NY Mets appreciation thread 2007 edition.
Apr 12, 2007 at 3:51 PM Post #31 of 85
Hmm, weird feeling in the ballpark yesterday. The crowd really got on Perez and you could just see his confidence shrink as he was getting deeper and deeper into it. One of my friends even invoked the name Ankiel. It wasn't quite that bad, but it was pretty clear after the 2nd that Willie would have to pull Perez early. I'm hoping it's just a case of an excitable kid getting himself too jacked up to perform in front of the home crowd. Apparently he was wild in the bullpen during warmups as well.

What I found most disturbing was the vibe at Shea. I've been going regularly since the late 70's and it's very clear that it's a different feeling when the Mets are going good. Back in the Doug Flynn days, the crowd was a lot more supportive. Everything was cheaper and the ushers didn't hassle you about moving into better seats after the 3rd inning or so. It was a straight-up Queens-working-class atmosphere -- you cheered for good effort even if the results were mediocre at best. You lost more than you won, but you always had a good time at the ballpark. Now that the team is highly successful, seems like the crowd approaches it with more Yankee-like expectations...win or we'll boo you out of town. Beers are $7.25 (although the far superior Sam Adams draft is $7) and the food is way overpriced ($5 Crackerjacks!?!). I guess this is the price you have to pay for success in the big city these days...
Apr 13, 2007 at 6:17 AM Post #32 of 85

Originally Posted by Jahn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i'm a bad Phillies fan.

isn't that redundant?
Apr 13, 2007 at 9:21 AM Post #33 of 85
Interesting remarks, Rasta. I remember the most recent down-turn during the Mo Vaughn/Burnitz/Alomar 66-win year and I don't really remember too many bad vibes (although there really weren't enough people at the ballpark to know for sure).
I loved going to games during the Art Howe days because good seats were so easy to get.

More recently, the Beltran/Kaz thing was really bad. I was ashamed to be a Met fan when they were all so relentless with Kaz and Carlos. The late 90's and Y2K (the prime Piazza era) was a great time to be a Met fan, that defense was so damn great and the team was full of likeable guys. This team seems similar in terms of likeability (in fact, I think this is my favorite Met team so far as far as personalities go) but there is an edgy impatience right now among the fans that wasn't there even during the high-expectation late 90's.

I was only 5 years old during the Flynn days, so I can't really comment on those days, but I have always loved the Mets for their "underdog" appeal.

It really is a shame that the fans have been so hard on the team.

I thought things would turn around, but your observations make me think not. I think you have a good point about the increasing cost of success. That's why I generally watch at home, rather than go to the stadium. The last game I went to was last year's NLDS. Last season I only went to about 4-5 games when I used to average 10-15.

On a happier note, Glavine recovered from a bad beginning and the bullpen did a good job. Pelfrey's coming to town! I am really looking forward to today's game!

Mets are 6-3 on the year.

Let's go Mets!


Originally Posted by ShaolinRasta /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmm, weird feeling in the ballpark yesterday. The crowd really got on Perez and you could just see his confidence shrink as he was getting deeper and deeper into it. One of my friends even invoked the name Ankiel. It wasn't quite that bad, but it was pretty clear after the 2nd that Willie would have to pull Perez early. I'm hoping it's just a case of an excitable kid getting himself too jacked up to perform in front of the home crowd. Apparently he was wild in the bullpen during warmups as well.

What I found most disturbing was the vibe at Shea. I've been going regularly since the late 70's and it's very clear that it's a different feeling when the Mets are going good. Back in the Doug Flynn days, the crowd was a lot more supportive. Everything was cheaper and the ushers didn't hassle you about moving into better seats after the 3rd inning or so. It was a straight-up Queens-working-class atmosphere -- you cheered for good effort even if the results were mediocre at best. You lost more than you won, but you always had a good time at the ballpark. Now that the team is highly successful, seems like the crowd approaches it with more Yankee-like expectations...win or we'll boo you out of town. Beers are $7.25 (although the far superior Sam Adams draft is $7) and the food is way overpriced ($5 Crackerjacks!?!). I guess this is the price you have to pay for success in the big city these days...

