Need a recommendation for a good pc game
May 7, 2006 at 7:36 PM Post #16 of 26

Originally Posted by Duggeh
Nevermind new games, get onto Ebay and get a copy of Deus Ex for about a quid. Therein you have the greatest enjoyment and fun per penny per hour of playtime that has ever been availible in history.

It might look kinda old graphically, but by all the gods of gaming, theres never been another game that has the effect of dropping you completely into the immersive lead role in the single greatest science fiction action thriller stealth conspiracy plot ever.

When I first played through Deus Ex, I was using a £4.99 pair of headphones (my first ever circumnaural pair incidently) and after a while, when I was out, I started to turn around at random, and glance over my shoulder. Why? I was hearing the noise that the security cameras made in real life. Residual Aural Imaging Syndrome I named it.

thirded, i loved this game, unfortunately it has installation issues (which are apparently quite common) on my current computer
May 7, 2006 at 7:46 PM Post #17 of 26

Originally Posted by Fitz
Nethack. The only game worth playing.

Maybe if IG/Looking Glass had never developed System Shock 2.


ooOHH YES.........

Considered by many PC gamers to be one of the best (if not the best) games of all time. It outshines Deus Ex, and blows away Half-Life (which was released at the same time and at whose hands SS2 suffered an unfortunate commercial eclipse).

Also my personal favorite PC game of all time.

Lovers of Deus Ex will hail this game as the second coming of Jesus.

EDIT: Also..........

[size=large]FREESPACE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size]
May 7, 2006 at 7:59 PM Post #19 of 26
System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Nethack. Pretty much the three best games ever released in my opinion, and it seems some people here have the same opinion on some of them. In order of greatness (IMO, of course):

1. Deus Ex
2. SS2
3. Nethack
May 7, 2006 at 9:00 PM Post #20 of 26
Since most of these computer games listed here are "violent", I'll give some milder PC games

1) Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
2) The Sims series

More "violent" games: I also enjoy Age of Empires III and star wars Jedi Academy. I love JEdi Academy, with the ability of wielding double bladed and double lightsabers!
May 8, 2006 at 2:56 AM Post #21 of 26
Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 and Silent Hill 4: The Room (also the first SH, but I've never played that myself). Play in succession for a week and lose all sense of reality!

Also, is it just me or is Operation Flashpoint one of the most freakingly realistic games ever? The section where the US troops evacuate the island and you're left on your own in the middle of a forest seriously scared the **** out of me. You had to find your way to the nearest evac point which was miles away, with russian troops and tanks scouting in between. While in the forest you'd see soldiers skirting between the tress in the distance only to show up suddenly a few feet from you. The atmosphere and tension was incredibly realistic and actually got your real heart, beating in tandem with the in game hearbeat/breathing sounds! Its an old game and should run fast on most comps; highly recommended. Crossing my fingers that OFP2 will come out sometime soon.
May 8, 2006 at 3:30 PM Post #22 of 26
brrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I wanted to play online again, considered rebuying the PSP or DS but I instead I bought a Gefore 7600 GS and Guild Wars Fractions

May 8, 2006 at 4:23 PM Post #23 of 26

Originally Posted by smuh
brrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I wanted to play online again, considered rebuying the PSP or DS but I instead I bought a Gefore 7600 GS and Guild Wars Fractions


I just got guild wars factions and I love it, be prepared to wonder where the days went.
May 8, 2006 at 5:59 PM Post #24 of 26
Yea, thats what I was searching for!
If my gf reads this, she is gonna kick my ass
May 8, 2006 at 10:00 PM Post #26 of 26

Originally Posted by Oistrakh
Since most of these computer games listed here are "violent", I'll give some milder PC games

1) Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
2) The Sims series

More "violent" games: I also enjoy Age of Empires III and star wars Jedi Academy. I love JEdi Academy, with the ability of wielding double bladed and double lightsabers!

The Sims 2 series is loads of fun. Graphics are beautiful, and you can play for 5 minutes or 5 hours and save the game just about at any time.

There is also a huge online community where you can get custom content for the game as well as tips and funny stories of what others' Sims have done.

There are now 3 expansion packs out: University, Nightlife, Open for Business. There is also a pack of funky items out, too. It is a fun and terribly addicting game with endless replay value!

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