Next IEM after VSONIC VSD3?? Recommendations please
Dec 10, 2015 at 11:10 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


New Head-Fier
Jul 1, 2015
Hello all!
First, I have to send thanks to for pointing me in the right direction in my past purchase of the amazing VSONIC VSD3 IEM. 
I've gotten alot of enjoyment out of the VSD3's, they took my mp3's to the next level and gave me a listening experience that I did not think was even possible (vs my old pair of IEM's).
However, as these things tend to go, I'm looking for the next best thing, and I think I would be willing to pay 200-300 USD perhaps for an upgrade to an even better IEM, and MAYBE a custom IEM if possible.
I want to point out that I also have bought and have logged many hours using the Havi B3 Pro-1's, and compared to the VSD3's, I was greatly disappointed by these. In contrast to the "full" sound with great bass presence of the VSD3's, the Havis seemed very very flat and treble dominant. I can't really use them for music and prefer to use them to watch youtube videos, ect. ALSO, I cannot stress how much better the VSD3's fit and they do look better as well lol.
Currently, I'm peeking at the FLC Technology FLC 8S ( and the custom IEM from LEAR ( I love the idea of a custom IEM to the shape of my ear canal, as well as some of the exterior customizable options available... but sound quality and fit are of utmost importance. As well as the bass presence (as I experienced with the VSD3 but not with the Havis), but I have to point out that I'm not a "bass head" at all lol. I like a balanced sound I guess you could say.
Also I could mention that I have one of the model Zune mp3 players that does not have an equalizer (epic fail on Microsoft's part there) and therefore, I may need an adjustable bass option that is featured on IEM's typically within this price range.
Thanks to all and any recommendations ahead of time, like I said, I am peeking at the two before-mentioned models, but other suggestions are more than welcome.
Dec 10, 2015 at 11:19 PM Post #2 of 8
  Hello all!
First, I have to send thanks to for pointing me in the right direction in my past purchase of the amazing VSONIC VSD3 IEM. 
I've gotten alot of enjoyment out of the VSD3's, they took my mp3's to the next level and gave me a listening experience that I did not think was even possible (vs my old pair of IEM's).
However, as these things tend to go, I'm looking for the next best thing, and I think I would be willing to pay 200-300 USD perhaps for an upgrade to an even better IEM, and MAYBE a custom IEM if possible.
I want to point out that I also have bought and have logged many hours using the Havi B3 Pro-1's, and compared to the VSD3's, I was greatly disappointed by these. In contrast to the "full" sound with great bass presence of the VSD3's, the Havis seemed very very flat and treble dominant. I can't really use them for music and prefer to use them to watch youtube videos, ect. ALSO, I cannot stress how much better the VSD3's fit and they do look better as well lol.
Currently, I'm peeking at the FLC Technology FLC 8S ( and the custom IEM from LEAR ( I love the idea of a custom IEM to the shape of my ear canal, as well as some of the exterior customizable options available... but sound quality and fit are of utmost importance. As well as the bass presence (as I experienced with the VSD3 but not with the Havis), but I have to point out that I'm not a "bass head" at all lol. I like a balanced sound I guess you could say.
Also I could mention that I have one of the model Zune mp3 players that does not have an equalizer (epic fail on Microsoft's part there) and therefore, I may need an adjustable bass option that is featured on IEM's typically within this price range.
Thanks to all and any recommendations ahead of time, like I said, I am peeking at the two before-mentioned models, but other suggestions are more than welcome.

Looks like you like a slightly more v-shaped, warm tone. I've personally never owned the Lear customs so I don't know anything about them (even though I'm from HK... shame on me) but I think you can't go wrong with the FLC8S - they have excellent sound quality and a small form factor. Keep in mind though that the straight nozzles and memory wire might not be for everyone - some people have mentioned that it was uncomfortable even though it wasn't a problem for me. 
Hybrids may be your thing - a lot of them are warm in sound signature and generally fits your description. The DN2000J (which a lot of people have compared to the FLC8S) would also be a nice choice. 
Hope that helps! 
Dec 13, 2015 at 8:32 PM Post #3 of 8
Thanks for the reply!
The shape of the memory wire around the ears of the FLC8S's and the straight nozzles do cause me much concern. I wish I could test drive an IEM that expensive before buying it.
Dec 13, 2015 at 11:08 PM Post #4 of 8
  Thanks for the reply!
The shape of the memory wire around the ears of the FLC8S's and the straight nozzles do cause me much concern. I wish I could test drive an IEM that expensive before buying it.

you could look up some reviews on the dunu dn 2000j but i did hear good things about the flc8 and i might buy one sometime in life
Feb 16, 2016 at 10:26 PM Post #5 of 8
Well, I decided to purchase the Audio Technica IM70's (pictured in my avatar now), and I've had them/used them 2 days now. They were in about the price range in which I was comfortable with ($99), and upon initial trial in the gym, I was quite impressed/blown away by the sound. I was hearing "things that I've never heard before", excellent/true separation and soundstage (all the reviews of Havi B3 have them as having a big soundstage, however, I do not think I experienced a true soundstage until the IM70's). However, in the gym at that time, there were not many people and it was quieter than today. These earbuds are "boxy" and do not "plug-in" to my ears like the VSD3's and Havi B3's do... so the IM70's do not block out as much of this outside noise. I was not able to enjoy the sound as much today. And that is a problem. PLUS, I'm really not feeling this memory wire and I much prefer earguides. PLUS, damn these things are uncomfortable... they're shaped like boxes. So I'm not sure about this purchase at this point.
Feb 16, 2016 at 10:30 PM Post #6 of 8
Well, I decided to purchase the Audio Technica IM70's (pictured in my avatar now), and I've had them/used them 2 days now. They were in about the price range in which I was comfortable with ($99), and upon initial trial in the gym, I was quite impressed/blown away by the sound. I was hearing "things that I've never heard before", excellent/true separation and soundstage (all the reviews of Havi B3 have them as having a big soundstage, however, I do not think I experienced a true soundstage until the IM70's). However, in the gym at that time, there were not many people and it was quieter than today. These earbuds are "boxy" and do not "plug-in" to my ears like the VSD3's and Havi B3's do... so the IM70's do not block out as much of this outside noise. I was not able to enjoy the sound as much today. And that is a problem. PLUS, I'm really not feeling this memory wire and I much prefer earguides. PLUS, damn these things are uncomfortable... they're shaped like boxes. So I'm not sure about this purchase at this point.

Maybe you can get some comply foams for isolation?
Feb 16, 2016 at 10:52 PM Post #7 of 8
They came with comply foam tips and I tried them out and liked them even less than the stock tips. It's the design of the body of the earphone that is the problem. It just can't plug-in there very easily. For example, when I am finished with my havi B3's and want to pull them out of my ear, it's almost as if they are suctioned in there with a vacuum seal. No such thing with the IM70's.
Jun 2, 2016 at 3:54 PM Post #8 of 8
Ok, so I've been using the IM70's for 3 months now and I must say that my opinion has changed. They are definitely superior to the Vsonic VSD3 and I enjoy them more. I think that my positive view of these IEM's is due to the fact that I've gotten used to their shape and fit in my ear.

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