Munich High End 2024 or does anybody has a bottle opener?
May 11, 2024 at 3:11 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 39


500+ Head-Fier
Mar 25, 2018
As a German I will start with what I did not like. :wink:

First I had to wear all day long Darko around my wrist, I felt a bit offended about this. :wink:

This sounded horrible:

Last but not least, it was way to crowded, but I think to attract a lot of people is kind of the aim of such a show.

So now we have this out of the way to the things I liked.
Meeting known and new fellow headfier. :)

Especially for me this combo.

Viva Egoista 2A3 + Raal Immanis

Ok a bit dusty, but I came back three time to this combo, so it must have had something I liked.
I did not liked the Immanis particularly with the Feliks Envy, to lean for me, but here the bass was divine. Pink Floyd, Run like hell, life was very subwoofer like.

This is going to be a revolution:

Final Audio X8000

At the show unfortunately they could only be demoed with some improvised D8000 pads but still they sounded very very great and around 200g?, unbelievalbel!

What I also liked: Caldera closed, nice meaty but still very detailed sound and the Warwick Bravura. Really, really nice detailed, clean, deep, relaxed sound signature. I was very impressed.

Unfortunately I could not hear the Aperio as somehow „somebody“ started a party in the listening room from Warwick by organising some bottles of beer. As Americans they forgot that German beer bottles do not have screw caps and a bottle opener was needed. A nice Swedish guy offered his Swiss Army knife to help out and was awarded with a beer for this nice gesture and so the party started. Ok, it was nearly at the end of the show so it was understandable.
By the way if anybody meets Resolve and/or Goldensound tomorrow please give them a bottle opener as gift. :)

Further impressions welcomed. :)
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May 11, 2024 at 4:17 PM Post #2 of 39
As a German I will start with what I did not liked. :wink:

First I had to wear all day long Darko around my wrist, I felt a bit offended about this. :wink:

This sounded horrible:

Last but not least, it was way to crowded, but I think to attract a lot of people is kind of the aim of such a show.

So now we have this out of the way to the things I liked.
Meeting known and new fellow headfier. :)

Especially for me this combo.
Viva Egoista 2A3 + Raal Immanis

Ok a bit dusty, but I came back three time to this combo, so it must have had something I liked.
I did not liked the Immanis particularly with the Feliks Envy, to lean for me, but here the bass was divine. Pink Floyd, Run like hell, life was very subwoofer like.

This is going to be a revolution:
Final Audio X8000

At the show unfortunately they could only be demoed with some improvised D8000 pads but still they sounded very very great and around 200g?, unbelievalbel!

What I also liked: Caldera closed, nice meaty but still very detailed sound and the Warrick Bravura. Really, really nice detailed, clean, deep, relaxed sound signature. I was very impressed.

Unfortunately I could not hear the Aperio as somehow „somebody“ started a party in the listening room from Warrick by organising some bottles of beer. As Americans they forgot that German beer bottles do not have screw caps and a bottle opener was needed. A nice Swedish guy offered his Swiss Army knife to help out and was awarded with a beer for this nice gesture and so the party started. Ok, it was nearly at the end of the show so it was understandable.
By the way if anybody meets Resolve and/or Goldensound tomorrow please give them a bottle opener as gift. :)

Further impressions welcomed. :)
If Dr Seuss had a goth sibling that was building hifi...those horn speakers are...yeah...that is what i would imagine. 😁
May 11, 2024 at 8:23 PM Post #3 of 39
As a German I will start with what I did not liked. :wink:

First I had to wear all day long Darko around my wrist, I felt a bit offended about this. :wink:

This sounded horrible:

Last but not least, it was way to crowded, but I think to attract a lot of people is kind of the aim of such a show.

So now we have this out of the way to the things I liked.
Meeting known and new fellow headfier. :)

Especially for me this combo.
Viva Egoista 2A3 + Raal Immanis

Ok a bit dusty, but I came back three time to this combo, so it must have had something I liked.
I did not liked the Immanis particularly with the Feliks Envy, to lean for me, but here the bass was divine. Pink Floyd, Run like hell, life was very subwoofer like.

