Out at the park (video content).
Jun 29, 2009 at 6:41 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


100+ Head-Fier
May 5, 2006
So, my girlfriend loves my huge headphones, and my new amp and such, and we just sat at listened to BT - This Binary Universe in full one night and then we watched the accompanying DVD a few nights later.

This spurred up the idea that she wanted to just listen to headphones with me outside at a park, nice and calm and fun, enjoy the music together while having an adventure, so we did just that!

At first we sat down at a park picnic table with my less than portable setup as I don't have an LOD yet, I just took an actual dock with me haha.

So here's that videos I took with my new iPhone 3GS, which are actually a lot better than I thought they'd be, so that's awesome in itself!


and then PA2V2 went and died on us, should have charged him, that's my bad. So I just coiled up the headphone cables, left her a lot more slack, and we walked around the park and people were looking at us funny but smiling and we'd sing the songs together and make awesome poses, ya know, usual boyfriend/girlfriend randomness.

So here's a video I took a little bit later after PA2V2 died and we found this huge duck.


So yeah, it was an awesome time, and then we walked around to the other half of the park and just laid down on the grass next to the water and watched the boats and people go by and took awesome pictures there and a ton of sweet macro headphone shots and of course, we saw this guy sitting on the dock looking all awesome and stoic I followed suit but with headphones on, and she had me pose and stuff and got some awesome shots.

Those shots aren't ready yet but they'll be here soon, I just thought I'd share our adventure today with you guys, that it's possible to enjoy full sized cans like ATH-A900's and ATH-A950LTD's on the go and people don't look at you too crazily!

EDIT: weird, youtube tags worked in preview, but not when actually posted live.

EDIT: Do you guys have any similar stories? Share your gear and admiration of music with a friend or significant other? Do you listen to full sized headphones outside in the real world?
Jun 29, 2009 at 6:59 AM Post #3 of 22
There isn't one? I'm just sharing a listening experience? Is that all you could think of though, is if I had a question or not, did you even read what I wrote or watch the videos of us having fun listening to music in the wild?

Just feels like you totally missed the point of the post, it's an appreciation of having fun and enjoying music thread, as there are many that are paired with certain types of gear, why not just as a real-world thing, plus you get to see the headphones on real people instead of just on a desk or on the internet, gives you a feel for what they actually look like.

I guess if there has to be a question, is it that you guys have any similar stories? Share your gear and admiration of music with a friend or significant other? Do you listen to full sized headphones outside in the real world?

Maybe this would be better suited for membership general discussion, but since it involved full sized headphones and was a good example of what they're actually like to use outside, I put it here.
Jun 29, 2009 at 7:20 AM Post #4 of 22
That's good to hear that. Normally, I barely saw people around Bellevue with good headphones. Once I rid a bus and found one guy with a pair of SR325i and he looked back at me since I wore ESW9.

and that's about it.
Jun 29, 2009 at 7:59 AM Post #7 of 22
I'm so jealous. I dragged my girlfriend to Can Jam and she proceeded to sit in the lobby and talked on the phone for 4 hours... It appears that when you wear the k1000, you don't have to see how silly you look.
Jun 29, 2009 at 8:58 AM Post #8 of 22
Great post! Seemed liked you guys had a blast listening to those headphones. It looked really calm and relaxing. I got my girlfriend to at least adore my headphone collection about two years ago when she put on my HD595s for the first time
Jun 29, 2009 at 10:10 PM Post #10 of 22
I'd love to have this moved to the member's lounge now, thanks for the great replies, I wouldn't want to bother Jude with a thread move though, who else could I PM about it?
Jun 30, 2009 at 8:54 AM Post #13 of 22

Originally Posted by Nick 214 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This may get more hits if it was moved to the 'Lounge.


This may get more hits if it were titled "Hot girl listens to big headphones.. with tongue action."

Cool video and accompanying story, I never got my wife to listen for an extended period of time. I have recently bought a Zune to share with her.. perhaps I'll replace her cheap buds with some Turbines or X10s and see if she notices any difference.
Jun 30, 2009 at 7:38 PM Post #14 of 22
Got all the pictures from my girlfriend and a lot of them are wallpaper quality a others could use some touchup, would be cool to see some head-fi photohop gurus take on some of the pictures. Always good to have new headphone walls!
Jun 30, 2009 at 8:05 PM Post #15 of 22

Originally Posted by Optional /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Got all the pictures from my girlfriend and a lot of them are wallpaper quality a others could use some touchup, would be cool to see some head-fi photohop gurus take on some of the pictures.

Post a few of them online

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