Pictures of your Portable Rig II - The Journey Continues.
Jun 2, 2005 at 5:00 AM Post #616 of 1,335
im pretty sure those are fan controllers
Jun 2, 2005 at 8:00 AM Post #618 of 1,335

Originally Posted by South_Korean
uh oh here come a noob question, why do you make these cables or buy cardas or what ever they are called? and do you have a specific source, say an internet site to teach you how to assemble these cords?

WOW! talk about raising pics from the dead. those pics were taken when I barely started making interconnects.

well, currently I dont sell any cables here other then the single one cable on mall fi. the hobby is too expensive to keep up with, I used to build them for fun and experiment with a lot of DIY stuff. since then Ive tamed down my hobby and just focus on what I need. Ive learned its not worth the trouble and effort to build as many as I did back in the day. all it did was burn a hole in my wallet, it was fun while it lasted though.

I still have that cable lying around my room somewhere I think. I started DIY cabling months ago to save money. I couldn't afford the cardas type cables, I still cant afford them. It's a luxury I probably wont ever experience.

anyhow, Ive learned a lot since then. click the DIY links in my sig, itll take you to a bunch of sites that teach you how to make your own cables of various types on your own.

I will stop here, since I dont want to stray off topic.
Jun 2, 2005 at 8:05 AM Post #619 of 1,335

Originally Posted by South_Korean
lmao u stuck an amp in your computer replacing a cd drive?

Lian Li PC70/PC75?

Sunbeam Rheobus?
Jun 2, 2005 at 8:16 AM Post #620 of 1,335

Originally Posted by South_Korean
lmao u stuck an amp in your computer replacing a cd drive?

the amp is the thingamajigger with das glowentubes. the knoby doohicky in the computer is a rheobus, as akwok stated.
Jun 2, 2005 at 1:31 PM Post #622 of 1,335
Jun 2, 2005 at 1:36 PM Post #623 of 1,335
the Tekkeon external battery has line-out output and gives me more hours to enjoy my jazz collection in lossless format. I can charge the battery and my iPod Photo at the same time thru FW connector. It's only one battery on the market (as far as I know) that has the configuration with line-out output.
One guy in some review was complaining about bad contact in line-out jack, so it was my fear buying this device, but it turned out the 3.5mm plug was sitting like it was born there. So it's not an issure.
I agree this combo is not small enough for a pocket but if you want the quality of your rig you can get yourself a little bag and enjoy the real music.

Jun 2, 2005 at 1:44 PM Post #624 of 1,335

AirClick works for me so far. I did not test being on the big distance from it.
I'm carrying my audio combo in a JackSpade messenger, so I just needed a small RF device to operate my iPod without opening the bag.
AirClick though can't switch your playlists. It has 5 buttons - very basic operations (play/pause, next track, previous track, and volume up and down)hold switch is very usefull especially if your remote in the pocket.

Jun 3, 2005 at 12:05 AM Post #626 of 1,335
heres my setup, it works fine for me, a bit slim on batteries, but it only takes 15 minutes to recharge.
the cd player is modded becuase it used to turn off when the lid was shifted a tiny bit, so now i can open the lid and the cd keeps playing

oh well heres pics, year 2000 sony DE441(soon to be replaced with a 4 gig ipod mini) straight to some v6s. islates me from school, and IMO its got great sq.

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