Need a better pair of headphones
Jun 21, 2012 at 10:38 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


100+ Head-Fier
Jun 21, 2012
     Hey everyone, I'm new here, first post and all. I'll get right down to the point though. I'm looking for a new pair of headphones, and I have been for a couple months now, and I still can't decide. I figured I could only learn so much from what other people asked, so I would have to ask myself.
    I'm new to all of this audio stuff, and the limit of what I've heard is Klipsch Image S4s, and Sennheiser HD 428s, which I got for the wonderful price of 15$ in near perfect condition. I have no amp, but I was planning on getting a Fiio e11.
            My price range is 180-220$, and I listen to mostly Electronica and metal/rock, along with some acoustic rock, and I love the sound of better separation in that music. I would place rock and those genres on the front burner, since electronica (hardcore, hard trance, dubstep and DnB) it seems only changes drastically depending on the kind of bass the cans have.
             Grados are out of the question I think, because they leak too much sound, and I dislike on-ear headphones. I was looking at the Beyerdynamic DT770 PRO 250s, and the Ultrasone pro 750s, but I think those might be a bit too bass emphasized. Bass is good, and I prefer the sound of my Klipsch buds over my sennheisers, but the bass is a bit much, I'm leaning more towards the deep bass guitar sound instead of looser, brain rattling bass.
            Closed would be good, but I might be able to go with open backed if they don't leak sound like crazy, I will be using these for portable use, but I haven't put a scratch on any of my headphones before, and I don't ever intend to, nor do I care if I look like a complete fool, I mean, I used to wear my Sony XB-700s around in public
    Hopefully I didn't drag this on too long, you guys must be getting sick of these "recommend me headphones" threads, if anyone could help, though, it would be much appreciated, and I can provide more precise details if needed. Thanks.


Edit- Updated, scroll to bottom.
Jun 21, 2012 at 10:55 PM Post #2 of 6
I think the Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro's are a good choice. Their bass is emphasized a little, but nothing too excessive. Certainly not the bass monsters some folks on here paint them as.
Jun 21, 2012 at 11:06 PM Post #3 of 6
I think the Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro's are a good choice. Their bass is emphasized a little, but nothing too excessive. Certainly not the bass monsters some folks on here paint them as.

As long as the bass doesn't overpower or drown out anything else. My Klipsch buds have way too much bass. As long as it has more than my 428s it should be fine.
Would it be possible to find used d2000s in my price range by any chance? Or do those ones stray a bit from what I wanted?
Jun 21, 2012 at 11:14 PM Post #4 of 6
I think you could find the D2000's in your price range, though it's worth mentioning they leak like a sieve. Despite them being listed as "Closed", I really don't consider them to be. They keep next to no sound in or out.
Jul 1, 2012 at 11:56 PM Post #6 of 6
I'll bump this thread up instead of making a new one, since there are already too many of these threads.
After deciding that I could go with an open pair of headphones after all, I decided to jump on the Hifiman HE-300s for about 260$, and I must say that they are not what I was looking for. Way too bass heavy, mids sound slightly recessed and the highs sound a bit rolled off. I'm returning them tomorrow. Wonderful for electronic music and hip-hop/rap, but not what I was looking for. Which brings me to a new question. 
I love the sound signature of my Sennheiser HD428s, but they still sound like a 60$ pair of headphones, and I'm going for 260 instead. What I want to know is if there is any pair of cans that sounds similar to those, but maybe with more precise bass, since these are kind of one toned. Open headphones are fine, and would be what I'm going for probably, and the 428s, if I had to describe them have forward mids, rolled off highs (I'd like better highs, but they sound alright this way, very laid back), and a lighter, one tone bass. The mids really sound like the focus though. 
I was considering AKG Q701s, but I'm not spending more for another amp, after I just got my E10. Also was looking at the other options from sennheiser around that price range. Would a pair of HD 558s modded to be like the 598s be good?

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