Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread
Mar 24, 2022 at 12:09 PM Post #6,362 of 8,096
Andrew hand-delivered my bird to my apartment when I lived in nyc…literally the only downside of moving to Miami.
Mar 26, 2022 at 10:53 AM Post #6,364 of 8,096
After nearly 2 months without the Traillii, I did not even imagine how much I would enjoy having it back.
Definitely my preferred IEMs. Perfect to enjoy the N8ii.
Glad to be back here!
Mar 26, 2022 at 6:41 PM Post #6,365 of 8,096

Mar 26, 2022 at 11:52 PM Post #6,366 of 8,096
what are your thoughts about rs6 + c9 vs n8ii for traillii?

Looks like I can get more versatile use out of the c9 with my desktop, and take it with me and my rs6 when I’m on the go. But if n8ii sound is overall better might opt for that. I think it has a desktop dac mode?
Mar 27, 2022 at 9:39 AM Post #6,367 of 8,096
I am going one of two ways with my Traillii, its either up for SALE HERE or I might look at changing the cable as the stock one keeps slipping off the top of my ear and its pretty annoying. To counter that, I have used a twist wire to pull it tighter around my neck and in doing so, pull the cable down on my ears more. That I have to use a 2 pence bit of wire to make a $6K headphone wearable is a source of amusement for many of my colleagues :)
Mar 27, 2022 at 11:10 AM Post #6,368 of 8,096
I am going one of two ways with my Traillii, its either up for SALE HERE or I might look at changing the cable as the stock one keeps slipping off the top of my ear and its pretty annoying. To counter that, I have used a twist wire to pull it tighter around my neck and in doing so, pull the cable down on my ears more. That I have to use a 2 pence bit of wire to make a $6K headphone wearable is a source of amusement for many of my colleagues :)
Sorry to hear you are having this issue. No sweat, we are all a bit different. If there were no cable, does the Traillii sit well and solid in your ear? If not, you need different tips. I use AzlaSednaEarfit shorts. These should provide a stronger bass and fit comfortably and securely. There are many others to also try.

The Traillii comes with either PW Audio’s 1960’s cable or their First Times. Both are some of the top cables available, though a bit thicker than the norm. You should be able to bend the cable around the back of your ear to make it secure. If this is for some reason not possible, Effect Audio cables should be lighter and hopefully work for you.
Mar 29, 2022 at 5:35 PM Post #6,370 of 8,096
This is fun.

Mass Kobo WM1Z traillii.jpg
Mar 30, 2022 at 10:48 AM Post #6,372 of 8,096
Interesting - had never come across Mass Kobo before
I hadn't either until I accidently found an eBay listing based on an EA Horus search. Just received it a couple days ago. Limited info floating around the interwebs but seems like they make top tier gear.
Mar 30, 2022 at 7:18 PM Post #6,374 of 8,096
I posted this on the Watercolor thread in response to a question. I thought I would cross post it here as it pertains to a review of the Traillii and Orpheus cable. Tks.

Several pages back someone asked about the best IEM set up (IEM and Cable) under $10K as they were attending CanJam Singapore and wanted to create a recommended short list. I thought I would post my reply in a bit of a story ahead of a review I have been working on.

At CanJam NY I compared a number of the top IEMs to my Traillii. I wanted to see if there truly were new IEM’s that equaled or even topped it in my opinion. Some have said it while others have disagreed, but few have done the comparisons while in possession of the competitors at the same time (Cost and Availability being a big reason). What I found were that the 64 Audio IEM’s, Empire, Noble and VE IEMs still did not match the almost perfect timbre and overall sound quality of the Traillii. For example, some Empire IEM’s can produce more bass on a recording (EVO, Odin, Legend), but the bass is not of the same quality (as tight or detailed). And then the mids and treble I felt were superior on the Traillii. That is not to say I did not like these IEM’s, I liked them very much, but I wanted to see which is at the top of the mountain in my opinion. (Now I did not get to listen to the FIR Audio IEM’s. I always miss some things and I was spending allot of time with HP’s).

