Need suggestions for copper ICs around $150
Oct 7, 2005 at 2:19 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


Señor Sony
Jun 20, 2001
So...a few days ago I received a pair of Swan M200 bookshelf speakers. Started out by hooking them up with just generic stuff lying around, thinking "they're just PC level speakers, they don't need anything special".

But then those embedded audiophile "what if" instincts started kicking in. I just had to go and swap in my Zcable Live V5 ICs to see if the M200s would respond. And respond they did. But I think they could do better with copper, or some unique mix of copper/silver or whatever. So what's out there nowdays?

My main importance is soundstage...the bigger the better. I'd like transparency and resolution here over details and seperation. I do want some midrange warmth, bass tight and deep but not too bloated, and some decent treble extension. And I'd like to keep the price around $150, the cheaper the's not that I'm being a tightwad, but rather I'd kinda prefer that the interconnects didn't end up costing more than the speakers.

Thanks ahead of time for suggestions! *feels wallet trying to hide deeper in my pocket*
Oct 7, 2005 at 2:26 AM Post #2 of 5
after fumbling around for a few weeks ive settled on the newest grover ur4, i feel they are very close to being perfectly balanced with slight emphasis on mid/hi over low frequency extension, really tight sound but not thin.

the difference between this newest grover and the vhaudio pulsar is like the difference betwen the fast brap brap brap of a periphial port wankel with 9k redline, and the low gurgling grumble of an american v8 that only goes to 6500. the previous model grovers id equate to a stock b16. take your pic
Oct 7, 2005 at 2:38 AM Post #3 of 5
Interesting, the VH Pulsars were one of my considerations. I haven't heard the latest Grovers but they seem to be a well balanced cable regardless of what they're made from...they're under consideration too. The main reason I'm considering copper is because the Zcables are based upon silver plated copper. They're mindblowingly good in my headphone rig but with these speakers, they end up neutering the midrange a little and exposing the treble a wee bit too much. Amazing details, seperation, extensions and decays however, and the soundstage is quite huge. But want a warmer, more inviting sound with speakers, as they get considerably more use than headphones and I need them to be as non-fatiguing as possible. And being part of the M200's strength is its midrange, I'd like to maximize that.

But ya know, cables aside and being a rotary owner, it's rotaries every time for me.
Oct 7, 2005 at 6:45 AM Post #4 of 5
for my headphone setup the *new* grover ur4 upper detail, seperation, and focus surpased the pulsar by a longshot. bass is not as deep or thick but it feels like a better musical presentation. tighter with more punch all around. soundstage is pretty similar between the two brands.

the way these grovers sound to me is similar to how you are describing the Zcable... definately not warm. if they are not working with your speakers then consider the pulsar which are warm sounding.
they have a much thicker sound which is very melodous, not fatiguing at all but the highs are obscured to a degree, not as much air in the upper mids and highs. with speakers the presentation might be better but with headphones it comes across as too much congestion in a limited space. vhaudio offers 60day return if they dont work out. i have alot of impresiions poste din this thread

i like seeing car references on non-car forums
ive had strong interest and respect for rotaries after driving some fast 2nd and 3rd gen rx7s. i recently melted a piston in my honda b18c5(R) and im just about at whitts end with the amount of work and money it takes to build a good piston motor. so i might look into building up a cheap second gen chasis soon.
stock 13b w/ street port from dremel tool = $10,000 4cylinder setup with huge cams, forged rods/pistons and 13:1 compression. i cant ignore that anymore
Oct 11, 2005 at 4:36 AM Post #5 of 5
I think the pulsars would suit nicely with what your asking for. A nice warm full bodied sound that is fast and pretty detailed, transients are right on and its not slow at all like a lot of copper. They also have a huge soundstage, and its pretty airy. It lacks some image focus, and might be too meaty sounding for some especially on headphones, but on speakers they sound great. The bass is wonderful on the pulsars, lots of it especially with those eichmanns which typically are bass light but the pulsars have some of the best and most full and present bass i've ever heard, thats with headphones and speakers its nice, full yet still fast and not sluggish at all. biggest gripe with the pulsars may be the lack of image focus and separation, sound may be to meaty and bottom rich, but its a smooth warm full sounding cable with great bass that is fast and detailed enough with huge soundstage, give it a shot his return policy is very nice too!

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