My New K340
Apr 25, 2006 at 4:18 AM Post #16 of 19
Just some further impressions.

I am actually beginning to dislike the sound of these phones. I think they give equal weight to everything on the soundstage. Even the smallest tambourine part can be heard clearly and have the same weight as the singer. I just don't like that. I think music should blend together and everything does not need to given equal weight. As far as FR, I think they give more emphasis to the highs and slightly less to the lows than my Sr-X mk III. They also don't get my toe tapping like the Sr-X mk III does. I still think they are a good phone and would recommend them to someone who would like the sound signature. I will have to do more listening to see if these hit the FS forum.
Apr 25, 2006 at 8:32 AM Post #17 of 19
Hi johnmatrix,

How does the k340 sound out of your emu-0404? I know my sound really harsh/shrill and with an emphasis in the 2.5kHz region. After quite heavy eq they become quite nice though, but without it they sound like total crap.
Apr 25, 2006 at 1:55 PM Post #18 of 19

Originally Posted by johnmatrix
Just some further impressions.

I am actually beginning to dislike the sound of these phones. I think they give equal weight to everything on the soundstage. Even the smallest tambourine part can be heard clearly and have the same weight as the singer. I just don't like that. I think music should blend together and everything does not need to given equal weight. As far as FR, I think they give more emphasis to the highs and slightly less to the lows than my Sr-X mk III. They also don't get my toe tapping like the Sr-X mk III does. I still think they are a good phone and would recommend them to someone who would like the sound signature. I will have to do more listening to see if these hit the FS forum.

You can't appreciate these headphones until they're modded and properly amped. The difference is not subtle! If you're not willing to spend the money to do so, you'll never understand what these headphones are capable of. Stock and improperly amped they fail to be very impressive.
Apr 25, 2006 at 2:49 PM Post #19 of 19

Originally Posted by Epicurean
Hi johnmatrix,

How does the k340 sound out of your emu-0404? I know my sound really harsh/shrill and with an emphasis in the 2.5kHz region. After quite heavy eq they become quite nice though, but without it they sound like total crap.

I am doing most of my listening out of my denon since it is a better source for cds, but my listening from my emu seems fine. I notice nothing wrong in the reproduction the music from either source, I just don't like the sound signature so far.

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