oppo pm-3 VS beyerdynamic dt 770 32 Ohm
Nov 24, 2015 at 5:51 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


New Head-Fier
Nov 23, 2015
hey, i want to buy 1 of these but since oppo pm-3 cost way more i wanted to know if the quality difference is huge enough to make it worth it.
the oppo pm-3 also seem more comfotable and generally looking better.
i usually listen to rick metal alternative and indie so a good bass is important
i should also say that in my country the dt 770 cost around 240$ and the oppo pm-3 cost around 600$ (and buying from amazon\ebay wouldnt make it cheaper coz import tax)
so what should i buy?
Nov 25, 2015 at 5:14 AM Post #3 of 10
Let me introduce my self.
After owning over 15+ headphones the oppo pm 3 does it differently sounding great in glory.
As for the bass it has this satisfying deep bass that really goes low when the track calls for it.
What should you buy, i suggest the pm-3 in a quite a big way to a big way they sound glorious.
I find my collection boring unlike the pm-3.
I think the dt 770 and pm 3 are in different leagues tbh.
Good luck on picking the right headphone for you.
They sound really good i would want you to go with pm 3 and not look back, just make sure you get an amp because it really changes the way they sound, out of a sonywalkman they sound ok nothing special, out of my o2 ehp they sound alot better with seperation bass etc really is noticeable.
If you do buy the pm 3 you would of made a good choice over the competition.
People need to hear the pm 3, 2 or 1.
For me it gives a decent sound great sound in spades and the only headphone i am addicted too at the moment.
Nov 25, 2015 at 5:44 AM Post #4 of 10

Let me introduce my self.

After owning over 15+ headphones the oppo pm 3 does it differently sounding great in glory.

As for the bass it has this satisfying deep bass that really goes low when the track calls for it.

What should you buy, i suggest the pm-3 in a quite a big way to a big way they sound glorious.

I find my collection boring unlike the pm-3.

I think the dt 770 and pm 3 are in different leagues tbh.

Good luck on picking the right headphone for you.

They sound really good i would want you to go with pm 3 and not look back, just make sure you get an amp because it really changes the way they sound, out of a sonywalkman they sound ok nothing special, out of my o2 ehp they sound alot better with seperation bass etc really is noticeable.

If you do buy the pm 3 you would of made a good choice over the competition.

People need to hear the pm 3, 2 or 1.

For me it gives a decent sound great sound in spades and the only headphone i am addicted too at the moment.

Thanks a lot but if I'm buying the oppo pm-3 it will be without an amp since it's expensive.
So should I still get the oppo pm-3 over dt 770(32 Ohm)? I'll use both without an amp
Nov 25, 2015 at 5:50 AM Post #5 of 10
Well i would save up to get a cheap amp/dac at the very least.
Because without an amp i would have to recommend the dt 770.. the pm 3 won't shine fully without an amp dac.. i think the dt770 would cope better than pm 3 soundwise.
Yeah dt 770 with amp dac because you have money left over.
Nov 25, 2015 at 6:24 AM Post #6 of 10
Well i would save up to get a cheap amp/dac at the very least.

Because without an amp i would have to recommend the dt 770.. the pm 3 won't shine fully without an amp dac.. i think the dt770 would cope better than pm 3 soundwise.

Yeah dt 770 with amp dac because you have money left over.


And if I get a really cheap amp like fiio e6 should I get the oppo pm-3? Will they sound extremely better then the dt 770 with fiio e6?

