New Abyss planar magnetic headphone
May 19, 2013 at 11:05 AM Post #181 of 547
I suppose I'm wondering about the minds at work that come into the headphone hobby, introducing themselves with a halo product (and rather arrogantly, I might add). With headphones, the things that attract me the most, aside from SQ, are company experience, aesthetics, and comfort. I have no idea if these are comfortable, but the first two are serious concerns. For this price, these should trump everything out there in every conceivable way, and I don't believe they do.
May 19, 2013 at 1:02 PM Post #182 of 547
Originally Posted by MuppetFace /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yes, that's what I was saying. You seemed to imply that the new Floats were a failure because they weren't meeting the HD800's pricepoint, or at least that's how I read your response. I responded by saying they're two very different niche markets, despite both being high-end audiophilia. Your language of "killing the Floats" suggested this.

I gather I should be less implicit:wink:  Dispassionately viewed, as a business model ie: centre for generating profit with a view to expanding a business, the Floats are a failure. As a very limited run niche market product they do however succeed.
 Just for claritys sake I used the HD800 as an example simply because I believe that what they are charging for that is about the max anyone should be asking for a headphone that does not require being packaged with an amp.

Quote: Actually yes, people are debating that they put effort into it. Unless I somehow conjured the posts about JPS charging people for a $5k cable and a $500 headphone, the posts about their "taking people for a ride," etc. out of my imagination.
As for gaze of countless weary eyes, there have also been a few posts by orthoheads like dBel who are very excited about the Abyss driver. Posts that seem to be ignored in favor of the ones about popsicle sticks and ugly women, because let's be honest: this thread is more about people getting to feel good about trashing a $5k product. I'm not even saying there's anything wrong with that, or that this thread doesn't serve some kind of self-styled purpose of sending a message to manufacturers (or whatever). Just pointing out the underlying impetus for most of the posts here. 

Also I'm in no way suggesting their business model is sound. There are ways of not passing the costs off onto the consumer. Look at Audez'e, sure. However my point was that there is genuine R&D going into the drivers.

I am not arguing against the RD effort behind the drivers. Sure there is excitement and rightfully so. Once again there is also a healthy skepticism wrt durability and QC. A wary eye toward a new gee whiz headphone should be mandatory at this point in time, particularly an ortho.
I do not think those posts have been ignored. My suspicion is the pure shock of the price, and poor physical presentation have overwhelmed. I do not think it is entirely about the have nots of the world trashing  a 5 k product (hey there are actually a lot of products out there worth 5k, few of them indeed are headphones). Usually "in yer face" advertizing and hype generates this type of reaction. I had actually thought that died out in the 80's. Trust planet audiophile to hang on to that old chestnut.

Oh, I fully agree with you. JPS is not going about their PR well at all in my opinion. The fact is they're not offering review samples period so far as I know. The "charging for a review sample" is a bit of a misrepresentation. The fact is, you can audition one at The Cable Co. for a 5% non refundable deposit. This is the policy Cable Co. uses for ALL of their lending library headphones, not just the Abyss. That 5% fee, of course, becomes almost $300 when you consider the cost of the Abyss, so yes it's quite an investment. However Cable Co. allows you to apply that amount to future purchases of whatever else they stock.
I personally think JPS should offer demo units for a full refundable deposit to people.

Hiding behind a company restocking policy that applies to SALES items is both a way to de incentivize reviewers and grab some quick money for those who would indulge such arrogance. How nice of them to allow you to spend that 300 dollars of your money on other products they sell. This type of business practice puts companies like that on my "never deal with list".
Yes, indeed. These are all things that occur in our hobby, and I've posted at length in the past that the full-sized headphone market is in a sorry state right now, so I would agree with much of that.

My example of the businessmen was meant to illustrate the point that the Abyss will sell, regardless of whether we champion it as head-fi summit-fi approved or not. Again, this was in response to your post about stuff not selling well because it's not priced like the HD800. This wasn't a justification for the Abyss. I too find the price of the Abyss to be a problem. I'm not whistling dixie about it.

