New to hi-fi, looking at HD650s... amp recs?
Oct 5, 2007 at 4:30 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


New Head-Fier
Oct 5, 2007
Hey there,

So I've gotten pretty tired of having a good sized (and often high bitrate) music collection without a single pair of decent headphones. Right now I've basically got one of those cheap Sennheiser headsets, and a pair of decent earbuds from them too. I want something better.

I've been eying the HD650s because they seem to be good quality headphones at a reasonable price. I did notice, however, that at basically every review site I've been to, people say you should get a headphone amp to really enjoy the HD650s.

The 650s will be a bit over 300, so I'd prefer to keep the amp within the $300 range. I can maybe step that up a bit if there is a significant reason to do so (keep in mind I'm fairly new to this, so I don't know if I want or need a $1,000 amp right now), but I'd rather keep it below that mark. I've been looking around Meier-Audio's website, and am considering the Corda Move.

Any recommendations for the HD650? Also, general advice about hi-fi headphone setups is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Oct 5, 2007 at 4:41 PM Post #2 of 12
Get the DV 332 for the HD650's - in the $400 range.

You won't find another amp in that range that will really make the HD650's perform - others require a PSU, which increases the cost to $600+.

Otherwise don't get them - get the Grado SR225, or possibly the HD580's with the HD600 screens.
Oct 5, 2007 at 4:43 PM Post #3 of 12
Welcome. The move is a great amp/dac, the best combo in your budget. You might want to wait for the review of the Leckerton Audio UHA-3. I think somebody might be doing a comparison of these two plus the Ibasso D1. Good luck, keep reading and learning here before you spend too much cash.
Oct 5, 2007 at 11:49 PM Post #4 of 12
If you're not prepared to get yourself a real DAC and Amp you will not be pleased with the HD650s... unless you're into the unrefined sound of MTV / BET (e.g. hip hop car audio) - boomy and muddy. There really isn't much available in that price range, other than the DV 332, that can drive them properly. You'll be far more pleased with some other headphones that aren't as demanding of your set up. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise... unless you're spending their money!
Oct 6, 2007 at 12:51 AM Post #5 of 12
I've gotta say that my Porta Corda MkIII-USB w/ 30 volt PS drives my HD 650 beautifully...or maybe I'm too easy to please.
Oct 6, 2007 at 5:19 AM Post #6 of 12
Thanks for the replies so far. I'll provide some more info and some commentary in the hope that I can narrow my findings somewhat.

As of right now, I'd say I'm fairly overwhelmed by all the info I've come across in my search. I had no idea there was such a big and confusing audio market for headphones. There are sooo many headphone amps, and all seemingly by relatively unknown companies or individuals (ie no one like Onkyo or Kenwood makes a headphone amp), and I'm not sure how to tell how good something is based simply on the product's web page.

So far I've come across dozens of unfamiliar amp names, and in one case someone saying "this is great," then in the next "not nearly good enough." I realize audio is highly subjective, so I don't really know what I can expect to get, but I was just hoping I'd easily find a more definitive answer in my web hunt.

I'd like to, if possible, find a system that works for me with the HD650s. I would like to break into this quality of headphones, and I do realize it may take some dough to do so. I'm not going to go out and drop a grand on an amp for a $330 pair of headphones, because I'm not yet sure this is a hobby/interest I will pursue for many years down the road, and I wouldn't want to get such an expensive amp if it didn't get put to good use with many pairs of headphones.

My ideal price would be somewhere around my initial figure, but it could go higher if need be. How is something like the Gilmore Lite? Does it need that $200 dedicated power supply? I have to think there's at least some option for under 500, and ideally closer to 300, that is good enough to drive these headphones. Maybe not. I have no idea. Just keep in mind that I'm no audiophile at this point like many of you, so even if you perceive a system to be a bit lacking in some regards, I doubt I'd notice it at this point. I'm sure I need at least some amp to go with these headphones, but I'd like to keep it reasonable on my first purchase.
Oct 6, 2007 at 5:47 AM Post #7 of 12
I've heard good things about the Antique Sound Labs MKIII for a tube around $400 (and after months of looking I am seriouslyconsidering buying one. The Eddie Current EC/SS for a solid state (or Xcan V3 for hybrid. All secondhand news though). I'm looking for the same thing you are but for my HD600s. Can't tell 'till you have the amp really, but there are plenty of recommendations on these forums that will give you great sound for the money you are willing to spend. If you don't like it or want something different there is always someone looking for what somebody else has. (And that's an observation, not second hand news!) I haven't heard any bad news about the Antique Sound Labs MG Head MKIII (full name). Someone in the know around these forums has suggested I spend a little more and get a Doge or a Bada, and if I was in the States I likely would because they were on sale the last time I looked. The local shipping in Canada on the ASlabs keeps my coming back to it. Saves me $100 over the Bada and the Doge. Take a look at the 20 home amp round up thread.
Good luck on your choice. From what I have read and heard they all sound great, so you won't be disappointed if you pick one of the ones I have mentioned. At least narrowed it down to three or four for ya!
Oct 6, 2007 at 7:42 AM Post #8 of 12
Thanks for the info. I should also add that my primary audio sources are a iAudio X5L and a laptop with integrated sound (w/ optical out). I'm not sure how the X5L is with headphones like this, but I figure some sort of DAC conversion would probably be good for the laptop. I read the comparison of the D1, Move and UHA-3 by Skylab and he seems to say that while the Move is a great amp, its DAC capabilities are not as good as the D1, but the D1 isn't as good of a standalone amp. Seems like nothing can ever be perfect

I have a Creative DDTS-100 decoder at my disposal, but I seriously doubt that is of any significant quality. Any suggestions on how I should handle my source situation as well as the amp?
Oct 12, 2007 at 5:18 AM Post #10 of 12
Thanks for the suggestions all. After thinking it over for a little while, I decided to bite the bullet and get a Corda Arietta from Meier Audio. Hopefully it'll arrive pretty quickly. Early next week, I will be ordering an EMU DAC to replace my cheap laptop integrated sound, and I will buy the HD650's.

I found them on J&R Computer's site for a pretty good price. Anyone have much experience with that company? They seem OK, but their reviews aren't exactly stellar either. Ideally, anywhere I get the headphones from will have a 30 day return policy so I can test the equipment out fully before deciding to keep everything.
Oct 12, 2007 at 5:29 AM Post #11 of 12
Personally, I prefer B&H Photo. They're in the same price range, same shipping area, and I've had nothing but good luck with them. Gotten a pair of MDR-V900s and HD650s from them.

I'd figure J&R is pretty reputable, though. At least they are on the physical retail market. They have a huge store in New York City that I've always wanted to check out, but alas the last time I was in NYC I wasn't that into 'phones.
Oct 12, 2007 at 5:40 AM Post #12 of 12
Oh no doubt. B&H is a fantastic company. J&R is not as good as them, but they may be OK. The one concern I have with B&H is their return policy: 7 days on audio equipment. That seems pretty short.

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