This is going to be a revolution:
Final Audio X8000

At the show unfortunately they could only be demoed with some improvised D8000 pads but still they sounded very very great and around 200g?, unbelievalbel!

What I also liked: Caldera closed, nice meaty but still very detailed sound and the Warrick Bravura. Really, really nice detailed, clean, deep, relaxed sound signature. I was very impressed.

Unfortunately I could not hear the Aperio as somehow „somebody“ started a party in the listening room from Warrick by organising some bottles of beer. As Americans they forgot that German beer bottles do not have screw caps and a bottle opener was needed. A nice Swedish guy offered his Swiss Army knife to help out and was awarded with a beer for this nice gesture and so the party started. Ok, it was nearly at the end of the show so it was understandable.
By the way if anybody meets Resolve and/or Goldensound tomorrow please give them a bottle opener as gift. :)

Further impressions welcomed. :)
I've been excited to see more about the Final Audio X8000.
That and the Immanis are probably the only recent headphones that interest me at all.
May 12, 2024 at 10:36 AM Post #4 of 39
Look forward to some people's feedback on the Violectric amps that were announced.
May 12, 2024 at 7:48 PM Post #6 of 39
Very interested in impressions of the new hifiman estat or Immanis if anyone hears either of these.
Love to get more information on those too. Never seen the announcement.
May 13, 2024 at 1:01 PM Post #7 of 39
It‘s more like a classic trade fair than something like a Canjam. And yes, it was crowded. So much so, it was almost impossible to really audition a headphone there, be it open or closed. Only the closed booths (like Warwick Acoustics‘) were a little quieter, but even there the noise syphered in.

But nevertheless, the ZMF Bokeh Open made it onto my cannot-resist-to-buy-list anyway.
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May 14, 2024 at 7:56 AM Post #8 of 39
Some impressions from the day...

AUNE AR5000 (with my own music)
- Build quality is great
- Overall excellent middle-of-the-road harman'ish sound - not doing anything wild
- But still musical

- Less sensitive than AR5000
- Less bass than AR5000
- I think this will be popular, would listen again
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Fostex TH900 (without my music)
- Bass is still legendary
- Treble not as piercing as expected
- Wouldn't mind owning one of these
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Fostex TH-909 (not my music)
-Treble is piercing
- Wouldn't listen again
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Fostex T50RP MK4 (not my music)
(No Photo)
- Huge improvement over the MK2 series
- More comfortable
- Better tuning, but...
- Still mid-focused - it's a tool, not a headphone for musical enjoyment
- This has to be the limit of the series... it's kind of outdated now.

Audeze LCD-5 (not my music)
- Bass texture is incredible
- Earpads are very 👌
- Would absolutely listen again
- One of the better ones of the whole day
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HEDD HEDDphone Two (not my music)
- Heavy
- Unwieldy on the head
- Crinkly noises
- But sound is excellent
- Would maybe listen again
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DROP Grell OAE1 Signature (with my music)
- Horribly boomy and piercing until you turn the volume down
- EXCELLENT if you like listening quietly
- It's like having a permanent loudness button turned on
- Would listen again
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FiiO FT3 (not my music)
- Well tuned
- Overall sound was kind of lacklustre
- Likley would not listen again
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FiiO FT1 (not my music)
- Quite boomy
- Would not listen again
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FiiO FT5 (not my music)
- It sounded quite boomy and bad
- In hindsight, I should have checked the DAP for EQ tampering, as other DAPs had stupid EQ settings applied.
- Probably not a legit impression :frowning2:
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Final Audio X8000 Prototype (with familiar music)
- Holy moly
- Good lord
- [insert endless stream of positive expletives]

This was by far one of the biggest surprises of the day for me.
Ultra lightweight planar with a BIG, AUTHORITATIVE sound.