I think the high end of the full size headphone market is in a poor state of affairs right now. I find in the low an mid end there are more than a few options to challenge the flagships of the world. Most will never see or hear them as the market swell is bling and outrageous pricing (have you hugged your Goldmund today). We stuck ourselves into directly linking price to value and so overlook a large number of bargains out there.


Again, I agree re: Sennheiser. They've earned their reputation. In the case of Sennheiser, again, I was referring to your point about HD800 prices. Most small companies simply can't charge what Sennheiser can for turnarounds on R&D.
And I'm sorry, but I'm just not seeing big guys like AKG and Beyer doing anything worthwhile right now. Sennheiser has their ring driver, they're tinkering around with orthos from what some insiders say, and they have a new 'stat that may come out in a thousand years, sure. But honestly the state of the full-sized market is just sad right now, and it's the smaller guys who seem to be doing most of the worthwhile stuff. If larger manufacturers are even eyeing orthos right now, it's because Audez'e and HiFiman---smaller guys---brought them back from the grave. Smaller companies are more likely to be risk takers. I'd love it if Yamaha or Fostex decided to get back into the ortho market and release a smaller-sized, easier-to-drive ortho for $500. But that's not likely to happen. Plus why would I trust someone like Beyer any more than a smalltime cable maker? Beyer, who doesn't even seem to understand how damping works (or care) despite their making headphones longer than anyone?

It's quite funny when you look at the state of tech right now. Depending on the product and if you are willing to do the homework, the tools are out there to RD a small product quite economically. I would have to argue that now more than ever, it is possible to compete with a large manu. What I am seeing in the industry is it is just not probable.
Anyone can go to a local university and approach a design class with the criteria for their product and have it artistically designed quite economically. That may well have solved one problem in this case.
Hey! The Tesla's not exactly a slouch. You would trust Beyer, because the odds are in their favour :wink:
AKG's still sufffering shock at the placement with their new foster parents and don't know whether they are still European or American or Asian now. But All is well , Harmon sucked a top prof out of the NRC, to tell us so.
Fostex never left the market and really with the world running to buy T50's to mod, what need do they have to revamp their ortho line?
Yamaha is the sleeper here. They have all the ingredients waiting for application. It would be a matter of corporate mood swing for them to re enter the market.
Right now they, and apparently everybody else decided to try and capture the beats market rather than leapfrogging it and developing one of their own. The designer jeans war updated for the new millenium.

May 19, 2013 at 3:08 PM Post #183 of 547
I get it. We are entitled to our opinions. You like the look, hate it, think it's overpriced, think JPS is arrogant, disagree with the business model,
hate the implementation, cool.
Post your general feelings once, don't post again until you've heard the damn thing. Just by my flawed logic.
May 19, 2013 at 3:59 PM Post #184 of 547
I disagree with someone saying that orthos or planar magnetic drivers were resurrected by Audeze and HiFiMan. Wisdom Audio have been making Planar Magnetic loudspeakers since 1996. They even wrote a white paper about PMD technology ( What Audeze and HiFiMan did was to make headphones out of them which is not that simple either.
May 19, 2013 at 5:10 PM Post #185 of 547
I get it. We are entitled to our opinions. You like the look, hate it, think it's overpriced, think JPS is arrogant, disagree with the business model,
hate the implementation, cool.
Post your general feelings once, don't post again until you've heard the damn thing. Just by my flawed logic.

Well, if you're logic is flawed, mine must be too, that was my main beef with DefQon, not that i like the Abyss's look, i don't, but looks, by my equally flawed logic, is the least important factor i'll consider when buying a piece of audio gear that i'll use indoor and by myself.
Now, i do think that DefQon came down very hard on the Abyss, i think that with that with an asking price that high, they have set the bar VERY high for themselves, and as far as i'm concerned, they have to be THE best sounding headphones currently on the market, wich, although not impossible, is far from an easy task to achieve.
Even though my current favorite headphones are the very contreversial Grado PS1000, i do like the LCD3, Stax 007 and 009 VERY much, so the Abyss definately have their work cut out for them.
May 19, 2013 at 5:47 PM Post #187 of 547
For some reason this thread reminds me of the 8k Final Audio Muramasa that was never released.

