O2 vs Asgard
Sep 3, 2012 at 11:51 PM Post #16 of 39
When I turn the Asgard on, it doesn't make a peep until ~10 seconds when it makes a little popping sound. I think this is when the relay kicks in.
HOWEVER, every time I turn the amp off, it makes a popping sound which is pretty audible through the headphones. Is this sound potentially damaging?
Edit: I plugged my AKG K240 in and exposed the driver. 10 seconds after I turned on the amp, I saw the driver "jump" slightly like in the following video:
Granted, it didn't ripple as much as the K702 in the video, but it was still pretty visible. When I turned the amp off, the driver jumped again. I'm not sure if the relay would still allow this?

Should be leaving the amp on 24/7. The only reason I turn any audio off, is if I'm not coming home for more than a day.

Leaving on 24/7...that's a joke, right? Unless my central heating system blows out one day, I don't see a reason to leave it on all day. 
Sep 4, 2012 at 12:43 AM Post #17 of 39
Leaving on 24/7...that's a joke, right? Unless my central heating system blows out one day, I don't see a reason to leave it on all day. 

No joke, Amp will sound better if left on, and will last longer.
Sep 4, 2012 at 1:36 AM Post #18 of 39
@ Mr TOm. I wasn't repeating forum dribble anymore than I said I was repeating forum dribble. I pretty much stated that I was repeating forum dribble at the top of my post.
Dude asked if the Asgard was unsafe for his headphones.... At present day, if he orders it direct off the shelf.... the answer is NO...It isn't.
They've installed a relay to eliminate the deformation that was happening back last year. Considering its one of the most divisive and hot tempered issues on these forums.... I felt it important to qualify that I both respect NWAVGuy and the products that Schiit puts out.... largely to try to head off snarky little comments from people with an emotional response or something to prove.....
As far as whether or not the Asgard is "warm" which he asked if it was.... my own personal impression from hearing it is that it isn't... It is a relatively powerful amp and therefore can move through frequencies and volumes with confidence.... It doesn't distort or clip or break up on the edges when you start pushing the limits.... which to me makes is smooth.... I would classify most Class A amps as smooth because they are generally thoroughbreds with ample juice.
My point is that when you look for an amp.... you look at what you need. Like if you're going to be using it strictly at your office, or home you probably would appreciate the more powerful Asgard.... if you want to be able to throw it in your bag and take it with you to say a coffee shop, a hotel on the road or wherever.... then maybe the O2 has more value with it's battery, and built in DAC.
You start looking at amps as having 31 different flavors..... then things start to get really slippery.... not to mention I just haven't seen it.... Solid state speaking.... I only see amps with sufficient power, or insufficient power... I don't hear Nichicon Gold caps.... I don't hear Cardas solder.... It either has enough power or it doesn't.... so if you know both amps can push enough current into the AKG 701 load.... then use something a little more useful for your gauge to make your decision with.
That's all I was saying.... and to answer your question.... No I haven't heard the O2... but then again, I never commented on whether it lwas warm, linear or anything else.... largely because I have never heard warmth or linearity.... so I don't really believe in all that.
But by all means keep burning those caps in 24/7
Sep 4, 2012 at 2:26 AM Post #19 of 39
@ Mr TOm. I wasn't repeating forum dribble anymore than I said I was repeating forum dribble. I pretty much stated that I was repeating forum dribble at the top of my post.
Dude asked if the Asgard was unsafe for his headphones.... At present day, if he orders it direct off the shelf.... the answer is NO...It isn't.
They've installed a relay to eliminate the deformation that was happening back last year. Considering its one of the most divisive and hot tempered issues on these forums.... I felt it important to qualify that I both respect NWAVGuy and the products that Schiit puts out.... largely to try to head off snarky little comments from people with an emotional response or something to prove.....
As far as whether or not the Asgard is "warm" which he asked if it was.... my own personal impression from hearing it is that it isn't... It is a relatively powerful amp and therefore can move through frequencies and volumes with confidence.... It doesn't distort or clip or break up on the edges when you start pushing the limits.... which to me makes is smooth.... I would classify most Class A amps as smooth because they are generally thoroughbreds with ample juice.
My point is that when you look for an amp.... you look at what you need. Like if you're going to be using it strictly at your office, or home you probably would appreciate the more powerful Asgard.... if you want to be able to throw it in your bag and take it with you to say a coffee shop, a hotel on the road or wherever.... then maybe the O2 has more value with it's battery, and built in DAC.
You start looking at amps as having 31 different flavors..... then things start to get really slippery.... not to mention I just haven't seen it.... Solid state speaking.... I only see amps with sufficient power, or insufficient power... I don't hear Nichicon Gold caps.... I don't hear Cardas solder.... It either has enough power or it doesn't.... so if you know both amps can push enough current into the AKG 701 load.... then use something a little more useful for your gauge to make your decision with.
That's all I was saying.... and to answer your question.... No I haven't heard the O2... but then again, I never commented on whether it lwas warm, linear or anything else.... largely because I have never heard warmth or linearity.... so I don't really believe in all that.
But by all means keep burning those caps in 24/7

