Official 2016 SF Head-Fi Meet, July 16, 2016, Wikia HQ
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Jun 2, 2016 at 4:18 PM Post #166 of 458
Wow, ok....??

Any way...

Delta says 41 days till I can check-in. :D

Seriously. I didn't get the message above you at all, as I didn't say anything bad about anyone - just said it is nice to meet everyone, everywhere.

Anyways, it will be nice to see everyone who can make it! :beerchug:
Jun 2, 2016 at 4:57 PM Post #167 of 458
I apologize if anyone was offended by my comments.  My last comment about it being nice to see was meant to infer that it's good to see women involved in what is usually only an entirely male hobby.  Though I understand why Mediahound woud have thought otherwise with my comments that preceded it.  Sorry.
Jun 2, 2016 at 6:33 PM Post #168 of 458
My wife isn't interested in high end audio as a hobby but she does like the sound and look of our stereo! I took her along to make the final decision on my new main speakers last summer. She actually has better hearing than I do. After listening to several pairs we got to the Harbeth SHL5+ speakers and she basically said "that's the one, pay the man, let's go home". LOL I honestly envy any guy whose girl friend or wife would enjoy the hobby with him. Another cool thing to do together. So if I look at a gal at a head fi meet I'm not checking her out, rather I'm thinking how cool is that!
I can't think of a better place for attracting gals to the event than San Francisco itself. Check out some gear, do a little shopping, eat at a fantastic restaurant, hmmm. I promise I'll invite my wife! She needs to spend some time with an A&K Jr...
Funny story, at the SoCal CanJam I bought a pair of 64 Audio U6's and later won a pair of Cardas A8's. When I told my wife (who spent the day at Disneyland) she said "great, then you won't be needing them both". She seems to really like her Cardas earphones :wink:
Let's make this the year we turn someone new on to high end audio. I'm going to buy a bunch of Monk+ earbuds from Massdrop right now and give them to anyone I know who shows the slightest interest. Thanks for the tip moedawg140.
Jun 3, 2016 at 7:55 AM Post #170 of 458
  My wife isn't interested in high end audio as a hobby but she does like the sound and look of our stereo! I took her along to make the final decision on my new main speakers last summer. She actually has better hearing than I do. After listening to several pairs we got to the Harbeth SHL5+ speakers and she basically said "that's the one, pay the man, let's go home". LOL I honestly envy any guy whose girl friend or wife would enjoy the hobby with him. Another cool thing to do together. So if I look at a gal at a head fi meet I'm not checking her out, rather I'm thinking how cool is that!
I can't think of a better place for attracting gals to the event than San Francisco itself. Check out some gear, do a little shopping, eat at a fantastic restaurant, hmmm. I promise I'll invite my wife! She needs to spend some time with an A&K Jr...
Funny story, at the SoCal CanJam I bought a pair of 64 Audio U6's and later won a pair of Cardas A8's. When I told my wife (who spent the day at Disneyland) she said "great, then you won't be needing them both". She seems to really like her Cardas earphones :wink:
Let's make this the year we turn someone new on to high end audio. I'm going to buy a bunch of Monk+ earbuds from Massdrop right now and give them to anyone I know who shows the slightest interest. Thanks for the tip moedawg140.

I agree with you, and it's awesome your wife has great discernable ears!  My wife is very good with naming artists and bands when she listens to songs, much better than me, and has pretty discernible ears as well.  It's also fun to add her in time to time with my reviews because she isn't an audiophile, but knows good music when she hears it!
It was so nice to meet a very nice couple at CanJam London as they listened to some of my headphones, and one of the courteous ladies gave me a bobble-head Queen!  I thought that was the sweetest little but nice gift!
As for the Monk Plus, I thought it would be kinda cool if all the QP1R owners (and everyone on Head-Fi that reads this, if interested) just get a couple or more to give to friends.  Also it would be something common that we all can talk about (positive or not-so-positive), and ways to maybe even improve the product (even though there is the Asura and Zen available).  I haven't even heard it myself to tell you the truth.  For $4.99, why not?  Even if I don't like it, I can have a couple of my loved ones listen to it, and if they are blown away, I can simply say: "It's yours!"  What a nice gesture to someone you like and/or love, you know?  

Jun 3, 2016 at 10:49 AM Post #171 of 458
To get this thread back on topic, can we get some word what the deal is going to be with member tables? I'm still not at all clear whether or not member rigs are going to be a big part of this meet or if it's going to be a Can-Jam like trade show.

My most pressing questions at this time:

How many tables are going to be available for member rigs?

Will member tables be interspersed among the MOTs or is there going to be a separate member room?

Will there be a sign-up for the member tables or is this going to be first-come, first-served?

If we could get some response from the meet organizers it would be much appreciated.
Jun 3, 2016 at 1:07 PM Post #172 of 458
Jun 3, 2016 at 1:08 PM Post #173 of 458
To get this thread back on topic, can we get some word what the deal is going to be with member tables? I'm still not at all clear whether or not member rigs are going to be a big part of this meet or if it's going to be a Can-Jam like trade show.

Great idea! As mentioned in the first post in this thread, this meet will have both member and exhibitor tables. Although this event is not a trade show like CanJam, there will be exhibitor presence similar to the last couple SF meets at the Doubletree hotel. Please send me a PM to reserve space and if you need more info.
Jun 3, 2016 at 1:09 PM Post #175 of 458
Jun 3, 2016 at 2:33 PM Post #177 of 458
Will the eventbrite registration open until around July 2? I prefer to pay for the tickets then.
Jun 3, 2016 at 11:35 PM Post #180 of 458
I'm still not at all clear whether or not member rigs are going to be a big part of this meet or if it's going to be a Can-Jam like trade show.

Has anyone gotten an answer to this question? Last year's meet seemed to be 90% trade show, 10% member rigs. Feel free to disagree :p
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