Originally Posted by catchingsecond /img/forum/go_quote.gif
A little off topic, but how do you like that monitor? I'm thinking of buying the same one. Is it good for gaming and normal web use? Is yours a S, A or C panel? Also for your question I don't think you will benefit too much from an amp, atleast not great enough to justify the cost of an amp.
its the 22" 226BW - the monitor is really great. gaming is better i think than on the monitor next to it (19" 940B).. seems a little more responsive. the area it covers for a 4:3 aspect game, is pretty much the same as the 19", because the sides are cut off, which is cool. web browsing is great, and because its wide, i can squeeze more tabs into internet explorer
the colours are nice however, and the text is sharp, but in my eyes not very different to my previous one
downsides to this panel is that the backlight bleed is a bit more apparent to my 940B.. not sure whether this is to do with the settings i have not adjusted properly or what. im certainly not one for dynamic cr
also, there are quite a few colour adjustments etc.. which is more than i would like
the other thing im puzzled about is the fact that my machine doesnt have S C or A on the back on the sticker.. even in the secret menu you can unlock, it doesnt say anything.. strange. im guessing i dont have the S panel though.. dont know just have that feeling
overall it is a very good screen, and im under the impression that its the best of the 22"s
which monitor will make way for it?
oh, and thanks all for help!! bluetack mod?
edit: another thing, the A900s are a good headphone right? what are you opinions on them