- Would audition again 100%
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Erzetich Charybdis (not my music)
- BIG sound
- BIG headphone
- BIG weight
Overall well tuned but would need more time with it to make more informed conclusions
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Raal Immanis - (with familiar music)
- Tuning and detail both absolutely superb
- Felt like it was missing some 'depth' or 'slam' or warmth.
- Which could have just been the overwhelming noise of the exhibition interfering
- Would audition again, 100%
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Meze 105 AER (familiar music)
- A little boomier than it's older sibling
- At half the price of the 109 Pro, I think these are going to be quite popular
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DCA Expanse (not my music)
- Overall excellent
- But sounded quite thin
- Probably wouldn't audition again
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DCA E3 (not my music)
- Sublime bass texture/depth/volume
- A touch too much energy in upper mids for my taste
- Would audition again 100%
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Rosson RAD-0 (With my music)
- Overall sounded almost neutral except for less treble
- I think a very 'popular' kind of tuning
- Technically very capable and musical sound
- Would audition again
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Sennheiser HD620S (with my music)
- STELLAR noise isolation - this was the ONLY time during the whole day I felt that the passive noise reduction made such an impressive difference.
- Midbass hell - they are VERY boomy with electronic music
- For acoustic/classical lovers only.
- Would not audition again
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Hifiman Audivina (with familiar music)
gross tuning 🤮
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Hifiman HE1000 (with familiar music)
- Nice big sound
- Still the usual planar 'wall of sound' presentation
- Would audition again
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Hifiman Susvara (not my music)
( I heard at least three copies through the day at different stations through different amps )
- very polite but big sound
- extremely articulate
- would love to audition at home in peace and quiet
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Audio Technica ADX-5000 (not my music)
( Was quite loud here)
- I think a little lean, but overall balanced sound
- Very articulate
- Would audition again
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Moondrop Cosmo (with my music)
- Soft/Delicate sound
- Small'ish staging for a big planar
- VERY light and comfortable
- A bit thin sounding
- Wouldn't audition again
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Moondrop Para
- Same as Cosmo but FULLER sound
- Would audition again!
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Moondrop Joker
- Mid
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May 14, 2024 at 7:57 AM Post #9 of 39
Audio Technica ATH-WB LTD (not my music)
- Remarkably beautiful design
- Sounds well balanced... I think?
- would love to listen again!
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Audio Technica AWKT
- A little mid-range focused for my taste
- Didn't 'wow' me
- Still, would audition again if possible
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Stax SR-X9000 + Blue Hawaii (not my music)
- Somehow sounded dull
- Not impressive
- lacklustre....
- ..... ???
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STAX SR-X9000 + SRM-T8000 (with familiar music)
- Holy End-Game Batman!
- This was the best headphone I heard on the day
(I wonder if the source/source-material on the Blue Hawaii above was just not good)

