MXD-D400 CD/MD Deck
Jul 24, 2003 at 11:17 AM Post #4 of 7
If it's anything like the MXD-D40, which it seems to be, it will be a good-ish low-end CD player, though nothing special. MD playback should be very good though, perhaps on a par with a JE780 or even 980. It's one for the features, rather than the purists I'd say.
Jul 24, 2003 at 4:07 PM Post #5 of 7
HI I called Sony about this unite and the d40 has a great feature called record it . When you are listening to a track for a while and say wow I like this you press record it and the track starts over and records automatically. The d400 doesn't have this feature.
Also if you just need a deck to play minidisc the 480 is only 150.00 and sounds great.
Jul 24, 2003 at 4:35 PM Post #6 of 7
The REC-IT feature on the D40 isn't that great, just a gimmick really, so it's not that much of a loss (IMO). The additions mentioned above are far more important...
Jul 25, 2003 at 12:57 AM Post #7 of 7
HI: The record it now feature on the d40 is a great feature and I use it a lot. When I buy a CD I listen to it on the d40 and when I hear a song that I really like I just press the record it button and the song starts at the begging and records automatically then after recording the song it goes on to the next song to see if I would like to or not record it. I really like that feature but if you don't I understand. I did buy the mds-je480 deck for my office to listen to the minidisc that I made on my d40. I also recorded on the je-480 from my pcdp and the recording sounded just like my d40 recordings.

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