My K701 :)
May 30, 2006 at 8:12 PM Post #16 of 19

Originally Posted by Filburt
I got asked to elabourate on my impressions, so I did. You can disagree with me on what you think about these two headphones, but it isn't going to change what my impression was. I already put a clear and visible disclaimer about the state of the two headphones in terms of burn-in. I also tried to explain the psychoacoustic phenomena that may explain the impression. I tried to satisfy the request made of me and attempted to be as helpful as possible in explaining it

Yes you did give the disclaimer
May 31, 2006 at 2:59 AM Post #17 of 19
Okay, so I've tried pairing them a bit more with my AD8397/LM6172 PINT instead of the AD8397/AD8397, and I found it toned down the bass while letting the mids/highs come out a bit more. It also improved instrument separation, which I witnessed with my earbuds too with this configuration. Initially, I favoured the dual 8397 configuration as it was giving me a bit more upfront sound, but I think I may settle into the other configuration as it takes more advantage of the 701's exceptional detail and separation.

I think I'm also settling into the 701's sound, which is nice as well. I tried some jazz today and I was really happy with it. The saxophone on my copy of Brubeck's Take Five was just intoxicating sounding and had a very full sound to it.
May 31, 2006 at 3:31 AM Post #18 of 19
To the OP, I agree with you findings but I'd reccomend burning them in for at least two weeks before you make a final judgement. Since you already have a good source I'd reccomend you to try out other amps with it. BTW, how did you liked the K 701 with the Gilmore Lite?
May 31, 2006 at 3:49 AM Post #19 of 19

Originally Posted by hyamaiata
To the OP, I agree with you findings but I'd reccomend burning them in for at least two weeks before you make a final judgement. Since you already have a good source I'd reccomend you to try out other amps with it. BTW, how did you liked the K 701 with the Gilmore Lite?

I thought the G Lite did a nice job with them. Had a lot of detail and good imaging along while not overpowering me on bass/warmth. It did an especially nice job on some acoustic stuff I ran through it. Some might find the Lite too cold, but I didn't really.

That said, I think I might favour my PINTs if I want a more engaging sound, but the GLite really was nice on some of the stuff I listened to on episiarch's Squeezebox and some of my Sting tracks. I'm actually considering the amp, although my DIY tendencies may push me towards building an M3 or Dynalo.

I'll definitely try out more amps as I get the opportunity. People in the Bay Area are free to offer me a listen

I'll keep burning in the headphones, of course, although it seems there is some controversy over whether burn-in actually exists with these. I'm finding the biggest changes phenomenologically are probably due to my acclimating to the headphones, but that is a satisfactory enough means to me

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