New guy with iPod setup Q
Mar 27, 2005 at 11:57 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


100+ Head-Fier
Mar 27, 2005
Sydney, Australia

My iPod headphones are starting to break, well one of them anwyay; cracks like u wouldn't believe with any sort of bass.

SO then i started looking around and found this and some other sites, and now feel a tad ashamed to have ever used the iPod phones :p (buds i suppose).

So i'm interesting in upgrading a bit; i have 40gb iPod and am probably looking at earbuds b/c i usually use it whilst travelling; so i wnat protability and i dont konw if i'm keen on full phones just yet.

I have been looking around (i'm in australia btw...but i can get stuff on ebay) and i think that these headphones look ok:
Shure; e2c and e3
Sennheiser; PX100 (but by the sounds of it they leak to much and dont isolate great) and PX 200
Etymotic: Er6 or Er6i

I'm thining that the e3's are probs out of my range, but my general q is what headphones woudl u all recommend. Do any of them NEED a headphone amp, i will probably get one anyway down teh track a bit (such as this: ebay). What exactly do heaphones amps do, and i've read around but as far as i can tell, simple cmoy type amps just increase the 'power' behind the headphones. And i presume that this allows the speakers to work better, because they have sufficient power?

I"m sorry if all this has been asked before, and i'm sure it has, but looking all ove the joint, there is info everywhere and i've been reading up, but asking mihgt help me a tad more.

Mar 28, 2005 at 12:07 AM Post #2 of 11
None of those headphones need an amp.

Shure E2c's are good and cheap, they're bass heavy and not as detailed at the ety's. but some like their sound (however most agree that they need an EQ to reach teir ful potential and your ipod lacks a sufficient one) however on the same not the ety's are clearer and sharper

I personally own the e2c and love how the chord goes over the ear

hope this helped

EDIT: for more information about headphone amps i found the thred "undersatnding Gain" in the DIY section very informative, maby you can check it out. also when purchasing canalphones keep in mind that they are not suited for intense movement (due to microphonics) and it can be hazardous to use them while on the street (you wont be able to hear oncoming traffic or someone shouting your name)
Mar 28, 2005 at 12:18 AM Post #3 of 11
First of, welcome to Head-fi. Sorry about your wallet.


Originally Posted by alucrep
My iPod headphones are starting to break, well one of them anwyay; cracks like u wouldn't believe with any sort of bass.

So did mine a long time ago. It's actually a shame since I've given the rest of my stock buds away and they're the only ones left for exercise


I have been looking around (I'm in australia btw...but i can get stuff on ebay)

Have you checked the For Sale / Trade Forums on this board? If you're gonna buy used get it there.


Shure; e2c and e3
Sennheiser; PX100 (but by the sounds of it they leak to much and dont isolate great) and PX 200
Etymotic: Er6 or Er6i

I'd go for either Shure or Ety's. They are quite comfy when you get used to them and you won't look like a dork in public.
I have the e3c and are very happy with them. As I haven't heard the others I'm not in a position where I can advice you on that, but you should definitely check the featured review section. It's a subforum to the headphone forum.
There was a thread a couple of days ago with a deal on the e3c for just over USD 100. Do a search or go a couple of pages back.
Note, for exercise these aren't the top. When I use isolating 'phones for running I'll hear my steps through the 'phones.


Do any of them NEED a headphone amp, i will probably get one anyway down teh track a bit (such as this: ebay). What exactly do heaphones amps do, and i've read around but as far as i can tell, simple cmoy type amps just increase the 'power' behind the headphones.

