Numbers,.... Male vs Female HeadFiers?
Dec 11, 2013 at 8:28 PM Post #31 of 121
  I dont think those were Mutabors personal views. I think he was just quoting Schopenhaur and mentioning how he had similar thoughts to proton007 -- but as those quotes from Schopenhaur show, he had an especially sexist view of the world -- something which was not entirely wrong in his time (so I dont think we can blame him). 

I can dig up evidence from other threads here and there, namely the diary thread and movie thread. 
Dec 11, 2013 at 8:32 PM Post #32 of 121
Before quoting Schopenhauer, it would be worthwhile to mention that he was kind of abandoned by his own mother.
That shaped a lot of his views on women.
Dec 11, 2013 at 8:37 PM Post #33 of 121
Yea I was getting to that. Schopenhaur, as with most of the German philosophers from the last century, struggled with immensely negative lives. Thus their work on suffering seems especially pessimistic. But a philosophers way of life is intrinsically tied with his or her life which is why i think philosophy should always be studied with teh biographical context of the philosophers; truly, the interesting part of philosophy is how the conditioning of a person's upbringing changes the way they think and interact about and with their world. ALso, this is why i dont think there is any complete philosophy on living life -- that is a journey that must be discovered by the person living it because to take anothers ideas is to assume you have the same sort of upbringing, lifestyle, challanges, etc. So yea, I think philosophy is relativity at its finest, but the way its thought about makes it objectivity at its epitome. 
Dec 11, 2013 at 8:56 PM Post #37 of 121
I could, but it wouldn't really be a valuable use of my time. Just click on his profile and there should be something that says "all posts". You may have to do some digging.

Haha im sorry ur right but i probably wont -- he seems like an agreeable person to me and i wont judge him without knowing the context of his thoughts :)
Dec 11, 2013 at 8:58 PM Post #38 of 121
I'm not interested in your complaints about other members.

Yea im sorry for prompting this in the first place. Attacking other members wont accomplish much, especially considering that we dont know any of each other as people personally or even the context of our thoughts -- with that in regard, lets not corrupt the animosity the internet gives us.
Dec 11, 2013 at 9:00 PM Post #39 of 121
Well I checked back in and ,...WOW. 95% of posts are very interesting and viewed from many angles. Just what I hoped for.
One thing I must say is that there is some reason why we are male dominated here and it is not because of "threads like this". If we had more females here, rest assured, they would be responding, and would not need any Male member to stick up for them. If there is such a thing as a "Threads like this" do you really think it would keep females away. I guess I give them more credit than that. Oh and by the way, I was trying to figure out what type of HP's my Daughter might like so I asked her if she liked the big thump of base, or open sound or what. It was a very proud day for me because of her response. "Daddy I like clarity". What HeadFi Dad would not like hearing that from their child!
Dec 11, 2013 at 9:06 PM Post #40 of 121
  Well I checked back in and ,...WOW. 95% of posts are very interesting and viewed from many angles. Just what I hoped for.
One thing I must say is that there is some reason why we are male dominated here and it is not because of "threads like this". If we had more females here, rest assured, they would be responding, and would not need any Male member to stick up for them. If there is such a thing as a "Threads like this" do you really think it would keep females away. I guess I give them more credit than that. Oh and by the way, I was trying to figure out what type of HP's my Daughter might like so I asked her if she liked the big thump of base, or open sound or what. It was a very proud day for me because of her response. "Daddy I like clarity". What HeadFi Dad would not like hearing that from their child!

Brought her up well. Round of applause for you, good sir!
Dec 11, 2013 at 9:13 PM Post #41 of 121
  Well I checked back in and ,...WOW. 95% of posts are very interesting and viewed from many angles. Just what I hoped for.
One thing I must say is that there is some reason why we are male dominated here and it is not because of "threads like this". If we had more females here, rest assured, they would be responding, and would not need any Male member to stick up for them. If there is such a thing as a "Threads like this" do you really think it would keep females away. I guess I give them more credit than that. Oh and by the way, I was trying to figure out what type of HP's my Daughter might like so I asked her if she liked the big thump of base, or open sound or what. It was a very proud day for me because of her response. "Daddy I like clarity". What HeadFi Dad would not like hearing that from their child!

