OK - I am officially no longer interested in the Sony CD3000
Jun 26, 2006 at 9:22 PM Post #31 of 43
IMO compared to the other AT woodies and A900LTDs that I own, yes the W1000 does sound a bit thin in the mids and bass. The A900LTDs to me has a more balanced and fuller sound than the W1000s.
Jun 26, 2006 at 9:55 PM Post #32 of 43
Ok, you have a A900LTD for 700$ if you want it...I have an extra one.

My primary one is now "balanced" for the Lavry DA10 balanced XLR output and burning in.


Originally Posted by spraggih
Alright guys you've just driven up the costs of the A900LTD to $700 bucks!

It's cool to know there are other options (K340, W1000 and 900LTD). Although I have heard the W1000s are a bit thin. Is this the case?

Jun 26, 2006 at 10:00 PM Post #33 of 43
I really don't care for what those headphile mods do to the sound. Pure CD3K all the way ^_^

That eBay price is exorbitant :p
Jun 27, 2006 at 3:07 AM Post #34 of 43

Originally Posted by slwiser
Ok, you have a A900LTD for 700$ if you want it...I have an extra one.

My primary one is now "balanced" for the Lavry DA10 balanced XLR output and burning in.

It never hurts to make an honest buck.
Jun 27, 2006 at 3:21 AM Post #35 of 43

Originally Posted by warubozu
Anyone in their right state of mind would never pay anywhere near that closing price...

function Right_Stand_of_Mind (Headfi_Status)

if Headfi_Status = FALSE then
return TRUE
else if Headfi_Status = TRUE and current_Wallet > preHeadfi_Wallet then
return TRUE

// Wow - that was much harder to write than should have been
// I have not coded in over 10 yrs

// Plus the code is very inefficient - basically the function is
// return NOT Headfi_Status or currentWallet > preHeadfi_Wallet
Jun 27, 2006 at 12:25 PM Post #38 of 43

Originally Posted by Carl
It's a simple question folks; if the CD3000 and the W5000 were the same price, which would you buy?

Ebay is a crazy place.

I will make a poll of this.
Jun 27, 2006 at 1:09 PM Post #39 of 43

Originally Posted by jpelg
K340's don't leak any more sound out than CD3000's, and possibly less.

Both leak a very little bit, but should still be considered 'closed cans' for all intents & purposes.

For whatever it may be worth:

I thought the K340s were fully closed cans. When I received my pair, I had to replace the elastics. In order to do that, I had to take a few parts off that exposed the backs of each of the ear cups. I was surprised to see that the cups are not fully sealed. There is a hole in the back of each of the cups about the size of a quarter.

Although they are not a fully closed/sealed set of phones, they have very minimal sound leakage and they do a decent job of muffling/attenuating sound from the outside world. If I didn't see the openings in the backs of the earcups with my own eyes, I would have gone on thinking that they were a fully closed set of headphones.

So technically they aren't closed cans, but for 'all intents & purposes' I can understand why most would indeed consider them as closed cans.
Jul 17, 2006 at 1:28 AM Post #40 of 43
I GOT MY HANDS on a pair so I have to come correct and change the title!
Jul 23, 2006 at 1:28 PM Post #42 of 43

Originally Posted by Dachink
how are u liking them right now?

I like them - so far two key things:

1) I do not think they will replace my 701s but a bery good complement to them as the 701s lack the PRAT for some music from the 1970s and some slow music. But the 701s sound much more refined and have better soundstage.

2) I need much more time with them. The 701s are still in my head and I am comparing the two instead of enjoying and understanding the CD3K sound signature.

3) They are really cool in terms of details, PRAT and very little leaking.
Aug 16, 2006 at 5:24 PM Post #43 of 43

Originally Posted by Disiskurt
According to philodox, who is arguably 'the guy' when it comes to the K340, they are open. I always get confused when people keep saying that they're closed, it's kind of irritating because if they were actually closed I would definitely consider pursuing a pair.

Hmmm... when did I say that? When stock, I would say that the K340's are 'mostly closed' and when modded they are 'pretty much completely closed' as far as the physical construction is concerned. What I might have said is that they sound like open headphones. I had Peter McAlister [a tube amp designer] over a couple weeks back and after listening to my K340's and a pair of HD650's, he thought that the HD650's were closed and the K340's were open.

Isolation seems to be what you are really concerned with, and they do provide great isolation. Certainly not as much as the K271S, but close. More than the K81DJ I would say.

Disclaimer: These headphones are very hard to drive. If you need to ask if your amp is good enough... then it probably isn't.

- The Guy

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