Need Some Assistance Choosing a New Pair of Cans
May 10, 2010 at 6:26 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


1000+ Head-Fier
Feb 10, 2010
Detroit, MI
I'm planning to upgrade from my HD-280 Pros and I need to decide which cans would be best for me.
First, some background info which should help you guys in making your decision. I'm something of a bass-head. I love deep, full, articulate and thumping bass that you can feel as well as hear so I'm hoping my next pair of cans will be able to deliver on that in a way that my HD-280 Pros couldn't. Of course, I don't want bass to be the only thing that my headphones do well and I'm looking for clarity and fullness in the midrange as well as a sparkly and smooth treble. In other words, I'm looking for a pair of "fun" or "musical" sounding headphones.
I listen to a wide range of genres, predominantly hip-hop and rap with a good deal of rock, alternative, jazz and classical as well.
In addition, I would like to use these for gaming. That's not going to be my primary usage of these headphones but I would like to have the option.
So, here's the list of 'phones I was looking at...
Sennheiser HD 25-1 II
Audio Technica AD700 or AD900
Audio Technica A700 or A900
Grado SR-125i
I've heard that the AD700s don't deliver much in terms of bass quantity but my CMoy BB headphone amp should be able to add a bit more oomph to the low end but I do appreciate the wide open soundstage that open air cans provide which will only benefit in the long run when I use them for gaming. It's also worth noting that I really don't need isolation here. Closed cans are fine but I would prefer to have open cans for the ability to hear my surroundings. I have plenty of IEMs for the sake of isolation when I need it.
So, I hope you guys can help me out in making the decision and if you can think of a better pair of headphones that would suit my tastes, don't hesitate to mention it! I'm looking to keep the price under $200 though. Thanks in advance!
May 10, 2010 at 6:37 PM Post #3 of 11
AD900. Not that you can 'feel' the bass or anything.
May 10, 2010 at 6:43 PM Post #5 of 11
Without a decent amp stay away from the DT990
May 10, 2010 at 7:06 PM Post #6 of 11
Under $200, the best open HP I have heard with low end bass in mind, is the HD595. Not much worse than the Shure SRH840. And you can keep the SS that you appreciate with an open can. I also noticed a decent improvement when on a dedicated amp, even one as simple as my PC soundcard. (X-fi forte)
 HD595 is not a perfect HP by any stretch, but seeing as you can find it for $160 shipped, I think it is a pretty darn good deal for an open solution with competent low end bass, that you can feel. At the initial MSRP, not even close.
Gaming, movies, music. I think that they are a better all-around choice due to its music and movie performance, with the AD700/900 being a bit better for gaming due to the great SS. HD595 would be good SS.
May 10, 2010 at 7:43 PM Post #9 of 11
Based on your descriptions I think the Shure SRH-840 would be perfect for you. They have a lot of bass, but not too much. The treble would probably not be considered smooth (like most Sennheisers) though. There is a lot of bass, but it's not overpowering. They're not always a good fit for everyone though. On my head they're extremely loose.
If you like bass, absolutely DO NOT get the ATH-AD700. You need a huge bass boost to probably get the bass you want. I had them and think they're good, but you can do so much better for the price.
The Audio Technica M50's are great. The fit is perfect for me, but the midrange is a bit recessed to my ears, so these might be off your list. The bass is a bit excessive with some music though. I probably couldn't listen to these for more then four hours at a time without a break due to the bass. I do like the bass though. These fit a LOT better then the Shure SRH-840's, but the sound quality on the 840's is much better.
The 595 sounds like it might be worth checking into also. I haven't heard them though.
May 11, 2010 at 10:26 AM Post #10 of 11
Hmm... after seeing the suggestions I've received, I'm going to add the SRH840s and ATH-M50s to my list. Looking at prices from various retailers, I can get the SRH840s for $140 shipped and I can get the M50s for $90 shipped. I've looked into the Sennheiser HD595s but those are typically priced at and exceeding $200 so I don't think those would be a good fit considering my budget. Plus, if the SRH840s or M50s offer comparable sound quality (give or take), I'd rather get one of those and save the extra cash, even if I do lose out on the "open can sound".
Thanks for the submissions so far guys. You've been a big help so far! I haven't made my decision yet so I'm still open to suggestions.
May 11, 2010 at 5:19 PM Post #11 of 11
Well, as an owner of the SRH840, I can tell you that they are god-awful for gaming and movies, as they should be. They are not even remotely made for that. But if you want another closed HP, that is often compared to HPs that are double or triple the price (original $200 MSRP), the SRH840 is a good bet. Ive pushed them really far, with some bass heavy music, and they dont flinch one bit. They can be found for $130.
 If you want an open, with good base, for under $200, then the 595 is a good bet. And the Grado SR-125i might even be better, with a much different styling and fit. Both are great all around HPs. Like I said, the 595 can be had for $160 shipped. And if you dont like, you have 30 days. Same place you can get the SRH840 for $130 shipped, and the Grado's. So you have options.

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