newbie requires help akg or beyer?
May 8, 2007 at 7:53 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


New Head-Fier
May 8, 2007
Hi guys (and girls). Until recently I have always enjoyed my music through speakers. I have a good quality seperates system ( Musical Fidelity X-Ray cd, Musical Fidelity A3 dual mono amp (no headphone jack) and Rega Alya speakers.) In the right room and well set up this system was transparent, involving and some times spine tingling. To cut a long story short I have moved house and have severe room mode poblems that have proved (after 5 years of trying) impossible to remedy.
I have decided to go down the headphone route. At the moment I am using Beyerdynamic dt 311 open headphones (bought mid 1990s) via a Rega headphone adapter. The adapter has leads which plug into the speaker outputs of my amp so it is not a stand alone item like a dedicated headphone amp. Despite the fact that this set up is hardly state of the art, it is quite engaging and enjoyable.
I keep thinking about investing in a serious headphone set up but as I'm sure most have discovered, its difficult to find anywhere to get a demo, strangely this is more the case with the more specialist end of the market.
So, whilst I appreciate that sound quality judgements are hugely subjective, I would appreciate some guidance.

I've been lurking on the forum for a while and have come to conclusion that either AKG k 701s or Beyerdynamic DT880s / 990s may fit the bill.

One of the common things said about the Rega Alya speakers I have is that they are lean and lacking in deep bass. What bass there is, however is very fast, agile, tight and well defined. I would like my headphones to have a similar bass sound (hence my interest in the AKGs) I listen to a wide range of music from electronic 80s to Kate Bush, Peter Gabriel, Classical, some acoustic music, Mike Oldfield etc. So I'm looking for a headphone thats pretty neutral.

What I would like most is a headphone that will be involving enough to keep me up until the small hours. Something that will make me smile, get my feet tapping and perhaps even tingle my spine.

I have tried a pair of (much cheaper) Grado SR 60s and to be honest, although they were enjoyable, left me wondering if I can get the sort of sound I want with headphones, to be honest I preferred my Beyers (tighter bass, less strident.)

So, am I on the right lines with the two headphones currently on my short list and more importantly, whats the most suitable of the two for my requirements? I do of course understand that any comments are just opinion but there is no substitute for experience in my book. I will also be looking at amps but I think this post is long enough already!

Thanks in advance for any advice.
May 8, 2007 at 8:25 PM Post #2 of 10
Hmmm.... out your choices, the DT990s 2005 ed. MIGHT be your best best... The K701s sound very much like you described with the speakers, but even though the bass is tight and defined, it does extend LOOOOOW.... BUT, to me, there was no passion\soul to the music.. It didn't readily get my feet tapping , maybe a spine tingling chill here and there.

The DT990s on the other hand are still detailed (not quite as much as the K701s, but close) AND the bass has some weight\body to it.. which gives it that added dimension of passion....musical-ness (word?), so you might find your head shaking and feet tapping faster. But, if you have your heart set on the K701s, you can also get your headshaking and feet tapping with the aid of some spirits! Tequila seemed to do it for me! (that's assuming you're of age!! AHEM!)...anyway...

I didn't mention the DT880s, because they are extremely close to the 990s, but with less bass body...(not as FULL).
May 8, 2007 at 9:18 PM Post #3 of 10

Originally Posted by Morph201 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmmm.... out your choices, the DT990s 2005 ed. MIGHT be your best best... The K701s sound very much like you described with the speakers, but even though the bass is tight and defined, it does extend LOOOOOW.... BUT, to me, there was no passion\soul to the music.. It didn't readily get my feet tapping , maybe a spine tingling chill here and there.

The DT990s on the other hand are still detailed (not quite as much as the K701s, but close) AND the bass has some weight\body to it.. which gives it that added dimension of passion....musical-ness (word?), so you might find your head shaking and feet tapping faster. But, if you have your heart set on the K701s, you can also get your headshaking and feet tapping with the aid of some spirits! Tequila seemed to do it for me! (that's assuming you're of age!! AHEM!)...anyway...

I didn't mention the DT880s, because they are extremely close to the 990s, but with less bass body...(not as FULL).

Yes neither of DT880 and 701 is what is called exiting or fun, more detailed and at to be a little harsh "clinical". Maybe 990 can be something, I myself has just ordered a pair and I did it because of the reputation they have about being fun.
May 8, 2007 at 9:20 PM Post #5 of 10
Thanks Morph201, hadnt thought of alcohol as an upgrade! food for thought, bit concerned about your comments on the lack of passion & soul with the AKGs, thats what musics all about isnt it? Can anyone else enlighten me further?
May 8, 2007 at 9:27 PM Post #6 of 10
I mentioned it in another post... if you're into ANALYZING or transcribing music then the K701s are superb!

If you want to have FUN and still have some details thrown at you then the DT990 2005 ed. is your phone....

Anyone else care to add?
May 8, 2007 at 9:36 PM Post #7 of 10

Originally Posted by Morph201 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I mentioned it in another post... if you're into ANALYZING or transcribing music then the K701s are superb!

If you want to have FUN and still have some details thrown at you then the DT990 2005 ed. is your phone....

Anyone else care to add?

i pretty much agree with above post, however i prefer my K701s hands down to my dt990s. maybe it's just my taste in music. i like to listen to the dt990s with electronic and "bassy" music styles. i like to listen to the K701s with EVERYTHING. properly amped, the K701 bass is only slightly understated. they're both very nice but the way the dt990s handle cymbals bothers me a bit and they can be a bit sibilant at times.
May 8, 2007 at 9:39 PM Post #8 of 10
I'll provide a counterpoint to the first two replies and say that the DT880 or K701 is more appropriate for the kind of sound you're seeking.

The DT990 is most definitely not neutral. It emphasizes the bass and treble, which some people find more "fun" and involving.

The DT880 and K701 are pretty similar. I've only had the K701 for a day, so I can't really give much of a comparative analysis on them yet. First impressions are they're not as comfortable as the Beyers, have deeper bass, and have a crazy soundstage that, frankly, is a little disorienting (prolly takes some getting used to).

I personally love the DT880 and find them very enjoyable. Everybody has different definitions of fun. I find their clarity and extension to be tremendously "fun." I've discovered that I'm more of a mids person, and the DT880 has really lovely mids. Admittedly, I have to use the bass boost on my amp to get it to the sweet spot, but even without it, I reach for it more often than the DT990 that others find more "fun."
May 8, 2007 at 10:51 PM Post #9 of 10
I compared the 880s and 701s and liked the 701s better. The detail with the 880s was good enough you could probably tell what brand of strings the bass player used if you know instruments that well, but once you get past the detail, there wasn't as much "meat" to the sound as the 701s.

Both are good cans and you would probably enjoy either one. Better yet, buy a bunch and compare for yourself.
May 9, 2007 at 12:00 AM Post #10 of 10
hardwired, i love your avatar! it makes me laugh! back to the ops question. my akgs have more depth than any headphone ive ever heard. i really appreciate the soundstage alot. they sound so much like speakers its hard to believe. just be aware that the headband is somewhat fragile, mine broke in 2 months! and customer service is low priority for akg, ive been trying to get a response from them for 5 weeks now. havent heard great things about beyerdynamic customer service but theyre headbands seems a little less fragile.

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