Ok, I'm going to lose it.
Mar 13, 2004 at 6:20 AM Post #16 of 46

Originally posted by Welly Wu
the fluctuations in the US Census clearly demonstrate that the very makeup of America may change SAE to include greater cultural and ethnic diversity...

i'll try to not make this a flame but what are you talking about? standard american english is a standard by which people hope to communicate clearly and competently. furthermore it's kind of a b.s. standard since different people are going to judge you by your words as they fit into their understanding, not some standard written down in a book. regardless of whatever rich cultural heritage you want to claim behind the origins of ebonics or 1337 speak or such vernacular, if you use them on a job application, i doubt you'll get very far.

and if someone use that 1337 stuff in here on a regular basis, i think it's a very reasonable assesment that such a poster is probably young, immature, and relatively incognizant to the realities of life.
Mar 13, 2004 at 6:26 AM Post #17 of 46

Originally posted by usc goose
that's the first i've heard of that. that's a really good idea. the same should go for people who use "teh" and "pron" for "the" and "****" too.

i must be getting old...

Some people actually use "teh" and "pron" or "pr0n" on purpose. "teh" is a common typo, so you can't really punish people for that, but some use it JeffK style to be humorous ("Oh noes teh l33t haxors will haxor my computar!"). "pron" could be a typo but could also be used to evade profanity filters on some boards. Everybody knows what you mean, but the filter won't catch it. I generally agree about the "How RU2 doing l8ly?" stuff. One of the #linux channels has an autokick with a couple minute ban for kthxbye type stuff. It is kind of hard to take someone seriously when they can't be bothered to type out actual WORDS. About the lowest I stoop is an occasional "tho" here and there
Mar 13, 2004 at 6:48 AM Post #18 of 46

Originally posted by Welly Wu
In my humble opinion, the fluctuations in the US Census clearly demonstrate that the very makeup of America may change SAE to include greater cultural and ethnic diversity within the syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, and lexicon of the language as spoken and written in various regions of American culture and society. Please, let's not try not to sound elitist and clench to outmoded conventions and traditions of SAE (circa 1950s - 1980s) as linguistic data and research proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that doing so is becoming ever more irrelevant in increasingly complex co-cultures that define contemporary American culture and society. No flames...aaaaaiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggghhhhhhhhhtttttt tttttt yo?!

Welly, since you are clearly a very well-read and knowledgeable English speaker with a formidable vocabulary, the only logical conclusion at which one can cogently arrive is that you're joking. Or that you're a complete moron. (I'm guessing you're joking)

The English language is a complex and beautiful thing. I am in no way opposed to the usage of informality or slang. I find both to be enriching and valid applications of English. But blatant disregard to both the language itself -- and more importantly, to the reader ("u," "ur," and its likeminded lingual abortions are the textual equivalent of spitting in a listener's face) are abhorrent and should not be tolerated. Self-absorbed analphabets who can't be bothered to type a few extra characters here and there are not worthy of rational discourse.

- Chris
Mar 13, 2004 at 7:03 AM Post #19 of 46
This Alex guy is out of his mind. Do they have restraining orders in Canada? If this deal doesn't work out to his satisfaction, you might have to get one.

As far as your conduct goes Trevor, you have done nothing wrong, and it is really nice of you to go to the trouble of getting the original receipt for this idiot. Regardless of whether you are able to get the original receipt, once you determine that he has the stock cable, I think you can safely wash your hands of this transaction. Don't refund his money under any circumstances, as this was obviously his fault.

He'll probably leave you negative feedback, but you can leave a response and link to this thread. I doubt anyone will blame you for this guy's ineptitude.
Mar 13, 2004 at 7:10 AM Post #20 of 46

I understand what you are saying. It is truly a double edged sword. On one hand, you are judged by others for a multitude of things. Hence, speak and write "properly." I try to do so even in Head-Fi. On the other hand, my background in Linguistics is interjecting here. Either way, I defer to SAE with strangers as my own policy and will do so in Head-Fi meets. I kind of knew that my last post would lead to this but it is very much cool that we can opine without too many consequences.
Mar 13, 2004 at 7:11 AM Post #21 of 46
I think Trevor is in the right here. In fact, I think he is owed more money. However, the situation is tense and difficult enough. Hopefully, he will find some good in even this seemingly dismal situation. I will keep him in my thoughts.
Mar 13, 2004 at 7:18 AM Post #22 of 46
Just to let the forum know, I am still committed to completing this transaction successfully. It seems that Alex understands not to call me incessanntly, and that he has misunderstood certain points. I'm going to be in contact with Stefan AudioArt as soon as I can be to get some information regarding a repair of the cable. I am also told by my family that the original cable is on its way. In Alex's defense he does not have a strong grasp of the English language, thus his "script kiddie speak" here on the forum. I think he means well, but the language barrier may have overwhelmed him; thus his seemingly irrational behaviour after the fact.