My feeling was there are now 3 top IEM’s: The Aroma Jewel, the UM Red Halo, and the Traillii. These 3 I felt to be above the rest in sound quality. Of these 3 in my short audition, I felt the Traillii had the edge on the Jewel, and the Red Halo had the edge in the vocals, and maybe even overall. These 3 were so close in fact, that I felt I would not sell one to own the other.

Then I was able to hear my Traillii attached to the First Times and Orpheus cables (my Traillii has the 1960’s). I was not impressed with the First Times as compared to the 1960’s on my Traillii. Nothing stood out as immediately improved. The Orpheus, however, was different. I immediately heard both a more powerful and deeper bass while still every bit as detailed as before. In addition, I felt the mids and treble gained a bit of “body.” The bass, mids and treble were also slightly smoothed, yet details increased. I also compared RH with Orpheus and it did not scale as the Traillii did while connected to the Orpheus. In my mind, the Traillii was still the king of the mountain when connected to the Orpheus.

Since the show I was able to work out a deal and purchased the PW Orpheus cable. I wanted to see if the differences I heard were true: Would I hear the same improvement at home when comparing to the 1960’s across different genres of music in a relaxed environment. I am still working on the comparisons, however the answer to this question is already a resounding “Yes.” The Orpheus cable endows the Traillii with a deeper and more powerful bass, a smoothing of the mids and treble, and no loss of detail. In fact, it is more detailed. If you are going to the show, I highly recommend you find a way to demo the Traillii with the Orpheus cable.

I will provide below a few examples from some of the notes I have been taking while working on a review if you wish to continue reading.

Listening to “AWOL, “Sun Daddy” and “System Empire” by Opiuo the bass on the Traillii hits like a sledge in comparison to the 1960’s. In fact, it is so powerful, it equals or exceeds my Fourte which has a DD for the bass, while also being more detailed. Below are some notes I wrote while comparing the 1960’s to the Orpheus on “AWOL:”

This track is about the bass.

Orpheus: at 0.35 the Bass hits like a sledge. Hard and deep. Not muddy either. Excellent. When the vocals come in (what little there are) they are clear. Bass hits are well centered.

1960’s: at 0.35 the bass is still good, but less hard. If you will, it makes the EDM sound electronic. On the Orpheus it somehow sounds more “realistic.” Now some might prefer this tighter, but lighter bass sound. There is a depth and detail to the bass that the 1960’s cannot produce though on the Orpheus with no loss of mids detail.

For example, at 2:30 some lower-level details come in. They are clearer on the Orpheus. I figured no way that could happen as the 1960’s lighter presentation would highlight them better. That was not the case. The Traillii actually has a different character on this cut with the Orpheus.

On Holst The Planets – Zubin Mehta – “Jupiter” - I wrote the following notes:

Orpheus: Bass in opening is strong. Trumpet is clear and on point. As the melody moves forward you can still clearly hear the trumpet on the right.
At 1:40 when it becomes more powerful, and the violins kick in and then later the horn section everything is clear and easy to hear and the tambourine as well.
AT 2:45 it gets a bit quiet, and background is quiet.
The main theme at 3:00 sounds grand.
At 5:00 the low-level details are very clear and at 5:24 the symbol hit shimmers.
AT 6:42 the triangle is clear and pure. You can still hear it slightly at 7:05.
Tuba at 7:15 and 7:21 is deep.
Crescendo at the end is clear and not congested.

On 1960’s also great. Not allot of difference early on. Bass drums might be crisper at times, but not as powerful…but close. I do like the sound of the main theme at 3:00 better on the Orpheus. At times there might almost be a touch of congestion to me with the 1960’s, but not on the Orpheus.

Triangle also pure at 6:42 but sounded a bit better on the Orpheus. More body to even the triangle. Tuba and deep bass were significantly better with the Orpheus than the 1960’s and the Crescendo was not as powerful as on Orpheus. I felt like, in comparison, the crescendo had a polished sheen on the Orpheus. Again, significantly better.

