsch Image X10 .
Just like you said very comfy and microphonics.
I'm going to get Ety er6i clip soon.

As for SQ ,I think UM2 is a bit better in every aspects but let's give them some times.

Hmm, why not stick with the UM2 then? Unless you are going to jump to $$$$ IEMs, they seem to be what you liked. I have never heard them, so can't comment.

Maybe you will learn to like the Images, as you say. But you can always return them and go back to Westones.
Aug 24, 2008 at 8:50 PM Post #12 of 21
The microphonics are easily removable using a clip on that will attach the cable to your shirt...
Aug 25, 2008 at 12:20 AM Post #13 of 21
Can anyone comment on the amount of bass between the Atrio M5's and the bass+ modded Sleeks?


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