Ordered My Glite !!!
Dec 25, 2005 at 3:12 AM Post #16 of 38

Originally Posted by Krause
HAHA... My I dont think my wife cares enough to investigate things. She thinks that headphones cost about $30.00 bucks for the good ones. When I got my first hd-280s it was an upgrade from a pair of koss that had fallen apart. I told her "there not quite as good as my old ones but they will have to do" HAHA she knew how much the old ones were and figured the new ones must be less expensive because she had never heard of the name Sennheiser.

She Thinks the pa2v2 is an extra in line volume control. And I never have both the 555s and 650s on my desk at one time. That is why the 555s stay in my portable bag almost all the time. She just doesnt come in my computer room enough to notice and doesnt pay enough attetion to whats on my head to notice the differences. At least I hope not :p

She would murder me if she found out that I spent so much on audio equipment this last month. But I gave her over $300.00 for shopping this week for christmas. So that will keep her occupied and not worried about how much I spend on audio equipment until it looks like it might be outpacing her shopping :p

Is there any teams that have to do with this covert-ops type headphone addiction ?

Well I have to tell you I started laughing out loud when I read your post! My wife has no idea what all these gadgets are... and so far she hasn't noticed that my "one" set of headphones sometimes has black earpieces (the Grado SR80's) and sometimes has gold ones (the SR325i's)... and no idea what headphone amps are. They're just little toy boxes with a small light on them. Anyway, just had to post a reply to someone in the same club. I just bought some Sennheiser HD-580's and am waiting for them to arrive but in the meantime am trying to figure out how to explain how sometimes the headband of my "one" headphone has this hard to pronounce name on the top and sometimes it is blank.
Jan 7, 2006 at 9:33 PM Post #17 of 38
hehe. I missed the reply on this one. But I have the 1212m now and its fully installed running flawlessly. But I only have getto rat shack connects at the moment. I am currently running my 650s directly from a 2x rca with 1/4 female. With two ratshack adapters for rca -> 1/4 male. I am waiting on my bluejeanscables to come in. I sure hope they sound better as the high end gets distorted really easy coming strait from the 1212m. I also figure the glite might clean that up. It also just might be the cables.

And 10 minutes ago I got a call from work saying that my glite was in. So I will be posting later tonight some time my first impressions of the glite/1212m/hd650 combo. I also have to figure out why my new volume control looks so much better than my old pa2v2.

Team Ninja Upgrade Unite.
Jan 7, 2006 at 10:54 PM Post #19 of 38
Krause, what is the hold up? It's been dark here for 10 mimutes.

Jan 8, 2006 at 8:24 AM Post #20 of 38
C'mon dude....try with all your might to pry yourself away from this new setup and let me know the dirty details..suspense is killing me Krause

I'm jamming to my Lite with 225's thru the computer as I type this post.I'm still amazed with this killer little amp.It will be better as soon as I receive the dps ! I wish I did'nt jump the gun on purchasing the Audigy 4 but my family was in hysterics with no sound.
Jan 8, 2006 at 9:57 AM Post #21 of 38
I honestly just got home and plugged it in. I had some buddies who basically pulled my arm to play poker with them and then my bro wanted to have a heart to heart until 3:30. I am still waiting on my IC's from Blue Jeans Cables so I went out to bestbuy and bought some Advanced Research shielded rca cables and still using the ridiculous 1/4->rca direct adapters. I Couldn't bare to use just any old cable around the house.

Well needless to say about 30 mins ago I hooked it all up and sat down for a listen until god knows when. Prolly when my wife wakes up and beats me over the head.

Shhhh!!! I think I hear her coming :p

Ok well I am a complete noob here and don't have much experience reviewing or listening to high end audio equipment, but I will have to say this. I am very close to deleting this site from my favorites and running for my life after just 30 mins of listening to my 1212m -> Glite -> HD-650 combo. This is absolutely incredible. I am astonished at what this little amp can do. I simply cannot believe that I can crank this thing up to full volume and hear absolutely no distortion what so ever. No white noise No hiss No nothing but silence where there is silence and crisp clear music. I usually listen to 4 or 5 songs as soon as I introduce a new piece of equipment to my system. And mind you this is all pre-burn in and with my ghetto ratshack hook up.