On Chuck Mangione – Feels So Good – I took the following notes:

Wow! Sounds fabulous on Traillii with Orpheus. Chuck’s Flugelhorn has great tone. Drums hit with punch and are a strong part of the mix. Not overdone, keeping the rhythm going. Timbre excellent.

On 1960’s sometimes the drum hits have less oomph. Just not as strong as they should be.
At 4:20 in for example there is some drumming that does not sound as crisp as it should on the 1960’s. There is a drum riff at 4:23 that is especially soft. On the Orpheus it picks up some extra body as does the rest of the drumming. It is a more realistic presentation when connected to the Orpheus. On this track a definite difference in favor of the Orpheus.

On Disturbed – “The Sound of Silence” – I wrote the following:

On this track the Orpheus adds a touch of warmth and body to the vocals. As the bass is more powerful, the song is more impactful. I think it brings the vocals a bit more forward, but the slight timbre enhancement is undeniable. A powerful song becoming even more so. And little details in the arrangement seem more evident

All of this said, the 1960’s cable also has its advantages being a bit crisper and tighter in the bass with a little lighter timbre overall. However, the Orpheus cable has an undeniable synergy with the Traillii. I highly recommend an audition.
Mar 30, 2022 at 8:36 PM Post #6,375 of 8,096
I posted this on the Watercolor thread in response to a question. I thought I would cross post it here as it pertains to a review of the Traillii and Orpheus cable. Tks.

Several pages back someone asked about the best IEM set up (IEM and Cable) under $10K as they were attending CanJam Singapore and wanted to create a recommended short list. I thought I would post my reply in a bit of a story ahead of a review I have been working on.

At CanJam NY I compared a number of the top IEMs to my Traillii. I wanted to see if there truly were new IEM’s that equaled or even topped it in my opinion. Some have said it while others have disagreed, but few have done the comparisons while in possession of the competitors at the same time (Cost and Availability being a big reason). What I found were that the 64 Audio IEM’s, Empire, Noble and VE IEMs still did not match the almost perfect timbre and overall sound quality of the Traillii. For example, some Empire IEM’s can produce more bass on a recording (EVO, Odin, Legend), but the bass is not of the same quality (as tight or detailed). And then the mids and treble I felt were superior on the Traillii. That is not to say I did not like these IEM’s, I liked them very much, but I wanted to see which is at the top of the mountain in my opinion. (Now I did not get to listen to the FIR Audio IEM’s. I always miss some things and I was spending allot of time with HP’s).

My feeling was there are now 3 top IEM’s: The Aroma Jewel, the UM Red Halo, and the Traillii. These 3 I felt to be above the rest in sound quality. Of these 3 in my short audition, I felt the Traillii had the edge on the Jewel, and the Red Halo had the edge in the vocals, and maybe even overall. These 3 were so close in fact, that I felt I would not sell one to own the other.

Then I was able to hear my Traillii attached to the First Times and Orpheus cables (my Traillii has the 1960’s). I was not impressed with the First Times as compared to the 1960’s on my Traillii. Nothing stood out as immediately improved. The Orpheus, however, was different. I immediately heard both a more powerful and deeper bass while still every bit as detailed as before. In addition, I felt the mids and treble gained a bit of “body.” The bass, mids and treble were also slightly smoothed, yet details increased. I also compared RH with Orpheus and it did not scale as the Traillii did while connected to the Orpheus. In my mind, the Traillii was still the king of the mountain when connected to the Orpheus.

Since the show I was able to work out a deal and purchased the PW Orpheus cable. I wanted to see if the differences I heard were true: Would I hear the same improvement at home when comparing to the 1960’s across different genres of music in a relaxed environment. I am still working on the comparisons, however the answer to this question is already a resounding “Yes.” The Orpheus cable endows the Traillii with a deeper and more powerful bass, a smoothing of the mids and treble, and no loss of detail. In fact, it is more detailed. If you are going to the show, I highly recommend you find a way to demo the Traillii with the Orpheus cable.