STAX SR-009S (with familiar music)
- Really not far behind the X9000
- Incrementally less 'lively/energetic' sounding
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STAX SR-X1 (with familiar music)
- Reminded me (weirdly) of the Audeze MM100
- Maybe a touch more open and airy than a planar
- Bass a bit weak. It goes deep, but not strongly.
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Hifiman Ananda (with familiar music)
- Big, gentle sound
- Quite pleasant
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Hifiman Sundara (with my music)
- Overall perfect tuning and sound quality
- Lack of cup rotation made these one of the most uncomfortable headphones from the whole day
- Would not audition again
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Abyss Diana (not my music)
- Overall pleasant
- Couldn't get a proper handle on it without my own music
- Would maybe audition again... maybe
- Not super comfortable - ear pad gaps at the bottom/back of the pads
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Abyss AB-1266 (not my music)
- a bit unwieldy
- I felt the 'wow', but somehow I also wanted more... maybe my own music :p
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Spirit Torino Centauri (not my music)
- Bad tuning
- Weird presentation
- Would never audition again
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Spirit Torino Valkyria (not my music)
- Doesn't sound anywhere near as wonky as the FR graphs suggest
- Still a VERY weird presentation
- It sounds half aggressive and half passive... congested?... diffused?... kind of like incorrect polarity wiring...
- Wouldn't listen again
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Warwick Acoustics Sonoma Model One (not my music)
- Baby HE1?
- Very similar overall presentation to HE1
- Would audition again
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Warwick Acoustics Bravura (not my music)
- Not as FULLY engaging as the Sonoma
- Still a solid performance.
- Basically a e-stat version of HD600
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FiiO FF5 (with my music)
- Unimpressive resolution
- A bit muddy in the bass
- Wouldn't audition again
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Audeze LCD-GX
- Very 'safe' tuning
- The most 'average' sounding LCD (I think)
- Not too bassy, not too warm, etc etc... just in the middle of the pack
- Quite a 'wall of sound' planar presentation
- Wouldn't audition again
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Fostex - TH808 (not my music)
- Treble is quite hot
- Bass is awesome, but not enough to overcome the treble
- Would like to audition again with my own music
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Erzetich Thalia (not my music)
- One of the only on-ear headphones in the whole show
- Surprisingly good/fun sound (I'm an on-ear skeptic)
- Also on the more comfortable side for an on-ears
- SHOCKINGLY not unwieldy on the head!!
- Would audition again
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Spirit Torino Radiante (with my music)
- Very poor tuning
- Lots of reflections/echo'ey sound in these cups
- Would never audition again
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Neumann NDH30 (not my music)
- Just a very good, honest, overall well-tuned, reliable sound
- Would pick this over HD650 IF it was more comfortable, but it is not
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Campfire Andromeda (with my music)
- Bass sounded a bit congested
- I don't get the hype
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Tago Studio T3-01
- One of the bigger surprises of the day
- VERY good for a medium-sized over-ear closed-back headphone!
- Good clean sound with great extension
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Hifiman HE1000se
- I think it sounds a bit fuller than the regular 1000?... maybe??
- Same big sound and good tuning
- Would audition again
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Crosszone CZ1 (with familiar music)
- Build quality is VERY impressive - much better than photos suggest
- Not janky at all in design or execution! (same goes for all 3 models)
- A HUGE surprise for me
- I think I can see what they're trying to do with the design here.
- VERY funky soundstage from the 'crossfeed' design
- These are better for classical/acoustic and are tuned with that in mind

Crosszone CZ-10 (with familiar music)
- This one is tuned more for vocals - Upper-mid forward
- I didn't like it
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Crosszone CZ-8A (with familiar music)
- I LOVE this headphone
- Overall the most 'balanced' sound with a HUGE helping of subbass
- Best tuning for electronic music
- It just sounds really fun - I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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May 14, 2024 at 8:32 AM Post #10 of 39
Camerton Audio Binom-ER (not my music)
- Very capable planar sound
- Build quality is overall good
- I think these have significant rear-damping - holding hands over the rear of the cups does not do much
- Sound is a little 'compressed' not as airy as it could be
- ear pad are not perfect - they are too deep
- Press the headphone against your head a bit and the bass boom disappears
- Pads should be thinner to get a more neutral sound
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Perun (Electrostatic) (not my music)
- Somehow these were one of my favourite headphones from the whole day
- Kind of like a DIY SR-Lambda... but more musical, bigger sound, perfectly tuned
- REALLY musical sound
- Would audition again 100% (I kind of want one... kind of)
(ES 1 alpha also sounded REALLY good beside it - The ES1 sounded warmer than the Perun)
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Shangling Prototype (with familiar music)
- Reminded me a lot of the Oppo PM1/PM3
- Overall good tuning with a TOUCH of v-shape
- I think these will be popular if the price is right
- Would audition again 100%
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Austrian Audio Composer + Full Score One (some familiar music)
- Not my first Comoser Audition
- Same stellar bass and nice 'big' high-res open sound
- Full Score One TTT button actually works!!! Very cool technology
- Would audition again! (...and again... and again...)
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Audeze MM100
- Pleasant
- Very 'safe' tuning and presentation
- It does NOTHING wild
- Kinda like... a planar HD600?... should please the most ears.
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No idea what this headphone was (at the Topping stand) (not my music)
- Sounded OK ... I know... that's not very helpful.
- I couldn't find any obvious flaws. Good solid planar.
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ORB CF-IEM (with my music)
- A fun idea!! - they use genuine man-made gemstones = jewellery IEMs
- Fairly competent for a single BA IEM
- Pinna gain is present
- After dropping 4KHz by around 5-7dB things cleared up VERY nicely.
- Not sure if it's competetive at this price, but pleasant gentle sound
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May 14, 2024 at 9:18 AM Post #11 of 39
Camerton Audio Binom-ER (not my music)
- Very capable planar sound
- Build quality is overall good
- I think these have significant rear-damping - holding hands over the rear of the cups does not do much
- Sound is a little 'compressed' not as airy as it could be
- ear pad are not perfect - they are too deep
- Press the headphone against your head a bit and the bass boom disappears
- Pads should be thinner to get a more neutral sound

