Musical Fidelity X-can v3?
Dec 24, 2004 at 4:22 AM Post #2 of 9
Well, I heard the V3 twice at the local dealer - about four months ago with a stock cabled pair of 580's, and just recently with my DIY cables on the 580's. I don't think the demo V3 was burned in all that well the first time I heard it, because although it was musical and punchy and had that tube magic, it also sounded grainy and too bright. This last time I heard the X-Can it really caught my attention - it was punchy and musical, the highs were extended, and all the grain was gone. The only things I didn't like about it was that it wasn't as detailed as my MPX3 - but at half the price of an MPX I think that's to be expected - and it was still a smidge too bright - but I've got to believe that a little bit of 6922/6DJ8 tube rolling would take care of that problem. If I was on a budget or just starting out in audio, I wouldn't think twice about about buying a V3.
Dec 24, 2004 at 5:46 AM Post #3 of 9
THE XCAN IS BORING! If you want to be one of those "sophisticated" yuppie speaker audiophiles that thinks of headphones as an afterthought and therefore just buys the standard "HD 580/600 + Xcan V3" combo, than it is the way to go!
Dec 24, 2004 at 5:20 PM Post #4 of 9

Originally Posted by null
THE XCAN IS BORING! If you want to be one of those "sophisticated" yuppie speaker audiophiles that thinks of headphones as an afterthought and therefore just buys the standard "HD 580/600 + Xcan V3" combo, than it is the way to go!

I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, because we all hear differently, but instead of just making nasty statements about a product, why not help MASantos out by telling him why you think the V3 is boring? You know, things like where have you heard the V3? What headphones did you use? Source? Music? And why the put-down of "sophisticated" yuppie speaker audiophiles?! Can't you try to show at least a little bit of the Christmas spirit?
Dec 24, 2004 at 6:58 PM Post #5 of 9
Lol. I'm just joking. All fun, all fun. I was in a bad mood yesterday...

I think the X-can is kind of boring because it seems to darken the hd 580s and give them lots of that nice tube warmth. However since the hd 580s are already laid back as it is it just seems (to me) to make them more dull and lifeless..
Dec 24, 2004 at 8:35 PM Post #6 of 9
I'm using my x-can v3 with AKG 501s, and it's only now feeling burned in after several weeks of pretty heavy use. One of the best things I did was to change the stock tubes (for Electro-Harmonix ones, which are current production). I wasn't expecting this to make much of a difference given some other reports I'd read, but they did exactly what I wanted, which was to open up the sound a little more and improve the bass definition. I have no problem with treble brightness with this amp. For what it's worth I'm not a fan of the Sennheiser 600 or 650s and I listen predominantly to Classical and jazz.

I'm very pleased with this combination - and I'm not easy to keep happy! At some point I'll be keen to try the X-PSU power supply, which a local dealer can lend me. Although I haven't got the sort of experience with a variety of headphone amps that many on this forum do, I have long experience of professional recording and I would recommend the amp.
Dec 25, 2004 at 1:47 AM Post #7 of 9

Originally Posted by null
Lol. I'm just joking. All fun, all fun. I was in a bad mood yesterday...

I think the X-can is kind of boring because it seems to darken the hd 580s and give them lots of that nice tube warmth. However since the hd 580s are already laid back as it is it just seems (to me) to make them more dull and lifeless..

Alright funny boy
thanks for the clarification. It sounds like the 580's you used to audition the V3 had the stock Senn cables. Listen to a V3 on a pair of 580's with a good set of cables, and you might just be singing a different tune.
Dec 25, 2004 at 6:16 PM Post #9 of 9

Originally Posted by null
Yeah, I'm sure a better cable will make the Senns more livelier and less dark. Silver perhaps?

A better cable completely transforms the Senns, and I consider it a must-have item. There are those that think silver makes the Senns too bright - I used copper for my DIY cable, and I woudn't want it any brighter.

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