My first review ( A satisfied E2c user! very long...)
May 1, 2004 at 1:25 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


1000+ Head-Fier
Apr 18, 2004
Firstly, I did like to start off by thanking all the helpful souls here at for their kind help. The comments given are always nearly constructive and informative, and i greatly appreciate that.

My remote interest in Audio only started, say , two months back. But in that 2 months, i have purchased the Muvo 2 4 gig and Shure E2c. I have to say that this is a wonderful combination. Furthermore, im constantly not at home, and this affordable set-up is just the perfect solution for me.

Im writing this to express how i feel about the sound of my E2cs, and, please take everything with a pinch of salt, as it might not be entirely true, and is only how i feel. My experience with the E2c has been nothing short of amazing, and i feel, somehow weirdly, compelled to express my feelings to share with my fellow head-fiers.

At first. i was skeptical about the E2c. "Hm....this tiny little bugger cant possibly sound better than my MX-500" Boy, was i wrong. I cant bring myself to listen to my MX-500 anymore! Upon purchase, i instantly put on the small hard flex tips and tried to get a fit. After much fidgeting, the E2c finally stayed put. "I paid for this?" i thought to myself at first.

Bass was nearly non-existent, and the hard flex tips hurt my ears like hell. Finally , with help from Head-fi
, I took the advice of some people and bought myself the foamies. What a world of difference that made. The sound produced by the E2c was nothing short of incredible. The bass that had been hiding decided to come out to play, and i was amazed that these little phones could produce such full, thumping bass ( Although i have to say that the foamies might have made it abit muddy
). It was just so comfortable ( i hardly realise it's there ) and the isolation the foamies produce is so, so good.

Ok, here comes the important part. How does it SOUND? My music diet consists mainly of Metal, rock and jazz.

On Norah Jones' "Feels like home", i was thoroughly impressed by the percussion, which has just so much body and texture. The Piano can distinctly be heard as a percussion instrument, in which i mean, it seems like that the hammer is actually striking the string. Norah's husky voice is velvetly smooth and it's almost like she's breathing next to me. But what really impressed me is the liveliness of the overall presentation. On the otherside of the coin, the E2c did seem abit harsh and gritty when hitting the highs here.

Next up, Rachel Podger playing Vivaldi on "La Stravaganza" ( incidently, its the only piece of Classical i listen to
) Again, im impressed. The robust presentation of the violin and cello has a very life-like feel to it, as in a bow-to-string feel. How the cello displayed a rosinous quality is particularly satisfying. There is just so much musicality and tonal quality here.

The E2cs are execellent for Jazz and Classical, where Vocals and instruments are reproduced very, very nicely.

Although Rock is a staple in my music diet, It just seems that the E2c are only "good" when i listen to rock or metal.Dont get me wrong, they are still very nice, but it just doesnt grab me in the way as when i listen to Jazz and Classical.

On Soilwork's "Natural born chaos", The bass is nice, very meaty with nice lows. However, the way it is put across seems to be with an air of indifference. To me, it sounded like everything was smeared. It sounded tough, but it lacked the visceral impact commonly associated with the genre. Perhaps it was because of how cymbals sounded. They sounded distant and shrill. It was rather pinched in fact. Recessed is what i would describe it to be... Maybe if the bass were tighter it would help.

There, ive stated down my thoughts and opinions. Im no serious Audiophile yet, and please dont blame me for the lack of Audiophile terms here

This review might have been done to the death, but there was just a nagging feeling inside me, and i felt compelled to do this

Anyways, hope u have enjoyed reading this as much as i have enjoyed writing this. ( oh yeah, looking forward to get my Beyer DT-531s soon!
May 1, 2004 at 3:25 PM Post #3 of 9
Blatant bump...( i want more people to read this) hahaha
May 1, 2004 at 3:53 PM Post #4 of 9
Sweet. I think was Shure e2 is great as well. It's a really nice beginning canalphone. But it also sets you on the upgraditis path...onto the e3c, e5c, and then the custom ones. Reviews are always good.
May 1, 2004 at 5:54 PM Post #6 of 9

Originally Posted by Wil
This review might have been done to the death, but there was just a nagging feeling inside me, and i felt compelled to do this

that's what this site is for. we want to hear everyone's impressions.
May 1, 2004 at 6:10 PM Post #8 of 9

I always felt the E2C to be a fun phone and better than the Ety ER6 for the bassheads
(moi included)

I wrote a short review about the two canalphones...nice to know that a lot of people seem to be making the same conclusion and plumping for the E2c
May 1, 2004 at 6:13 PM Post #9 of 9

Originally Posted by gsferrari

I always felt the E2C to be a fun phone and better than the Ety ER6 for the bassheads
(moi included)

I wrote a short review about the two canalphones...nice to know that a lot of people seem to be making the same conclusion and plumping for the E2c

that was a good review too

I don't have another headphone that sounds like the E2. Properly amped, the highs come out.

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