1. I listened to ACDC live -> Hells Bells & For those about to rock

Simply amazing. The sound stage is wondrous very well spread out. The guitar is so crisp and clear its amazing. If someone can hear a senn. veil I think they need to have there ears cleaned out like I did last month.

2. Jayz the black album -> encore

I know I am a nerd for listening to rap through my $900 setup but I still love to hear bass and I will tell you what. After I put a little equalizer into my patchmix dsp program and cranked up the low end a little bit it was like I was in the back of my old mazda protege with my two 12s bumping behind me. Aside from not feeling the bass on my chest it was absolutely awesome how good it sounded coming from headphones. Again I was impressed by the lack of distortion even with how hard I was driving the cans. Far beyond normal listening levels.

3. The first half of Gustav Mahler's symphony number 4

Ridiculous is all I have to say. I have everything in patchmix zeroed out which still has the peak meter at nearly red levels, and I can still turn the glite all the way up with no background noise or hiss. Its sounds as though I am in the concert hall with the symphony. I really cant comment on the soundstage as I don't have a whole lot of experience with symphonies Although I will say it sounds very well spread out I just don't know exactly where placement should be so I don't know just how accurate it is. I don't want to change the song but I will because there is just one more song I always play when testing new equipment.

4. The Chieftains -> I know my love

I have some wacked out music tastes. But this song sounds great also. Not much soundstage as the singer is the main focus of the song. And clearly overpowers the music. Her vocals are so in your face anyone who says this setup is laid back must not have heard it with the 1212 because Its like I am standing within arms reach of her.

All I have to say after close to an hour of listening is WOW!!! I cant believe that headphones can sound any better than this, and other than cables I don't see myself upgrading for a very long time. I might get a portable amp when I receive my iaudio x5l but I wont be changing my computer set up for awhile that is for sure. For the first time since I found this place I believe I am satisfied with my current setup. Now its time to conquer this foobar thing and figure out if hooking my audigy2zs back up will degrade the sound quality of my current setup so I might be able to play games again. Even though in the last month I have not played games but for 2 hours or so due to my new infatuation with music.

I love you guys thanks for helping me find my love for music once again
Jan 8, 2006 at 11:47 AM Post #22 of 38
Congratulations on the new amp.. i've had my headphone rig for a month now and I still have a hard time shutting it off and going to bed.
Jan 8, 2006 at 11:51 AM Post #23 of 38
Ill be ordering mine tomorrow. Justins been very helpful. I cant wait as its my first headphone amp.
Jan 8, 2006 at 8:31 PM Post #24 of 38

Originally Posted by evilgnome
Ill be ordering mine tomorrow. Justins been very helpful. I cant wait as its my first headphone amp.

You wont be sorry that is for sure. It took longer to get here than expected but it was well worth the wait. I am sure you will be very much impressed with the little wonder that is the glite. I will post some pics of my rig some time soon as soon as I can pry myself away from the computer to find that digital camera.
Jan 9, 2006 at 1:07 AM Post #26 of 38
Congrats on the purchase
Lots to love in the G-Lite
Jan 9, 2006 at 1:17 AM Post #28 of 38
The Glite is awesome. I can't see myself buying another amp anytime soon.
Jan 9, 2006 at 9:11 AM Post #30 of 38

Originally Posted by Krause
I cant believe that headphones can sound any better than this, and other than cables I don't see myself upgrading for a very long time. I might get a portable amp when I receive my iaudio x5l but I wont be changing my computer set up for awhile that is for sure. For the first time since I found this place I believe I am satisfied with my current setup. Now its time to conquer this foobar thing and figure out if hooking my audigy2zs back up will degrade the sound quality of my current setup so I might be able to play games again. Even though in the last month I have not played games but for 2 hours or so due to my new infatuation with music.

I love you guys thanks for helping me find my love for music once again

Hey Krause, congrats on your setup. I have a similar setup to you too now! I recently upgraded to a 1212m also and I just got cables today... so i'm running foobar2k -> 1212m -> glite -> hd650... man it is freaking awesome! One flaw to your logic. As long as you are on head-fi, upgradeitis will strike! Next thing on my list is probably a dedicated power supply

And btw I am running my audigy s/pdif out into my 1212m so I can play games and listen to music.

Happy listening

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