Apr 13, 2007 at 2:39 PM Post #34 of 85

Originally Posted by tjkurita /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Mets are 6-3 on the year.

right where they belong: one game behind my Bravos.
Apr 13, 2007 at 10:43 PM Post #35 of 85

Originally Posted by VicAjax /img/forum/go_quote.gif
right where they belong: one game behind my Bravos.

Man, there's a lot of barkers chiming in on our Mets thread! Go start your own thread, Larry!
Apr 13, 2007 at 11:02 PM Post #36 of 85

Originally Posted by tjkurita /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Man, there's a lot of barkers chiming in on our Mets thread! Go start your own thread, Larry!

i've been to my share of Shea Stadium games, so i know perfectly well where i can and cannot shoot off my mouth.
Apr 15, 2007 at 4:08 PM Post #37 of 85
4/13/07: Pelf struggles in the 2nd, but Franco comes through. Wagner climbs the all-time saves ladder. I'm glad Mike Pelfrey is on this team.

4/14/07: This was a very frustrating game to watch for some reason. I actually stopped watching it about mid way and went back to it later. I will say that I love Endy!

Anyway, I haven't been paying too much attention to the Mets lately because my niece was born two days ago. My mom is visiting and staying at my brother's apt. She said: "You only watch the Mets when they are winning!" I thought that was funny. Actually, I was just not in the mood yesterday. There were a lot more things to worry about.

4/15/07: Happy Jackie Robinson Day! Unfortunately the Mets are rained out. It's too bad. Willie was really looking forward to wearing #42 and he might be missing his chance this year.
Apr 18, 2007 at 10:13 PM Post #38 of 85
Mets crush the Phaltering Phils. Charlie Manuel almost beats up a reporter. Johnny Maine tries to de-rail the Dontrelle Express tonight.

Mets 8-4 on the year.

Let's Go Mets!
Apr 18, 2007 at 10:28 PM Post #39 of 85
Curse you, Phillies!

Oh nevermind, they're already cursed. I'll call it the "Rollins Guarantee Curse." It's hard being a Phillies fan, sigh.
Apr 19, 2007 at 3:51 PM Post #40 of 85
Metsies! Loveley game against the Marlins. Dontrelle really gets knocked around. Reyes has another 4-hit game. How good a year is he going to have? 90+ extra base hits? Maine carries a no-hitter through the 6th.

9-4 on the year.

Let's Go Mets!
Apr 19, 2007 at 7:09 PM Post #41 of 85
Yeah, well, this upcoming series against Atlanta will do a lot to project how this year shakes out. I think the Mets are better than Atlanta, but Atlanta is definitely competetive and a couple key trades or injuries could easily turn the tables.

Also, I can't believe Phila will be as bad over the course of the season as they're looking right now. Solid teams can have a lousy 15 game period like this, there's just came in the first 15 games when it really stands out and after Rollins shot is mouth off. I'd be surprised if they don't play 500 ball.
Apr 20, 2007 at 7:58 PM Post #43 of 85
What a game by El Duque! This team is absolutely dominating right now.

The suffocation of the Braves begins tonight.

10-4, first place.

Mets lead the league in Avg, Slg, Obp, Runs, Hits and ERA.

They have a team avg. above .300!

Let's Go Mets!
Apr 20, 2007 at 8:30 PM Post #44 of 85
El Duque amazes again after coming back from extended rest? I'm thinking it would be interesting when (if?) Martinez comes back to try platooning El Duque's slot in the rotation. Maybe we'd only get 18 starts from him and they'd all be 3-hitters!
Apr 22, 2007 at 12:08 AM Post #45 of 85
braves 1
mets 1

and meanwhile, some Mets fans got arrested for trying to temporarily blind Braves players with a high-powered flashlight during the game yesterday.

Klassy, guys. with a capital K.

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