New set of cans: CD3000, MS2, W1000, sr325, A900, RS-1/2
Jul 19, 2004 at 10:09 PM Post #17 of 25

Originally Posted by Lippy
However, I'd like to complement the 225s with an HP that offers more detail without being strident in the high end (making my ears bleed) or demanding much without a dedicated hp amp (which I will plan to add some day).

i cannot speak for the CD3000, A900 or RS1, as i have not heard them. check my profile for all the cans i've tried.

here's what i think about the rest; i've started them with a direct comprison to your 225s so you have something easy to reference to:

Grado SR-325 - if you want strident highs, go here. far more highs than the sr225. much less midbass than the sr225. tons of detail. a far more 'exciting' sound.
easily driven ampless.

Alessandro MS-2 - tamer highs than the sr325. a slightly wider soundstage, slightly drier mids (ie detail is clearer) and more low bass. think a more mellow and musical sr325. easily driven ampless. i own this phone, and enjoy it immensely.

Grado RS-2 - a completely different flavour from the 225/325/ms2. more soundstage than the prestige line grados. much much much less low end than the 225. more highs than the 225, but less than the 325/ms2. sounds somewhat coloured in a strange smearing way to me - less air around instruments. the sound takes time to grow on you. easily driven ampless.

AT W1000 - not worth the asking price imo. a hollow sort of sound. a honky midrange and not extended well in either direction. it makes music sound lifeless too. can barely be driven ampless satisfactorily. the w100 is far better (if you can find it
) - it sounds surprisingly grado-ish (upfront, rich mids, slamming bass, very energetic highs) and can be driven ampless too.

hope this helps. as usual all disclaimers apply - everything here is imo and ymmv. grados were all listened to with flats.

[size=xx-small]EDIT: 800th post! i swear i spend too much time around here..
Jul 20, 2004 at 12:07 AM Post #18 of 25
All high and mid range headphones are probably overpriced. It can't possible cost them so much to make these things. I think it must be mainly marketing and product differentiation. The HD 650 for instance probably costs the same to manufacter as the HD 580, or maybe slightly more. How can the HD 555 be so much cheaper that the 595 when they are basically the same, manufacturing-wise? Other brands are just as guilty.
Jul 20, 2004 at 12:18 AM Post #20 of 25

Originally Posted by md01
To say that cd3k are overpriced is simply not true considering that the top of grado is much more expensive.

I dont think that it is out of line saying that these are both overpriced headphones... hell, I think that my AKG K271 Studio should have been a little cheaper
Jul 20, 2004 at 12:26 AM Post #21 of 25

Originally Posted by commando
You're paying for the R&D.

Partly, but I don't think the R&D is evenly distributed enough throughtout the range. I mean the HD 595 could have cost not that much more to develop than the HD 555, for instance.
Jul 20, 2004 at 12:43 AM Post #22 of 25

I wasn't saying no to the cd3k because it needs an amp. I was saying no to the cd3k because it's a over priced pos bright as hell headphone with no mid range.

I will step in b/f Sov. If you have the right setup for CD3K, the high and midrange can be very good. I am speaking based my experience, and I have used CD3K over 2 years. I also own the SR-325, and I think it is superior sounding to the SR-225. To me, SR-325 is a slightly brighter SR-225 with
very good bass response.


If you hate treble energy, you might want to stay away from SR-325 and Sony CD-3K (both are brighter than your SR-225). Your best bet is try to get an amp, and check out Senn HD-580. For approximately 250 dollars (HD-580 + amp), you will be in for an awesome sounding experience.

I have had the bigger brother of the A900, A1000 and A100ti, and I don't think they are 90 to 95% of the stock CD3K. The ATs are a nice cans with good isolation, but the thick and very colored midrange is definitely not for me. The A1000 and A100ti are more neutral than both the SR-325 and CD3K.
Jul 20, 2004 at 12:47 AM Post #23 of 25

Originally Posted by 3lusiv3
Partly, but I don't think the R&D is evenly distributed enough throughtout the range. I mean the HD 595 could have cost not that much more to develop than the HD 555, for instance.

Remember the 90/10 rule (which i've modified a bit) - making the sound 10% better can sometimes take 90% of the time/money.
Jul 24, 2004 at 3:58 PM Post #24 of 25
Thanks for all of the input.

I'm leaning heavily towards the MS-2.

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