Not Impressed with Grado SR225
Oct 30, 2003 at 11:11 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


New Head-Fier
Sep 27, 2003
Just recieved my SR225's in today and couldnt wait to try them out.So far im not impressed at all.Actually im quite dissapointed with what i hear.
I dont know but after listening to my first pair Senn HD600's the sound im getting from the Grados sound very muffled,and instruments/vocals somewhat distorted to my ears.
Im listening off a my OBH-11.
So far im thinking i might have to trade up to something better for Rock/Alternative music.Gonna give it about a week to see if it gets any better.

Any suggestions?
Oct 30, 2003 at 11:17 PM Post #3 of 22
IMO, Grados have a weird flavoring/coloration to them that can sound kinda synthetic and sorta icky. Unfortunately, this characteristic is shared pretty much up and down the line. A lot of people here do like the Grado house sound, but maybe it's not for you. HD600s are much more "natural" to these ears. What about them made you want to replace them? That will help people make recos.

Also, what source are you using? Maybe someone else can answer if the Creek/Grado combo is a no-no or not.
Oct 30, 2003 at 11:23 PM Post #4 of 22

Originally posted by justbsn2
I dont know but after listening to my first pair Senn HD600's the sound im getting from the Grados sound very muffled,and instruments/vocals somewhat distorted to my ears.

Muffled? Distorted? Grados?

Maybe they need more burn-in. Grados have many faults, but I wouldn't say muffled or distorted are amongst them.

Good luck figuring out the problem!

Oct 30, 2003 at 11:31 PM Post #6 of 22
Yeah, another vote for letting them burn in, and also for you adjusting. The Grados and Senns are different phones. Having heard the HD580's and SR225's back to back, I wouldn't say the Grados were muffled or distorted.
Oct 30, 2003 at 11:34 PM Post #7 of 22

Originally posted by justbsn2
Just recieved my SR225's in today and couldnt wait to try them out.So far im not impressed at all.Actually im quite dissapointed with what i hear.
I dont know but after listening to my first pair Senn HD600's the sound im getting from the Grados sound very muffled,and instruments/vocals somewhat distorted to my ears.
Im listening off a my OBH-11.

The OBH-11 may be having more trouble driving the Grados than the Senns, for one thing. Its effective range is 30 ohms to 300 ohms, and the Grados may be demanding enough current to cause a bit of distortion.

But I think AIM9x is probably closer to the mark... you need to chuck the bowl pads and get some flat pads. Also let the Grados break in awhile.

If none of this works (give them a chance for a week if you can), Grados may not be for you. Sennheiser and Grado fans have traditionally not meshed very well, as the sounds are really about as different as night and day.
Oct 30, 2003 at 11:40 PM Post #8 of 22
you can sell them to me!
Oct 30, 2003 at 11:40 PM Post #9 of 22
Well i guess wht i was hoping to hear was the clarity and crisp sound of the HD600's but not as bright(slightly),and with more pronounced bass.

Is there such a headphone?

I definitely need to let them burn in and hopefully it will only get better.
Oct 30, 2003 at 11:40 PM Post #10 of 22

Originally posted by fewtch
The OBH-11 may be having more trouble driving the Grados than the Senns, for one thing. Its effective range is 30 ohms to 300 ohms, and the Grados may be demanding enough current to cause a bit of distortion.

Grados impedance is lower than the HD600, so it's an easier load for the Creek.
Oct 30, 2003 at 11:46 PM Post #12 of 22

Originally posted by ManiacSmile
Grados impedance is lower than the HD600, so it's an easier load for the Creek.

Lower impedance headphones present a more difficult current load for amps, but an easier "voltage load." Having owned the OBH-11 for awhile, it's clear that it gets plenty loud and has ample voltage swing. I'm not so sure about current, but would have to look into its design.

To be honest, I'm becoming more & more convinced that the Creek OBH-11 is a pleasant sounding, euphonically colored piece of crap. I really hate to say it, because I like the sound of the amp and it really livens up my HD600s -- except that it has way too much of its own "sound" and does not present the music accurately at all. It measures poorly in frequency response (hump in the bass region) and particularly intermod distortion, and appears to have a high output impedance.
Oct 30, 2003 at 11:57 PM Post #13 of 22
You deff have to let them burn in and don't worry :-D. After about 120hours the grado's will be done burning in. So just let them play music for 5 days and your be set
Oct 31, 2003 at 4:30 AM Post #14 of 22

Originally posted by markl
IMO, Grados have a weird flavoring/coloration to them that can sound kinda synthetic and sorta icky. Unfortunately, this characteristic is shared pretty much up and down the line. A lot of people here do like the Grado house sound, but maybe it's not for you. HD600s are much more "natural" to these ears. What about them made you want to replace them? That will help people make recos.

Also, what source are you using? Maybe someone else can answer if the Creek/Grado combo is a no-no or not.

Creek/RS1 combo was pretty bad. *mud* is the word. Creek's warmish tonal balance coupled with inability to control RS1's strong midbass made the whole thing muddy and thick.

change a 'fones to K501, ahh.. muuuuch better.
Oct 31, 2003 at 3:51 PM Post #15 of 22

Originally posted by justbsn2

Im listening off a my OBH-11

Well, there you go. Get a decent amp like the RA-1 and they will sing.

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