Perun (Electrostatic) (not my music)
- Somehow these were one of my favourite headphones from the whole day
- Kind of like a DIY SR-Lambda... but more musical, bigger sound, perfectly tuned
- REALLY musical sound
- Would audition again 100% (I kind of want one... kind of)
(STAX SR-X9000 also sounded REALLY good beside it - The STAX sounded warmer than the Perun)

Shangling Prototype (with familiar music)
- Reminded me a lot of the Oppo PM1/PM3
- Overall good tuning with a TOUCH of v-shape
- I think these will be popular if the price is right
- Would audition again 100%

Austrian Audio Composer + Full Score One (some familiar music)
- Not my first Comoser Audition
- Same stellar bass and nice 'big' high-res open sound
- Full Score One TTT button actually works!!! Very cool technology
- Would audition again! (...and again... and again...)

Audeze MM100
- Pleasant
- Very 'safe' tuning and presentation
- It does NOTHING wild
- Kinda like... a planar HD600?... should please the most ears.

No idea what this headphone was (at the Topping stand) (not my music)
- Sounded OK ... I know... that's not very helpful.
- I couldn't find any obvious flaws. Good solid planar.

ORB CF-IEM (with my music)
- A fun idea!! - they use genuine man-made gemstones = jewellery IEMs
- Fairly competent for a single BA IEM
- Pinna gain is present
- After dropping 4KHz by around 5-7dB things cleared up VERY nicely.
- Not sure if it's competetive at this price, but pleasant gentle sound
Camerton Audio Binom-ER (not my music)
- Very capable planar sound
- Build quality is overall good
- I think these have significant rear-damping - holding hands over the rear of the cups does not do much
- Sound is a little 'compressed' not as airy as it could be
- ear pad are not perfect - they are too deep
- Press the headphone against your head a bit and the bass boom disappears
- Pads should be thinner to get a more neutral sound

Perun (Electrostatic) (not my music)
- Somehow these were one of my favourite headphones from the whole day
- Kind of like a DIY SR-Lambda... but more musical, bigger sound, perfectly tuned
- REALLY musical sound
- Would audition again 100% (I kind of want one... kind of)
(STAX SR-X9000 also sounded REALLY good beside it - The STAX sounded warmer than the Perun)

Shangling Prototype (with familiar music)
- Reminded me a lot of the Oppo PM1/PM3
- Overall good tuning with a TOUCH of v-shape
- I think these will be popular if the price is right
- Would audition again 100%

Austrian Audio Composer + Full Score One (some familiar music)
- Not my first Comoser Audition
- Same stellar bass and nice 'big' high-res open sound
- Full Score One TTT button actually works!!! Very cool technology
- Would audition again! (...and again... and again...)

