My favorite earbuds finally gave out.... =(
Apr 19, 2010 at 3:47 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


New Head-Fier
Dec 4, 2007
United States
Hey everyone,

For years I used the Sony MDR-EX51LP earphones. That was until I found my beloved Senheiser CX-300s. The CX-300s lasted for more than 3 years, then a few days ago I lost sound from the right earbud (and literally a few minutes later from the left earbud).

I'm sure you can tell I like IEMs that have good bass, but not SO much that I'll get a headache from the pounding in my ears.

So basically, I've come to you for help. Can you recommend something similar to the CX-300s? I'm willing to try something new, so I'm open to all suggestions. My budget is around $60-$80.

There's just one thing though....... I absolutely cannot stand the Y-cords (the symmetrical ones). So please help me out with something similar to the CX-300s, around $70 and J-cords (asymmetric) only please.

Looking forward to hearing your input, thanks.
Apr 19, 2010 at 3:53 AM Post #2 of 16
Earbuds or IEMs?
I can't remember any that are any good with a J-cord at the moment. Most people tend to steer right clear of them. I know there is one popular one that does have a J-cord, perhaps it was the Cyclone PR1?
Apr 19, 2010 at 4:32 AM Post #4 of 16
Time to upgrade.

Mnagali gave some good links, check them out.
Apr 19, 2010 at 4:41 AM Post #5 of 16
Sorry, I meant IEMs. I have a bad habit of using the term "earbuds" too much. I haven't used earbuds for 10-15+ years, and I will never use them again, lol.

Thanks. I'm reading up on those right now.

What about the RE0s that have been getting a lot of attention? I'm reading reviews on those right now as well.
Apr 19, 2010 at 4:44 AM Post #7 of 16

Originally Posted by ChroniCali /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Time to upgrade.

Mnagali gave some good links, check them out.

Definitely time for an upgrade!

I've just started to "research" budget IEMs.

Just found out the RE0s have a Y-cord. But if they're getting so much praise, I might give it a shot, especially for $80.
Apr 19, 2010 at 5:06 AM Post #8 of 16
The thing is that there really aren't many J cord earphones compared to Y cords if you are strict about that.

Judging from your requirements about the bass I doubt you will be happy with the bass. The quality of bass is no doubt better on the RE0 but the quantity of bass coming from the CX300 is a world of difference. There is just so much bass coming from them that you may and probably will have a bass shock when you listen to those.
Apr 19, 2010 at 5:08 AM Post #9 of 16

Originally Posted by ethan961 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Earbuds or IEMs?
I can't remember any that are any good with a J-cord at the moment. Most people tend to steer right clear of them. I know there is one popular one that does have a J-cord, perhaps it was the Cyclone PR1?

Why do most people avoid the J-cord style? Is there something technically inferior about the J-cord, or is it just preference?
Apr 19, 2010 at 5:10 AM Post #10 of 16
Well I can think of one thing. With a J cord you have to put it around your neck which is not suggested for earphones. By doing that you can't put them around your ear as easily due to length issues and wearing over your ears reduces microphonics (if not completely removes them) and a lot of people here myself included are just used to that kind of wearing style. Also there aren't as many earphones that do have the J cord compared to a Y cord.
Apr 19, 2010 at 5:23 AM Post #11 of 16

Originally Posted by rawrster /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The thing is that there really aren't many J cord earphones compared to Y cords if you are strict about that.

Judging from your requirements about the bass I doubt you will be happy with the bass. The quality of bass is no doubt better on the RE0 but the quantity of bass coming from the CX300 is a world of difference. There is just so much bass coming from them that you may and probably will have a bass shock when you listen to those.

Wow, really? I had no idea the difference would be that significant. I'm sure most audiophiles would take the RE0s over the CX300.

To be honest, I've never had the opportunity to listen to the higher end stuff (etymotic etc.).


Originally Posted by rawrster /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well I can think of one thing. With a J cord you have to put it around your neck which is not suggested for earphones. By doing that you can't put them around your ear as easily due to length issues and wearing over your ears reduces microphonics (if not completely removes them) and a lot of people here myself included are just used to that kind of wearing style. Also there aren't as many earphones that do have the J cord compared to a Y cord.

I understand. I like the J-cord for their convenience, take out one side and let it hang on your shoulder when you get a phone call for example. But if there is a Y-cord that has awesome quality for <$100, I guess I would give it a try.

