need volunteers, msn headphone mentor/consultant
May 2, 2005 at 3:18 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


Apr 25, 2005
Well im still a realtive n00b to all this headphone what not, and i frequently find myself asking stupid questions, and not having anyone to ask, then i found this forum, but it would be nice to me and others if i didnt post a new topic for every question i had(if searching didnt bring results of course)

so im seeing if theres anyone out there equipped with msn messenger, is on relatively often, and is knowledgable on headphones, and of course doesnt mind being asked questions.

if i have any takers my e-mail is

thanks all
May 2, 2005 at 3:29 AM Post #2 of 3
well, some people are very knowledgeable in some areas but less in others, so maybe if you could narrow it down a little, people will know if they would be able to help
May 2, 2005 at 4:28 AM Post #3 of 3
I like this idea. As a relative noob to high fidelity audio, and since alot of people (from what i see lurking) who come here also don't know basic rules of posting at a forum... Why doesn't a mod set this thread up as an "Adoption" thread? Just someone to 2x check posts/ask obvious questions (ie.: Q:"Whats better the Shure E3c or Er-6i?" A: "Search")

edit - i'll take a parent if anyone wants, AIM me @ enjoilax22, although one of my best friends is already an "Adopter" i would like a second opinion to some of his recommendations.

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