Definitely not. With my iPod and e3c I use like 1/4-1/3 of the volume slider. These phones are easy to drive and made for portable use. Furthermore, a amp adds bulk -- it would annoy me carry extra stuff around, but it may not bother you. Again, if you are to buy am amp look at Head-fi rather than eBay. We do have plenty of builders, and there's even a dedicated amp-for-sale forum. If you got soldering skills you can make one on your own. v
Mar 28, 2005 at 12:28 AM Post #4 of 11
I'm in the ER-6i camp.....I love their detailed sound! I also have the E2C, but find them bit too rolled off in the high end. This however, can be a benefit with poorly recorded music or music that is ripped at less than optimal bit-rates.
My main objection to the E2C, however, is they simply do not fit my ears comfortably and I cannot maintain a good seal, no matter which size tips I use. The 3-flanged tips of the Etys fit my ear canals like a glove.
The PX-200 is a nice portable 'phone, but it's obviously a different design than canal 'phones, and it doesn't have the detailed sound of the Etys. The bass, however, is more visceral than the Etys. It does, however, isolate quite a bit and does not leak much sound.
Another 'phone you might want to consider is the Sharp MD-33S......a canal 'phone that does not go very far in the canal, is very light and comfy, has a fairly well-balanced sound, with an emphasis on details. I can wear them for hours without realizing they are there. The only drawback, for me, is the microphonics of the cord, which is worse than the ER6i.
All of these observations are based on fairly long term usage with various iPods, unamped, as I try to keep the form factor of my portable gear as small as possible.
BTW, Welcome to Head-Fi, alucrep.
Mar 28, 2005 at 1:38 AM Post #5 of 11
Thanks for that guys, i think i am liking the sound of the Ety's. I listen to rock; chilis, incubus, silverchair, u2, etc. And like a good balance, but i am not after a headphone that has huge amoutns of bass, i dont think.

Thanks again, keep it coming :p

Mar 28, 2005 at 2:43 AM Post #6 of 11

Originally Posted by alucrep
Thanks for that guys, i think i am liking the sound of the Ety's. I listen to rock; chilis, incubus, silverchair, u2, etc. And like a good balance, but i am not after a headphone that has huge amoutns of bass, i dont think.

Thanks again, keep it coming :p


None of these canal phones have good bass IMO, your sacraficing alot of bass response if you go with the e3c, i havent heard the e2c but i hear that they have a little more bass than the e3c (but the bass isnt as good) Its pretty much the consensus that the ety's have even less bass than the e3c. For just pure sound quality the px series kicks the canal phones across town bass quality wise, just because of the nature of canal phones. It should be said that the px200's are very hard to fit and get a good seal, and with out that seal you will have no bass. But if you can get that magic seal they are a great can. The px100's are your best bet if you dont need isolation, and dont mind some leakage (its not that much leakage though). The px100's are just a great phone all across the spectrum, they are a warm can with some good bass response and thud. But if you do need the isolation i would stay clear of the ety's given your taste in music. The e3's or e2c's will be good if you dont mind a canal phone that lacks in bass a bit. The e3's are said to have rolled highs but i think they have some exceptional clarity because of their isolation. All in all you will end up sacraficing sound quality for the isolation and portability of the e3c. If you dont mind waiting a couple of months you can wait till the e4's come out, they are supposed to sound great compared to the e3c and they're even white for you ipod owners.
as for us non ipod owners i hope there is a black or grey version of the e4.

PS. im a recently spoiled bass head with my HD-280's
Mar 28, 2005 at 3:10 AM Post #7 of 11
Awesome cyclone, i'm going to ask a newb Q tho (love it :p)...what does "rolled off" mean exactly....sad that i dont know, i even play guitar and have done music at school.

By the sounds of it the PX100 are pretty good for ur standard phone, which is good. Is the seal the same for them as the px200..i guess it is from what i've read on them. I will consider that. My only problem with the e4 will be price i'd say. But we'll see. The e3c doesn't sound too bad. Although maybe the e2c is the go for me at the moment ( i can get some other ones later on in life when money and desire arises :p)
Mar 28, 2005 at 8:40 AM Post #9 of 11

Originally Posted by alucrep

By the sounds of it the PX100 are pretty good for ur standard phone, which is good. Is the seal the same for them as the px200..i guess it is from what i've read on them. I will consider that.

The PX100s have no seal, ie no isolation at all from outside noise. You won't leak a lot of sound with these particular cans, but you'll hear pretty much everything around you. They're extremely comfortable and lightweight, and produce very enjoyable sound as mentioned above.
Mar 28, 2005 at 10:37 AM Post #10 of 11
Ok, i think i'll be going with the e2c for the moment. This is based on price; they aren't THAT expensive, and as my first phone up from the crappy iPod buds, i think they wound ok. I think i would prefer to have buds/canal phones over the px series, for one thing because of the isolation. i would be using them on the bus/train and sometimes on an aeroplane. Although you say they high end is rolled off a bit, you add that this is ok for some songs that aren't of 'high' quality. I wouldn't say that my music collection is all high quality most of it being 128 kbps, although some of it probably isn't this either.

Any further advice is welcome....i wont be buying just yet...thanks again guys

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