Paul Mcartney Superbowl Half Time Show
Feb 8, 2005 at 3:42 PM Post #76 of 80

Originally Posted by wallijonn
When I listen to Madona I am listening to the vocals and not the fake music. When I listen to Eric Clapton I am listening to the musical instrument. The Paul McCartney's of the world (like Eric Clapton) tend to do both and are very rare.

Puff Diddy, Eminem, Michael Jackson, et. al., Pinky, Aquilera, Britney Spears, et. al., do not play instruments. So these acts are more choreographs than live performances. So by your definition only live bands should do shows. How many live bands are out there that may not resort to violence, sexual inuendo (especially by lyrics), are professional and sound good?

I would have been happy to hear Garth Brooks. But not Eminem. Seeing as the Gulf War is on everyone's mind, what band could exemplify a clean image? U2? They're on the Top-40 charts right now? Who is the #1 band right now? And are they more than one hit wonders? What band(s) would you have liked to have, or rather had, seen? Who's the best guitarist (or musical instrument player) in the world?


Let me restate what I meant, I meant the whole piece as in whatever the artists recording was supposed to be. If the recording is of a whole band of musicians and singer, then they all play live. If Eminem, Britney, Aggie, and the whole crop only "sing" over prerecorded music, then so be it, they should go out on stage and "sing". My point was simply if you are advertised as something, you should be that something, be it singer, musician, or both.

Would classical music fans enjoy going to a night at the Met and seeing the orchestra fake play to a recording? It's a farce, and rock, rap, and any other fan should hold their performers to the same level of expectations. Again, if you can't cut it on a stage, get off it, and just cut albums. It's like going to Vegas to see the Heavyweight Championship fight and watching a scene from Rocky played out by live actors.

And, no, most bands are not very good live, in fact, most stink, but if I pay for a live show, a want a live show. It's my decision thereafter if I ever choose to attend that bands live shows again. But they all should have the guts to stand up and be accountable for their talents.
Feb 8, 2005 at 3:55 PM Post #77 of 80

Originally Posted by EyeAmEye
Would classical music fans enjoy going to a night at the Met and seeing the orchestra fake play to a recording?

You really don't want to open that can of worms. Unfortunately nowadays too many of the opera stars don't have voices sufficiently "big" to fill the halls and they are now miked. Some even travel with their own sound engineers so that the miking can be done exactly to their specifications. You also see a lot of that on Broadway as well where "taped" musical accompaniments is becoming the norm, and the orchestra isn't even there for show. Unfortunately, completely live performance is a dying artform. I doubt that the superbowl show was completely live either. Just try and remember what happened when Sir Paul came forward on the stage and put his mike towards the audience when he asked them to sing along with Hey Jude. There were seconds of silence until the mike was activated and the other mikes were also turned on to pick up the stadium sounds. I wonder how much we could have heard over the tv if the mikes on the stage were live and picking up all of the crowd sounds and stadium echoes? I'm sure the show would have sounded very different.
Feb 8, 2005 at 4:37 PM Post #78 of 80

Originally Posted by Bunnyears
You really don't want to open that can of worms. Unfortunately nowadays too many of the opera stars don't have voices sufficiently "big" to fill the halls and they are now miked. Some even travel with their own sound engineers so that the miking can be done exactly to their specifications. You also see a lot of that on Broadway as well where "taped" musical accompaniments is becoming the norm, and the orchestra isn't even there for show. Unfortunately, completely live performance is a dying artform. I doubt that the superbowl show was completely live either. Just try and remember what happened when Sir Paul came forward on the stage and put his mike towards the audience when he asked them to sing along with Hey Jude. There were seconds of silence until the mike was activated and the other mikes were also turned on to pick up the stadium sounds. I wonder how much we could have heard over the tv if the mikes on the stage were live and picking up all of the crowd sounds and stadium echoes? I'm sure the show would have sounded very different.

I don't mind opera singers being mic'd, as long as they still sing live (now you have me questioning that too) , but I didn't realize they are taping orchestra performances too. That's a damn shame.
Feb 8, 2005 at 4:45 PM Post #79 of 80

I doubt that will ahppen, when prince does live he only does it his way...

countless lighting people and sound people have walked out on gigs cause of his way

nothing wrong with high standards man.seems to be far too many settle for less than they need to and take second class in stride.What ever happened to aiming for the top ?

It has always been my opinion that if you aim high,even if unrealistically so and you fall short you still achieve a very high standard but if you are one that settles for "good enough' and you fall short it was a project that was doomed from the start to fail
Feb 8, 2005 at 5:48 PM Post #80 of 80

Originally Posted by EyeAmEye
I don't mind opera singers being mic'd, as long as they still sing live (now you have me questioning that too) , but I didn't realize they are taping orchestra performances too. That's a damn shame.

Taped orchestra is usually for Broadway musicals, if you go to Carnegie Hall or Severance Hall for a concert the orchestra will be live and unmiked (except possibly for broadcast or recording equipment). I guess it's all a question of the economics. But this isn't a superbowl problem. Echoes and stadium noise level are the problems there.

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