Need to buy Gaming Headphones in 170$'s Range.
Feb 23, 2004 at 12:31 PM Post #16 of 80

Originally posted by luukas
The 770 Pro or "vanilla"? Don't these cans require an amp to sound what they are worth? How does the 770 compare to the 880?

The DT770 Pro and DT770 are the same headphone save for a few comfort and cosmetic tweaks.

An amplfier is a must, you don't need anything exotic though.

I wouldn't how they stack up to the DT880's. Closed headphones are more ideal for gaming though.
Feb 23, 2004 at 2:27 PM Post #18 of 80
If you want the 770s, the 770 Pro 80 ohm version are easily driven by a soundcard, and from what I can tell don't sound much different from regular 770s. They are my choice of gaming phones.
Feb 23, 2004 at 3:40 PM Post #19 of 80

Originally posted by SumB
Closed headphones are more ideal for gaming though.

True, true. But, then I wouldn't hear the telephone, doorbell, etc. The DT880 appears to be very versatile in comparison to the DT770 also. Need to audition them both first to make a definate statement though.
Feb 23, 2004 at 4:41 PM Post #21 of 80
Trust me, closed really is the best way to go; the sound from the computer fan can get annoying (especially when you've got 8 of them in your tower, like me). When I play a game, I know I dont want to be interrupted. I use speakers when I know interruption is innevitable.
Feb 23, 2004 at 5:14 PM Post #22 of 80
Hmmmm closed headphones..........I know for sure that they will be superb when i will be playin games in my home but being the member of a quake 3 Clan,i have to go and play in LAN Parties as well :S.............Damn....

So if u guys have to pick b/w these which ones will u prefer,


Plus PLZ PLZ tell me or gimmie a link to a any cool AMP which goes with any of the above as i really am a newbie in that department

Feb 23, 2004 at 5:32 PM Post #23 of 80
Hmm, to me a cool amp for a gamer strongly suggests a Penguin Mints tin. Check the ads in the Mall-Fi forum for makers of this kind of thing. I know that Headsave is one.

Also follow the link in that forum to Tangent's MINT site so that you will understand what you do and don't get in an amp of that size.
Feb 23, 2004 at 6:28 PM Post #24 of 80

Originally posted by Distroyed
...the sound from the computer fan can get annoying (especially when you've got 8 of them in your tower, like me).

Ouch. Do you really need all those fans? The backround noise from my PC isn't really audible even now when listening to music/playing something - and this is with Grado SR125. Given that the DT880's are semi-open, I'm just assuming of course, they will propably hide the humming noise. Maybe if I'd be persuasive enough I could borrow a pair for a day from the local retailer, hmm...
Feb 23, 2004 at 6:38 PM Post #25 of 80
The cooler your pc runs the more efficient and longer it will run. 5 case fans, 1gpu, 1cpu, 2psu... oh wait, that's 9.
I wouldnt mind switching to watercooling if I ever get some cash. Though I've kind of gotten used to it... I keep her in the bedroom and it doesnt keep my up at night.
Feb 23, 2004 at 7:20 PM Post #26 of 80

Originally posted by Distroyed
The cooler your pc runs the more efficient and longer it will run. 5 case fans, 1gpu, 1cpu, 2psu... oh wait, that's 9.
I wouldnt mind switching to watercooling if I ever get some cash. Though I've kind of gotten used to it... I keep her in the bedroom and it doesnt keep my up at night.

Going way off-topic but the heck

Still seems a bit excessive, to be honest. I've only two case fans installed, keeping the CPU within 47-53C and the MB around 32-35C. Course, I only have one hard drive... also, I've lined the case with some sound absorbing mat (10mm thick).
Feb 23, 2004 at 9:01 PM Post #27 of 80
Keeping the ot alive...

I use a Themaltake SmartFan 2 with Speedfan to regulate the rpm's automatically. For games/cdex/dvd, the cpu gets a little hotter and the fan goes to max. Then when the cpu's resting or working light, the fan calms down.

Or you could go nuts and grab a 92mm Tornado. I managed for 2 weeks before I lost my mind. This thing will hover and fly across a linoleum floor if presented with the opportunity
Feb 23, 2004 at 9:12 PM Post #28 of 80
You should probably invest in DT250-80 headphones.

For $170 the HD580s sound like abhorrent crap (to put it mildly) if you aren't buying a really good amp with crossfeed to go along with them. They make a bad source like a cheap gaming soundcard (and trust me all of the gaming soundcards I've heard suck) suck even more than it should to begin with.

I suggest the DT250-80s because they block out noise such as the CPU fan, have a great sound for rock (lively), good bass response (nothing pushing colored but definitely not a reserved bottom end), and a sweet smooth relaxed high end that doesn't expose the flaws of your source.

Sounds great without an amp.

I HIGHLY recommend that headphone.

Even a $300 audiophile grade soundcard is pushing the limits if you're using HD580s.

The CD3000, being bright to begin with, are going to sound horrible unamped just as HD580s sound horrible, except with more emphasis on how grainy and sucky your soundcard is. Dodge those phones, dodge the DT880s, the HD600s, the HD650s, RS-1s, RS-2s, and so on. Go with a headphone that everyone has had a good experience with, that's not too expensive, and above all fits your needs.

Feb 23, 2004 at 9:41 PM Post #29 of 80
The CD3000 is passable unamped, and certainly usable for gaming... but it's not my first choice.

Neither is the DT250-80. Poor sound cues compared to the ATH-A900 or the DT770.

HD580/600... no.

DT770 (250)... yes, the best choice undoubtedly but with amping. As I've mentioned in other threads you can buy a cheap mixer to power the phones. The new 80 ohm variant looks interesting but I haven't owned one.

Last but not least, the cheapest solution is the ATH-A900. All you need are the phones, connected straight to the soundcard. They will work fine. The amped DT770 works better in my opinion, but the phone + mixer package will cost you more.
Feb 23, 2004 at 10:20 PM Post #30 of 80
I'd have to agree with Bangraman, the DT770 are EXCELLENT for games, they have the soundstage, positional cues, and massive bass, as well as being closed and having pretty good isolation, I'd have to say that I think you would struggle to do any better for games, and it may not even be possible to better them for this purpose IMO.

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