Need help finding ~$200 over ear circumaural headphones for hip-hop, rap, rock, alternative and pop music
Dec 8, 2013 at 10:30 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


New Head-Fier
Dec 8, 2013
Hey guys,
This is my first post and I am quite the noob when it comes to headphones, amps, etc.  I created this account because I have wanted to buy my first quality pair of headphones but have been struggling to find the perfect pair.  I listen mostly to rap and hip-hop, alternative rock, occasionally pop and because I am anonymous on here I will admit I may listen to Britney and others from time to time...
but I digress..
I am looking to spend ~$200 (obviously less is better) and have the following preferences in order of priority: sound quality, comfort, build, looks.
That being said, I often use appearance as the tie-breaker when headphones come up relatively even.
I will be using these mostly while at home but often times commuting and on busses/trains so quality leakage prevention and isolation are also necessary. 
The following is the list that I have made having completed as much research as I feel I can on my own and I would love to hear your guys opinions and suggestions regarding the following headphones and any you may feel are superior within my price range, etc. In no particular order:
Phiaton MS400
Audio Technica ATH-M50
Beyerdynamic Custom Pro One
SoundMagic HP100
I am also very unsure of the whole "amp" thing and would prefer headphones that do not need one as I would assume they are a hassle for portability, and wouldn't want to spend additional money - but please correct me if that sounds foolish, ignorant, or incorrect. Most headphones seem to have very long cords and prove to be annoying for simple commutes walking through town and I am not sure if an amp would be doable for me in those situations.
I really appreciate your guys help/suggestions! Thanks!!
Dec 8, 2013 at 10:40 PM Post #2 of 13
Can't go wrong with the m50's. They're highly regarded for being an all-rounder headphone.

I'd say you should consider the vmoda m80, though they're not circumaural

edit: grammer and spelleeng
Dec 8, 2013 at 10:49 PM Post #3 of 13

There is also the UE6000 worth looking into. You can find them for less than $100 these days and they sound great, better than ATH-M50 IMO

Hope it helps!
Billson :)
Dec 8, 2013 at 10:52 PM Post #4 of 13
Thanks for the quick response! Hope I don;t sound too dumb but are the "Vodka m80's" the V-Moda M80's? I remember reading that the sound quality, etc on those were not that great as compared to others.
I should also add that I was looking at the red Audio Technica ATH-M50's which I believe are the "pro dj" addition, not sure if they are any different from the standard?  
Also, I don't know if I am a necessarily a "bass head" but quality bass is definitely a plus for me.
And I have checked retailers for the various headphones as ideally I would like to try as many as possible before purchasing but haven't had much luck. Suggestions?
Any and all help is much appreciated!
Dec 14, 2013 at 2:01 PM Post #7 of 13
I live in NYC and haven't found many retailers to audition.  I guess I am leaning towards the M50s.  Do other headphones require amps? What is the deal with those.
Also, are the bose noise canceling worth the $? 
Any thoughts on the COP's or HP 100's?
Thanks guys!!
Dec 14, 2013 at 4:13 PM Post #9 of 13
Get the UE6000 it will address all your concern

Dec 18, 2013 at 6:41 PM Post #10 of 13
Thanks for your help guys.  Quick questions about the cables.  Probably dumb, but I can't find a picture of what the entire COP cable looks like (does it coil like the M50s?). If anyone can compare the cables id appreciate it.
Also - with the COPs having the detachable cable (and the UE6000's as well), does the sound quality change if you switch to a different cable?  And how often would I have to worry about the cable accidentally being pulled out for whatever reason?  How strong is the connection to the headphones?

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