Need some advice to upgrade my headphone setup.
Sep 26, 2014 at 10:17 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 33


Sep 26, 2014
Hi guys,

I need your help in order to upgrade my headphone setup.

I have already this :

Grado ps 500 with g cush
Shure srh 1840
Beyerdynamic DT 990 pro 250 ohms
Beyerdynamic mmx 300

Beyerdynamic A1
Micromega myzik

Audioquest dragonfly (last version)

Right now i can't spend more than 2000 € for my setup.

According to you what is the best thing to upgrade to improve a lot my headphone setup ?

New headphone ? New amp ? New source ?

Thank you by advance for your help and i am really sorry for my bad english but i hope somebody could help me asap.
Sep 26, 2014 at 12:01 PM Post #5 of 33
In my opinion, dollar for dollar, you're going to hear the most improvement with new headphones. Once you get a top-tier set of headphones, the source would be the next thing to upgrade. I don't know if any of your headphones right now (maybe the shures, probably not the others) are at the level where they're being held back by your source. 

EDIT: Plus, if you have 2000 euros to spend you could easily get both headphones and a new dac. Chord Hugo looks nice but it's way too expensive in my opinion. If you got something like a Hifiman HE-560 or LCD-X plus a $500-$1000 level dac, you'd be set. 
Sep 26, 2014 at 2:37 PM Post #7 of 33
I haven't heard the A1 so I don't really know. I'm just saying that headphones make the most difference in general. Since you don't have any top-tier headphones yet, I think it makes more sense to buy one before you spend a large amount of money on a DAC. I don't think a very expensive DAC will make much difference with your current headphones. 
Sep 27, 2014 at 8:55 AM Post #13 of 33

Sadly i can't listen Stax and Audeze headphone because i have no shop close to my home.

Do you know a great amp not to expensive for a Stax SR 509 ?

If you want to test out a more affordable electrostatic system, you could get the STAX SRS-2170, which includes the SR-207 earspeakers and SRM-252S amplifier. MSRP is $790, but it's available brand new on Amazon for less than $600. If it's not your cup of tea, you can always return it.
Sep 27, 2014 at 12:52 PM Post #14 of 33

What seems better for you in term of sound quality between this :

- beyerdynamic a1 with grado ps 500 with g cush
- Stax SRS-2170
- Stax SRS-3170

For jazz, classical, opéra, vocal.

Thank you by advance.

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