Need some new headphones, but which ones should I get?
Oct 21, 2004 at 1:35 AM Post #167 of 283
Well, I would still have to pay for the shipping back to Audio Cubes if I don't like the A500s and I might also have to pay a 15% stocking fee...
Oct 21, 2004 at 1:39 AM Post #168 of 283
Go to a local store, you should be able to find somewhere that has some kind of highish end headphones. Once you've heard anything we can compare other headphones to them.

The A500s are about the best all round headphones in their price range, for home use. If any headphones around that price are going to satisfy you, those will. So just buy some already and stop talking about it. This hobby costs money, there's no way around it. I've spend $2500 in 6 months trying to find the headphones that work for me.
Oct 21, 2004 at 2:23 AM Post #169 of 283
Unforunately there aren't any stores in my area with high-end headphones, let alone stores that would let me test the headphones out.
Oct 21, 2004 at 2:34 AM Post #170 of 283
When they say headphones have thumping bass, this can be a very fun sound, however it is different from speakers/subwoofer.

A lot of bass is stuff not just from your ears, but whatyou feel from vibrations in your stomach, your sternum area, and your sinus cavities in your head/face. When headphones have bass, the thumping is more just on your ears/head. Headphone bass will not "shotgun you in the chest", but it can be very nice in its own way. The fact that the speakers of headphones are so close to your ears affects a lot of the frequencies and sound reflections, so therefore it is a different environment with different rules for what sounds "good."

Just about anything is better than what comes with your CD player. Be prepared.
Nov 7, 2004 at 3:12 AM Post #172 of 283
Is the PS2 capable of driving the A500s alone using only a conversion cable, so I would be getting the audio directly from the AV cable for the PS2?
Nov 10, 2004 at 5:48 AM Post #174 of 283
Okay, so I want to use the A500s with my PS2, but in order to do that I need to use an amp or else it will sound really cruddy. The amp I was looking at was the Homesave Home-Vibe, the price seemed reasonable and I was willing to actually pay for a headphone amp, but when I heard that the A500s barely benefit from the use of amps, spending $100+ (After shipping, cables, etc.) just on headphones that already cost $110 just to be able to use them on the PS2 was just too much, considering that that is all that the amp is going to do (It's not going to help much with the sound quality, especially when you consider that it costs $100+).

So, my question is, now that I can see myself buying an amp like the Headsave Home-Vibe, which set of cans would be the best with this amp? Like, if I were to already own the Headsave Home-Vibe amp, and not own a set of headphones yet, which set would you recommend, considering that I bought the amp to use with the headphones? Thanks.
Nov 10, 2004 at 5:54 AM Post #176 of 283
Out of my budget, I don't want anything that costs more than the A500s.
Nov 11, 2004 at 12:16 AM Post #177 of 283
Would the Sony V6s or the Senn HD280 Pros sound better with the Headsave Home-Vibe amp than an ampless A500?
Nov 11, 2004 at 12:31 AM Post #179 of 283

Originally Posted by commando
How long have you been mucking around trying to work this out? Just get the A500s.

But I want to use them with my PS2, and in order to do that and get reasonable sound I have to get an amp, which I would be fine with if an amp would actually make a noticeable difference in quality with the A500s, so then it seems like I am paying $100+ just to be able to listen to them on my PS2.

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