Right, my fault. I wrongfully lumped this thread in with the other "how do you hide your new phones from your wife?" threads.
I'm not attacking any members, just pointing out the extremely delusional views of society, psychology, and biology that are being touted in this thread. Armchair science is extremely dangerous. The talk of how evolution has affected women was extremely amusing to me as a biologist.
Dec 11, 2013 at 9:15 PM Post #42 of 121
Right, my fault. I wrongfully lumped this thread in with the other "how do you hide your new phones from your wife?" threads.
I'm not attacking any members, just pointing out the extremely delusional views of society, psychology, and biology that are being touted in this thread. Armchair science is extremely dangerous. The talk of how evolution has affected women was extremely amusing to me as a biologist.

Then do you have comments on Can Junkie's original post? 
Dec 11, 2013 at 9:29 PM Post #43 of 121
eke2k6 said:

Right, my fault. I wrongfully lumped this thread in with the other "how do you hide your new phones from your wife?" threads.

I'm not attacking any members, just pointing out the extremely delusional views of society, psychology, and biology that are being touted in this thread. Armchair science is extremely dangerous. The talk of how evolution has affected women was extremely amusing to me as a biologist.

Seems to me someone's already made up their mind on the issue. If you're here to convert others, well, be my guest.
I'm not concerned if my views sound as delusional. Anything that goes against the social and political correctness of the time is bound to evoke similar reactions. Nowadays its women empowerment, a hundred years ago it was something else.

Dec 11, 2013 at 9:34 PM Post #44 of 121
Oh for the love of.......
Guys, there's enough women on here. The fact of the matter is they usually don't like to reveal their gender because they don't want to put up with online sexual harassment which commonly occurs on many other boards of various descriptions. Geeks are geeks and it doesn't matter if their math geeks or audio geeks. I'm positive if more women on here revealed their true gender the mods would be hard pressed keeping up with complaints from them involving low class sexual charged comments both obvious and veiled being hurled at them in PM and on the boards
Dec 11, 2013 at 9:40 PM Post #45 of 121
  How many times have you put your new set of cans driven buy a nice amp on your Spouses ears , may be your GF, may be even your Daughter, only to hear them say, "that is nice". And you think "What the,..... "(you know what). Lets take a look at how we developed as a species. Way back before all the tech we enjoy today we depended on our senses in a much different way. If you were a Hunter, your sense of hearing was critical to your survival. The difference between  becoming prey instead of predator, in many instances, might be ones ability to not only have good hearing, but the ability to differentiate sounds. The pitch of an animals growl, the sound of the under brush under movement, all can help identify the type of animal. Your chances of not only avoiding a predator, but acquiring prey required significant use of our stereo audio senses to locate sounds. Long story short, everything about your hearing, if your gender was the hunter, was designed to locate and differentiate sounds. You, through evolution, have been tuned to use your hearing in some very specific ways. Any experience that enhances these abilities is naturally welcomed by you. In other words, you are already set up to locate and identify sounds and your body craves any enhancement that may be available in this area. So,...when you are exposed to HeadFi equipment (Audio in general too) which allows you to locate and differentiate sounds better than you can normally do, you naturally like it.
Just thought about this today and it seemed to be logical. Anyway,...what do you think?

I attribute the difference to varying value systems. Women aren't as obsessive about audio quality because they are more focused on the other things that society so aggressively markets to them. Just think about the percentage of goods and services that are pushed into women's faces on a daily basis. It doesn't even just apply to audio. Look at most hobbies in general. They're occupied by men, and I think it's because we're encouraged as a gender to be more explorative. Women, however are pigeon-holed more or less. Go watch the series Mad Men to understand how attitudes were back then.
Us head-fi'ers are also in the minority. Most men out there also don't care about SQ. I had a friend of mine who's a music producer listen to a pair of UE Reference Monitors, and he said he couldn't really differentiate them from my MP 8320 SQ-wise. We been conditioned to value these tiny things as a result of peer influence and personal drive, not because of evolution. An ex-girlfriend of mine is an audiologist. For fun I'd always let her listen to new acquisitions. Of course she heard the differences, but did she care? No. She did love how clear the DT880 was though. It was the only one she actually considered buying for herself.
Sorry for coming off as combative. I'm just hungry I guess 


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