My Humble Review of the most Hated Headphone:K701

Jan 2, 2010 at 9:57 AM Post #31 of 42

Originally Posted by VALIENTE /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Happy New Year midoo1990!
I agree with you that K701 has a lot of qualities for a headphone.
And this headphone must be loved and can be loved by any headfier who really love music.
Thank you for a nice review.
By the way I also review my K701. You may also try reading it.
Again, happy new year to you!

Happy new year to you too.i actually read your review before the 701 arrived to me very nice review and fun reading,i enjoyed it.

Originally Posted by ductrung3993 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey midoo1990, so through out the review, the K701 was driven by the Micro Amp right?

yes,all my impressions are done using the micro amp,i tried listening from the touch directly and well it was a disaster!


Originally Posted by K_19 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The soundstage depth thing I've personally found varies a LOT between amps, tubes, etc. With my WA6 with the Sophia Princess rectifier (soundstage king of tubes for this particular amplifier), I've found the soundstage to be excellent in both width AND depth, pretty much completely 3D. On my other tubes or other amping gear I've had in the past, I've found that the depth suffers and you'd get mostly horizontal soundstage.

Also experiment with ear positioning within the pads to get a different sense of soundstage and different perception of the bass, etc. K701 signature varies quite a bit depending on ear positioning IMO.

mmm,so the k701 is an amp dependent,picky in other words.i am trying to save some money to get the right amp for them but i cant get anything more than $600,is there any decent amp in this price range that have synergy with the 701?i need to search a bit..
Jan 2, 2010 at 10:21 AM Post #32 of 42
No point spending all your money on amp?... It´s just not worth the investment over a better 300$ one! Heck I enjoyed the K701 a lot straight out of my Essence STs headphone output! If you are going to spend every last penny I hope it´s due to you loving them so much and improve them rather then trying to fix things you can´t live with

As for soundstage I get plenty of depth with amps like the Heed Canamp. For live recordings you get the audience well back and the band well forward. More so then on my Pro 900/Dx 1000. The 900 feels more accurate overall though I have the feeling K701 push everything far away and I have hard time pin pointing sound cues for movies.
Jan 2, 2010 at 10:41 AM Post #33 of 42
interesting,you are probably right if i get an amp for 600-700$ i will only have small differences compared to the micro amp,i better off spend this money on another pair of headphone,i am a bit skeptical about the differences an amp can make,i think they are overrated hear..i guess.i am pretty happy with my 701 and the genres i listen to with them.the soundstage is incredible for classical,live,jazz..everything,on some songs(about 5%)it just feel weard.thats it.i will stop ranting now and enjoy my 701 as i am listening to scottish chamber orchestra right now and wow..i am in a different world
Jan 2, 2010 at 3:21 PM Post #34 of 42
Recently I acquired a pairs of used K701. I like its sound quality either, right amount of bass, no 'veil' of HD650.

However, I think the flaw may be the headband design, the pressure from the middle pad make me uncomfortable, need to adjust every ten or twenty minutes.
Jan 2, 2010 at 3:40 PM Post #36 of 42
the headband is a little bit stiff at first but then i got customized to it and i can wear it for 6 straight hours without any discomfort?are the ears supposed to be fully immersed inside the pad?my ears are literally inside the pad,i wonder if it is supposed to be that way...
Jan 2, 2010 at 3:43 PM Post #38 of 42

Originally Posted by Happy Camper /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I agree with the 3-D presentation and amp choice. I too noticed the lack of front to back separation initially. Then I started rolling tubes and found my satisfaction.

i experimented with the drivers position again today and switched on the crossfeed of my micro amp and wow,what a difference.the depth of the soundstage increased and i can finally feel the 3D presentation from all sides and not horizontal only,the k701 is now perfect for my sound signature.
Jan 2, 2010 at 3:53 PM Post #39 of 42
is the bt880 better and 3d positioning then the akg701/702 perhaps someone has heard both.
Jan 2, 2010 at 3:53 PM Post #40 of 42

Originally Posted by ribman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Photos please my friend .... to show us how you made it more comfortable ... thanks

haha,you get me wrong
i didnt make any mod or something i just got CUTOMIZED to their feeling and the little sacks on the headband got softer and less stiff

if i compared the middle sacks with the last two sacks,they are much more softer because of wearing and the last two are hard and stiff because my head doesnt touch them,wear them for more time and they will become softer and more comfy.
Jan 2, 2010 at 6:58 PM Post #41 of 42

Originally Posted by igotyofire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
is the bt880 better and 3d positioning then the akg701/702 perhaps someone has heard both.

sorry i mean dt880 or 900, the beyerdynamics
Jan 2, 2010 at 7:48 PM Post #42 of 42

Originally Posted by igotyofire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
sorry i mean dt880 or 900, the beyerdynamics

DT990 has very huge sound-field , you can hear any directions of ever Instruments , really amazing surrounding feel, but somehow lack the pin-point location that AKG has.

I would say "head stage" of DT990 more like Planar speakers, K701/2 s' more like
near-field monitor speakers. They are both very "3D-like" , but very different in "perspective"

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