I will provide below a few examples from some of the notes I have been taking while working on a review if you wish to continue reading.

Listening to “AWOL, “Sun Daddy” and “System Empire” by Opiuo the bass on the Traillii hits like a sledge in comparison to the 1960’s. In fact, it is so powerful, it equals or exceeds my Fourte which has a DD for the bass, while also being more detailed. Below are some notes I wrote while comparing the 1960’s to the Orpheus on “AWOL:”

This track is about the bass.

Orpheus: at 0.35 the Bass hits like a sledge. Hard and deep. Not muddy either. Excellent. When the vocals come in (what little there are) they are clear. Bass hits are well centered.

1960’s: at 0.35 the bass is still good, but less hard. If you will, it makes the EDM sound electronic. On the Orpheus it somehow sounds more “realistic.” Now some might prefer this tighter, but lighter bass sound. There is a depth and detail to the bass that the 1960’s cannot produce though on the Orpheus with no loss of mids detail.

For example, at 2:30 some lower-level details come in. They are clearer on the Orpheus. I figured no way that could happen as the 1960’s lighter presentation would highlight them better. That was not the case. The Traillii actually has a different character on this cut with the Orpheus.

On Holst The Planets – Zubin Mehta – “Jupiter” - I wrote the following notes:

Orpheus: Bass in opening is strong. Trumpet is clear and on point. As the melody moves forward you can still clearly hear the trumpet on the right.
At 1:40 when it becomes more powerful, and the violins kick in and then later the horn section everything is clear and easy to hear and the tambourine as well.
AT 2:45 it gets a bit quiet, and background is quiet.
The main theme at 3:00 sounds grand.
At 5:00 the low-level details are very clear and at 5:24 the symbol hit shimmers.
AT 6:42 the triangle is clear and pure. You can still hear it slightly at 7:05.
Tuba at 7:15 and 7:21 is deep.
Crescendo at the end is clear and not congested.

On 1960’s also great. Not allot of difference early on. Bass drums might be crisper at times, but not as powerful…but close. I do like the sound of the main theme at 3:00 better on the Orpheus. At times there might almost be a touch of congestion to me with the 1960’s, but not on the Orpheus.

Triangle also pure at 6:42 but sounded a bit better on the Orpheus. More body to even the triangle. Tuba and deep bass were significantly better with the Orpheus than the 1960’s and the Crescendo was not as powerful as on Orpheus. I felt like, in comparison, the crescendo had a polished sheen on the Orpheus. Again, significantly better.

On Chuck Mangione – Feels So Good – I took the following notes:

Wow! Sounds fabulous on Traillii with Orpheus. Chuck’s Flugelhorn has great tone. Drums hit with punch and are a strong part of the mix. Not overdone, keeping the rhythm going. Timbre excellent.

On 1960’s sometimes the drum hits have less oomph. Just not as strong as they should be.
At 4:20 in for example there is some drumming that does not sound as crisp as it should on the 1960’s. There is a drum riff at 4:23 that is especially soft. On the Orpheus it picks up some extra body as does the rest of the drumming. It is a more realistic presentation when connected to the Orpheus. On this track a definite difference in favor of the Orpheus.

On Disturbed – “The Sound of Silence” – I wrote the following:

On this track the Orpheus adds a touch of warmth and body to the vocals. As the bass is more powerful, the song is more impactful. I think it brings the vocals a bit more forward, but the slight timbre enhancement is undeniable. A powerful song becoming even more so. And little details in the arrangement seem more evident

All of this said, the 1960’s cable also has its advantages being a bit crisper and tighter in the bass with a little lighter timbre overall. However, the Orpheus cable has an undeniable synergy with the Traillii. I highly recommend an audition.
Would really love to try Orpheus, and may someday at a CanJam. Oh, but the price, the price! To demo it, I'd feel like the actresses who wear Harry Winston jewelry, on loan, to the Academy Awards. It would probably feel quite painful to return it.

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