That said as a singled outed consumer part of the large percentage I personally don't want companies such as JPS getting into the headphone arena.

Such greed driven companies will only do more damage than provide variety, setting the price baseline to an exorbitant level where other usual competing manufacturers will be releasing products within the vicinity of that price baseline.
May 19, 2013 at 8:34 PM Post #188 of 547
For some reason this thread reminds me of the 8k Final Audio Muramasa that was never released.

That said as a singled outed consumer part of the large percentage I personally don't want companies such as JPS getting into the headphone arena.

Such greed driven companies will only do more damage than provide variety, setting the price baseline to an exorbitant level where other usual competing manufacturers will be releasing products within the vicinity of that price baseline.

I think that the market will decide of their faith, if the Abyss isn't selling, they'll either have to lower the price, or they'll eventually bite the dust.
May 19, 2013 at 8:40 PM Post #189 of 547
Indeed it depends on the market, but again the Abyss could have a limited amount of production, so who knows, I can't see them lowering the price as that would cause a backfire on the company rep as a whole from angry 1st owner customers paying that extra premium than seeing the Abyss costing less. Anyway I've ranted enough about the price, I will probably give A2A a visit sometime after my exams in few weeks time and see if I can audition the Abyss under non-meet conditions as I have with all there other gear.
May 19, 2013 at 8:48 PM Post #190 of 547
Well, if you're logic is flawed, mine must be too, that was my main beef with DefQon, not that i like the Abyss's look, i don't, but looks, by my equally flawed logic, is the least important factor i'll consider when buying a piece of audio gear that i'll use indoor and by myself.
Now, i do think that DefQon came down very hard on the Abyss, i think that with that with an asking price that high, they have set the bar VERY high for themselves, and as far as i'm concerned, they have to be THE best sounding headphones currently on the market, wich, although not impossible, is far from an easy task to achieve.
Even though my current favorite headphones are the very contreversial Grado PS1000, i do like the LCD3, Stax 007 and 009 VERY much, so the Abyss definately have their work cut out for them.

It's just NOISE 'round here.
A few have heard the 'prototype', a few have demo'd the production unit, a few apparently have ordered the Abyss.
Yet, no refreshing comments about it's sound. Whatever that reason may be.
Perhaps we could all be quiet until someone reports first hand experience with the Abyss. That'd be refreshing.
From there ya'll can continue to ridicule who/what they are or aren't, etc etc.
May 19, 2013 at 8:56 PM Post #192 of 547
I think that the market will decide of their faith, if the Abyss isn't selling, they'll either have to lower the price, or they'll eventually bite the dust.

ahhh the faith in the market! I hear ya. My job is really all about the market in many ways, but I hear DefQon concerns even if I dont agree with him on everything. If more companies keep coming out with products 1800 or more USD, the price becomes normalized and we as consumers start accepting it more and more. From my experience, the consumer has influence on the market, but the market also influences the consumer. my 2cents,
May 19, 2013 at 9:00 PM Post #193 of 547
I think that the market will decide of their faith, if the Abyss isn't selling, they'll either have to lower the price, or they'll eventually bite the dust.

Not really JPS has other revenue streams. They can keep the Abyss alive for many years to come and even release follow-ups at even higher prices without much loss. If not on their first try I'm sure they'll eventually come up with something that performs well. Throwing money and time at problems usually solves them.

May 19, 2013 at 9:02 PM Post #194 of 547
ahhh the faith in the market! I hear ya. My job is really all about the market in many ways, but I hear DefQon concerns even if I dont agree with him on everything. If more companies keep coming out with products 1800 or more USD, the price becomes normalized and we as consumers start accepting it more and more. From my experience, the consumer has influence on the market, but the market also influences the consumer. my 2cents,

I think it's only a matter of time... 10k and even 20k, 30k, headphones not to mention amps/dacs are on the horizon. Nothing can really stop them and there are crazy people who will buy them and gush about their amazing sound.
May 19, 2013 at 9:04 PM Post #195 of 547
My only hope is that Hifiman and Audez'e does not take this route and instead keeps improving their products at current prices (which are inflated enough IMO)

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