I appreciate the support of the forum, and would like to thank you all for the kind words. I'll update in the next few days when this has all been sorted.

Mar 13, 2004 at 7:21 AM Post #23 of 46
Personally, I think you've gone WELL out of your way to help this guy - in fact you've gone too far out of your way, and he has yet to show anything resembling gratitude or patience (or a high school education, for that matter...).

Drop him. Cease communications, and if he starts in with the messages, leave him one stating that a restraining order has been placed. You shouldn't have to deal with all this for his stupidity.
Mar 13, 2004 at 7:22 AM Post #24 of 46

I certainly hope that you DO reach an amicable resolution to this problem. I will keep you in my thoughts. That's what we are supposed to do as a tight knit community.
Mar 13, 2004 at 7:25 AM Post #25 of 46
Welly --

I see where you're coming from in your original post - while it looks like complete nonsense to those not "in the loop." to a certain subculture it makes perfect sense and has a somewhat logical foundation. Here it is seen as immaturity, though it's certainly augmented by the circumstances. I think it's safe to say that most here would have a conniption fit if anyone ever wrote a feature headphone review in 1337 speak. ^_^
Mar 13, 2004 at 7:59 AM Post #26 of 46
man what a loser.

.....i dunno. ...i guess in america i would just get a restraining order or something against the guy. then he can be put in jail for harrasing you.

and if the judge knows anything about audio, he'd also sentence him to life without headphones. the guy's just too dumb to handle his wires. dumbass. unbelievable.

personally, i don't like stefan audioart stuff. but they are extremely well built. if the guy broke it like that... man... hopefully someday he decides to be an electrician... and puts himself out of his own misery.
Mar 13, 2004 at 10:09 AM Post #27 of 46

The English language is a complex and beautiful thing.


Minya, I hate to break it to you, but English is one of the most difficult languages to learn because it is so non-standard.

There is nothing beautiful about it really, it's very large in terms of number of words and thats about it.

Go online and find some examples of "Ye Olde English" and realize that one of the peculiarities of English and ANY language is that it changes and morphs over time. Conjunctions are actually a somewhat new development in the English language. They were slang methods of speech, now, they are official methods of speech.

Ever ask yourself why we have rules like this one for vowels: a,e,i,o,u, and sometimes y, (and in rarer cases w).

i before e except after c, and of course except in "vein","sleigh", "freight", "eight" etc.

The English language is a hodge-podge, any clear thinking logical minded individual should be completely thrown for a loop if they are trying to use rules rather than memorization to understand the language.

Pretending the rules of language never change is foolish. They will change. If people use "your" as if it means, "your", and "you're", then it will eventually mean both.

And you can definately expect things like the internet to affect language, for better or for worse. God only knows, perhaps in the year 2050 the Oxford dictionary will list "teh" as an alternative, sarcastic or insulting use of the word "the". Stranger things have happened.
Mar 13, 2004 at 10:47 AM Post #28 of 46

Originally posted by strohmie
I think it's safe to say that most here would have a conniption fit if anyone ever wrote a feature headphone review in 1337 speak. ^_^

Is that a challenge??
Mar 13, 2004 at 11:03 AM Post #29 of 46
Wow. That would take quite a bit of effort to break the cable THAT badly!
That's a really painful sight..

Trevor, good luck man. I've dealt with idiots before but man, this takes the cake..
Mar 13, 2004 at 12:08 PM Post #30 of 46

Originally posted by dabeststax
There is nothing beautiful about it really, it's very large in terms of number of words and thats about it.

I concur. And its sad to see words like "d'oh" and "bling-bling" added to the "respected"
Oxford dictionary.

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