My Cat's Unusual drinking habit.....
Aug 8, 2006 at 10:37 PM Post #16 of 27
If Pixie has a new favorite toy (her favorites are those that are stuffed animal types that are tiny and look like puppies, what can I say, her mothering instinct is huge, although she knows they aren't puppies) - eventually we'll find it drowned in her water dish. We don't know if they get fed up with life and try to end it all, or if she's got a murderous streak. At any rate, they usually have to be rescued from the water dish.

I wish we could have a cat.
Aug 8, 2006 at 11:51 PM Post #17 of 27
I have to burst you bubble too. My cats do that too.
Aug 9, 2006 at 12:34 AM Post #19 of 27
Lol --- None of my other cats do that & I'm fairly new to "cat motherhood" - so I was wondering about how unique this was!! So I guess I don't have a kitty prodigy after all!!
But I think cats are just downright hillarious. I was always a dog person until the last couple of years & I've been converted!! They have so much more personality than I ever thought they had. What can I say..... I'm in love!
Aug 9, 2006 at 12:36 AM Post #20 of 27

Originally Posted by smeggy
Funny thing is it's not just glasses or mugs, she even uses her paw when drinking from her water bowl.... and all 3 of them like drinking from the toilets!

Now thats pretty funny -- even from the bowl!! And mine all like to drink from the toilet too!
Aug 9, 2006 at 12:48 AM Post #21 of 27
. Quote:

eventually we'll find it drowned in her water dish. We don't know if they get fed up with life and try to end it all, or if she's got a murderous streak. At any rate, they usually have to be rescued from the water dish.


And when her bowl of water and food is next to each other, she always puts the food in the water and then fish the food out of the water. She loves wet food I guess.

Don't you wish You knew what they were thinking?


So when he gets thirsty he goes and hops in the bath tub and patiently waits til someone comes in and turns the water on for him. He makes me so proud. haha

Isn't it amazing how those funny little things they do become so much a part of our daily life --- just like our kids & other family members. Its perfectly normal to go turn the bath water on so your dog can get a drink!!!
Aug 9, 2006 at 1:03 AM Post #22 of 27
And the funny thing is, with the dog who drowns her favorite toys, or the dog who finds the bath water far more tasty, or the cat who is too good to drink from bowls - they are thinking.... something. It's clear, there's a method to it, it's not instinct or random, no, they mean to do it. They just can't tell you why when you ask, only look at you like you're the idiot for not figuring it out.
Aug 9, 2006 at 3:30 AM Post #23 of 27
Thats so true! And I find it so endearing when my cats do something completely ridiculous like fall off of the counter & look around to see if anyone saw it!! Then they get the most prideful look possible as if to say "I totally meant to do that!" Sometimes I think cats personify the traits in myself that I try the hardest to cover up
Aug 9, 2006 at 4:31 AM Post #24 of 27
Our cats like to put their toys in water as well. We find their little fluffy smiley-balls in their water dishes, in the toilet and in the bath.... usually sopping wet. One of the Himalayans likes to drag it's feather stick around like a security blanket and we find those all over the place in the house. All three like sitting in the sink when the water is running, trying to catch the water as it comes out and one likes dirty water in bowls left to soak.

Horrible little monsters...
Aug 9, 2006 at 1:01 PM Post #25 of 27
one of our cats does the toy in the water trick, and both do the sit in the bathtub waiting for some water to be turned on trick. One of them also does a lot of chirpy/r2d2 like sounds while sitting at the back window, which is apparently not uncommon.
Aug 9, 2006 at 7:30 PM Post #26 of 27

Originally Posted by mbd
one of our cats does the toy in the water trick, and both do the sit in the bathtub waiting for some water to be turned on trick. One of them also does a lot of chirpy/r2d2 like sounds while sitting at the back window, which is apparently not uncommon.

Yup, my Siamese chitters and chirps whenever birds arrive. They also talk to each other constantly when they want to play.
Aug 10, 2006 at 4:41 AM Post #27 of 27
My 1 year old cat like to play fetch with crumpled page a day calendar pages. Anything larger or smaller than a crumpled page a day wont do, He runs after it bats it around a couple of times and then picks it up in his mouth and brings it to me. He also lays in wait under the bed for the other cats to walk by. He bats the sheets to attract the other cats attention and when they get closer to inspect he pounces on them. He is such an ***** but he's ma boy!

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