Nov 25, 2015 at 7:03 AM Post #7 of 10
Tried to use my fiio e6 but didn't work.
What i could do is buy you a oppo ha 2 portable amp to get the best of oppo pm 3.
Even if the pm 3 sounds meh ok the ha 2 should make them sound alot greater/
Knowing what these sound like on my o2 amp dac the ha 2 should be better.
You would need a decent amp dac to get them sounding great.
You may as well get the oppo pm 3 because i will get you a oppo ha 2 portable amp/dac.
Dec 15, 2015 at 11:00 AM Post #8 of 10
Hi there!
Newcomer on my first post, just hijacking the thread to quickly post my impressions.
Today I spent around two hours A-B testing the PM-3 against the DT770 PRO (80Ω, so expect differences, especially in how small portable devices can handle these compared to the 32Ω), the A900X and my old M50. Thanks to Jaben, in Melbourne to let me play with that stuff for such a long time.
Short version: they sits in a totally different leagues. I drove these from my mobile phone unamped (a Nexus 5) and, while I do agree that it was an unfavorable source for the highest ohmed contender (the Beyers) it was enough to provide a somewhat comparable volume from all the candidates.
HOWEVER, the DT 770 weren't able to keep up the pace. I am nowhere near an audiophile, but I can guarantee you that the difference between the DT 770 and the PM-3 (or the A900X) was perceivable.
I hand picked a few tracks I know pretty well, a mix of Classical (Prokofiev's Dance of Knights, Tartini's Devil's Trill and Chopin's Raindrop), a Skrillex track (Make it Bum Dem) and an Italian one (De Andrè, Un Blasfemo). Especially, and surprisingly, on the last one, the DT 770 showed some limitations, the same suffered by the M50. All of these tracks are in high quality, lossless format (apart from Skrillex track).
In "Un Blasfemo" there are some sections in which the deep voice of the singer mixes with the medium-high trebles and THERE you can see the limitations, simply put in layman's terms, the driver is unable to clearly provide the whole picture and the result is distorted output, very noticeable on the voice.
If you are up for just fun listening from unamped mobile (or low powered) sources, then the DT 770 Pro 32Ω may be a better choice for you (the pleather pads on these will also probably provide you a free bass boost compared to the velour pads on the 80Ω I've tried today).
If you are up to an higher level of details and quality from good sources, then maybe you would be better trying other alternatives (PM-3 included). Keep in mind though that, despite the low reported impedance level and power needed for the PM-3, my Nexus 5 was barely able to push these at medium-high volumes.
I cannot provide direct comparison with the volume output of the DT 770 80Ω, but it was equal or better; I can certainly guarantee you that my old M50 almost shoot my brain out when I kept the same volume I was using to test the PM-3 :)
I am 100% sure that a portable AMP/DAC (like an E17 or similar maybe, to stay in the "affordable" realm) would have improved considerably the experience I had both with the DT770 and the PM-3 today.
If more impressions are needed, just let me know. I am currently losing hours of sleep to digest the differences (and similarities) between A900X and PM-3...so I may have more inputs for you should you have specific questions.
To eventual more experienced readers, forgive my lack of terminology and probably a few grammar errors here and there...I'm here to learn! :)
May 20, 2016 at 3:26 AM Post #9 of 10
Thanks for your input!
Newbie here too. I currently own a pair of old M50 and a newly acquired HD600. Waiting for my Schiit stack to arrive. 
I am eyeing for an closed back full sized headphone since M50 is just super uncomfortable for me (ears touching driver)..so currently I am also considering the dt 770 and PM-3.
Obviously they are not in the same price range, especially considering I can get the dt 770 for around $120 right now (80 OHM). Been researching on both models, and my biggest concern is that quite a few respected reviewers were saying that the PM-3 is lacking in the treble department, making it boring and less airy. On the other hand, from what I have heard has great bass, slightly recessed mids and highs are relatively sharp with some siblance sometimes.
I wonder what's your or anyone else's opinion on the treble for these two cans? And what would be your recommendation here?
Also, how different is the sound b/w DT 770 and M50? Is there a good enough reason to get the DT770 if I have a M50, if we are only talking about sound here not comfort?
May 20, 2016 at 3:54 AM Post #10 of 10
well actually i have to say i dont know oppo is famous in  foreign nations
 maybe i was a little bit backward as a earbuds seller in china

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