Well said, I agree. 
Sep 4, 2012 at 6:26 AM Post #20 of 39
No joke, Amp will sound better if left on, and will last longer.

While I agree the amp will sound better with longer warmup up time (if not on all the time), I disagree with the notion that turning it on/off would seemingly wear it out faster.
I'm seeing amps better and better built, and though yes, these are pieces of electronics. their design is implemented very well.
With all that said, you should leave SS on 24/7, IMO. But tube amps should be powered down when not in use. Seemingly common sense, but not exactly. 
Sep 4, 2012 at 11:06 AM Post #21 of 39
But by all means keep burning those caps in 24/7

Caps need replacing every 20 years(+/-5) whether there being used 3 times a day or 24/7. Any good tech will tell you, it's the shock of turn on that wears hard on electronics. But you keep trying to look smart, and post some more BS.
Sep 4, 2012 at 11:09 AM Post #22 of 39
While I agree the amp will sound better with longer warmup up time (if not on all the time), I disagree with the notion that turning it on/off would seemingly wear it out faster.
I'm seeing amps better and better built, and though yes, these are pieces of electronics. their design is implemented very well.
With all that said, you should leave SS on 24/7, IMO. But tube amps should be powered down when not in use. Seemingly common sense, but not exactly. 

Agreed, as the Asgard is SS.
Sep 5, 2012 at 2:50 PM Post #23 of 39
i have no graphs...and u dun wan subjective views...lol
FWIW...had the asgard for a few months...it runs hot. 
The sound is aggressive with great attack...v transparent, if your source or cable is crappy, it will show.

My vote for Asgard. Sold couple of my more expensive amps, Asgard is the only one still in my table. And at the moment it somehow feels that I dont need a new (more expensive) amp. Just the right sound Im looking for with a reasonable price. So buy one, test it, if you dont like it send it back. 
But have to agree with Lorspeaker that Asgard is a little bit picky with source devices.
Sep 6, 2012 at 1:37 AM Post #24 of 39
I have the ODAC + O2. I use it with Sennheiser HD650. Pretty sweet combination. 
Also depends on your headphone setup. The HD650 is pretty much the O2s limit. Its easier if I use the ODAC (2V output), the signal doesn't need to be amplified as much, but otherwise, you'll have to use the gain switch on the O2.
So if you have headphones that need a lot of power, the Asgard is the only choice.
Sep 7, 2012 at 6:20 AM Post #26 of 39
Can the O2 be isolated in the O2/ODAC combo unit?

Yes. It still has the analog input jack, and when that is used, the ODAC is automatically disconnected.
Sep 9, 2012 at 5:36 AM Post #27 of 39
So then is there any advantage to buying them separately? The dimensions on the combo unit seem to be the same as the O2 alone. I'm inclined to think that the O2 + ODAC would be better than just the Asgard, but I could be wrong.
Sep 9, 2012 at 12:18 PM Post #28 of 39
The advantage is that you have a standalone DAC and amp. You can pair them with other DACs/Amps if you want to.
The dimensions are same because the O2 originally has space for 9V Ni-Mh batteries, which can be used to put the ODAC PCB. So the ODAC+O2 will not house batteries like the original O2 can.
Sep 10, 2012 at 10:50 AM Post #29 of 39
Nice read.
I'm preparing for a desktop setup that i'll run from my PC, and i've been looking at the Asgaard which seems to deliver at a reasonable price. A few of you mention that the Asgard is picky with it's sources; so my question is. What's the verdict on sourcing from PC/Xonar essense ST  and amping with an Asgard. I'm looking at Hifiman HE-400's for headphones.
Basically, i'm not interested in blowing up the volume too high with this setup.
Thanks in advance!
Sep 10, 2012 at 2:18 PM Post #30 of 39
Didn't hear O2, but asgard is OK with my HE-500 and ver good with K550 and was terrible with Denon D2000 (but IMO they are terrible by itself :) )

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