Thanks rawster (and everyone else), I'm trying to learn about all this.
Apr 19, 2010 at 5:38 AM Post #12 of 16
If you like Sennheiser sound, perhaps you should consider climbing on the higher end IEMs of burned-in IE8 with modded tips sounds pretty sweet right now. There are other alternatives, like IE6, IE7, and both are significantly cheaper than IE8, and is quite a major upgrade over your CX-300.

The reviews by ClieOS and Ijoker are usually very should read this too, if you want a step further (they are good read anyway
Apr 19, 2010 at 5:44 AM Post #13 of 16
If the earphone you buy has a cable sinch, you could just tighten it a bit as so you can leave the other earpiece hang while the other ear is in use. Most people avoid J-cords because of practicality and familiarity, in other words just preference. My father's old BlackBerry headset earbuds were a J-cord and all he did was complain about the cord. Personally I prefer Y cords because of ease of use. I don't want to need to always wrap one around my neck in order to get two sides of audio.
It's all preference though. Using the cable sinch would solve your phone problem on a Y cord if that's a significant thing.
Apr 19, 2010 at 7:48 AM Post #14 of 16
I am in a similar situation with a similar IEM -- I have the CX-400s. I love the sound. These were an upgrade from EP-630s, which were the first IEMs I'd ever tried, maybe about 4 years ago...when I finally got the right fit I was completely blown away by the overall sound, especially the bass. Like I had just put little subwoofers in my ears, damn! Until that moment I had always equated IEM's with earbuds which I had tried once or twice over the years, they seemed like useless it's almost impossible to imagine listening on a portable without them.

Actually I have been without them for months now, they've gone missing and I've been relying on a pair of sonically identical CXL-400's as a backup. Critical to both the 400s is a 1-3 ft extension however, and that has given out.

While I could easily recommend CX-400 as an upgrade, I've done some searching around and stumbled across the new CX's. Weirdly (seems like a backwards step), they have chosen to descend with the model numbers and even with pricing...they are the CX-150, 200, & 250 and are about 18-32$ street priced...but according to everything I've read, they are a definite upgrade. A really good IEM comparison thread is here Multi-IEM Review - 60 IEMs compared (Sennheiser CX250 & CX300 added 04/13) - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio, and includes the CX-250.

Apparently all the new CXs are share the same new, better sounding driver. As far as I can tell the difference between them is that the 150 lacks a gold plated plug that the other two have, and the 250 adds an inline volume control.

FWIW, you may or may not have noticed that the CX-300 don't get a whole lot of love around here, often listed as last in sound comparisons and sometimes outright derided. I suspect the comparisons at least are justified, because even though I enjoy the CX signature sound -- an emphasis on lower-ended fun -- it's not hard to imagine how much I've been missing. But since they are so cheap...the 150 goes for $21 shipped at the moment...and are supposed to have improved in quality, and are all J-corded, I think one of the new CXs is a solid recommendation, at the very least as a good backup to have around when needed.

When you get around to realizing how relatively little J-corded options there are though, you may want to consider giving up on that format in the pursuit of potentially better sounding options. Right now the phones I wish most were J-corded are the Hippo VBs, ($79) which are reputed to have amazing bass without sacrificing decent mids and highs, and the FA Eternas ($67)also a more bass-emphasized phone that isn't supposed to lack in other areas within it's price class. After lurking a good number of hours here the past week or so, these are a couple of the top candidates I'm looking at that promise to upgrade what I've liked in my CXs.

@rawrster -- maybe the Senns have a longer cords, but I've never had trouble going J-Style over the ear, and I have an XL head.
It's true J-Style does take some getting used to....I wanted to toss the things in the garbage when I saw how weird they looked at first, I actually thought they were defective, lol...but after wearing them for a while and realizing how having a single wire coming from one ear just felt "free-er" in addition to cutting down on the microphonics, it actually feels a lot more natural to me now. Ideally, 5 years from now most good phones would use a standard replaceable cord like Sleeks and HJE900s, and would include both J and Y styles for the wearer to choose.

PS: please try to excuse the insomniatic ramblings...damn this turned out long...
Apr 19, 2010 at 2:10 PM Post #15 of 16

Originally Posted by DAP1MP13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I like the J-cord for their convenience, take out one side and let it hang on your shoulder when you get a phone call for example.

have you considered an IEM with a mic/remote to answer calls? not sure on your phone, but if needed you can get a 3.5->2.5mm adapter for them

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