Audeze MM100
- Pleasant
- Very 'safe' tuning and presentation
- It does NOTHING wild
- Kinda like... a planar HD600?... should please the most ears.

No idea what this headphone was (at the Topping stand) (not my music)
- Sounded OK ... I know... that's not very helpful.
- I couldn't find any obvious flaws. Good solid planar.

ORB CF-IEM (with my music)
- A fun idea!! - they use genuine man-made gemstones = jewellery IEMs
- Fairly competent for a single BA IEM
- Pinna gain is present
- After dropping 4KHz by around 5-7dB things cleared up VERY nicely.
- Not sure if it's competetive at this price, but pleasant gentle sound
Thank you Greg. I really enjoyed this tour of the Munich show. A lot of headphones and I can tell a lot of time listening. Makes me want to go to SoCal Canjam! Thank you for sharing with us.

Not sure if you got a chance to check any of the amps and dac's out though? Did you get to see the new Violectric Amps?
May 14, 2024 at 9:25 AM Post #12 of 39
64 Audio

Volür (my own music)

- Sounded kinda average :/
- I didn't hear much difference with the filters
- Average sound
- Whacky soundstage
- I don't get it

Overall I was quite disappointed with the three I tried.
Also none of them wanted to sit correctly in my ears - cable hanging away from ears
- this did not affect tip insertion and audio impressions - I could audition these while sitting stationary
(Photo missing)

Campfire Panderosa (with my own music)
- Bass a little mushy :/

Campfire Trifecta 'Dark Prism' (with my music) (No photo available)
- Overall tuning is fine
- Other than that I don't understand the price tag at all.

Audio Technica eye-candy
- You couldn't listen to these... only observe 0__0

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Mamoritai Euphony - Headphone amp (at the Fosi Audio stand)
- There is no way I had a chance to get any impression of this amp
- too much noise + not my own music
- Would love to audition - it looks VERY cool
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Moondrop Kato (with my own music)
- Almost perfect
- Subbass a touch weak?... maybe?

Moondrop Starfield II (with my own music)
- Similar to other Moondrops but a bit too spicy up top in the treble (for me)

Moondrop Dusk SP (USB-C termination)
- Perfect Tuning (not hyperbole)
- I FULLY understand why these have taken over the IEM world
- Hype fully deserved.

Moondrop Dark Saber
- This was easily the best IEM I tried all day
- It had a similar tuning to the Dusk II, but sounded 'more' in EVERY aspect.
- Just incredibly musical, dynamic and engaging.
- Also the best fitting IEM I've ever tried in my life
- It's been a long time since I wanted anything THIS much.
(Shenzenaudio, if you're reading, please send me one for review :wink: )

ZMF Caldera Closed Back
- Couldn't find a single problem with it
- Good, clean, fun closed-back sound
- Would audition again

ZMF Caldera
- Overall should be a total crowd-pleaser with this tuning
- Incrementally more congested than the absolute top-tier open-back flagship stuff... very close behind.
- Would audition again
May 14, 2024 at 9:29 AM Post #13 of 39
Thank you Greg. I really enjoyed this tour of the Munich show. A lot of headphones and I can tell a lot of time listening. Makes me want to go to SoCal Canjam! Thank you for sharing with us.

Not sure if you got a chance to check any of the amps and dac's out though? Did you get to see the new Violectric Amps?
Firstly my name isn't Greg (you're not the first, and you won't be the last :D )
Yeah, it was a really great experience despite the background noise, and a proper hard days work! (it really felt like it)

With all the noise I didn't bother doing any proper amp/DAC listening.
I did see the new Violectric amps... couldn't tell you anything about them though XD
May 14, 2024 at 1:17 PM Post #14 of 39
Perun (Electrostatic) (not my music)
- Somehow these were one of my favourite headphones from the whole day
- Kind of like a DIY SR-Lambda... but more musical, bigger sound, perfectly tuned
- REALLY musical sound
- Would audition again 100% (I kind of want one... kind of)
(STAX SR-X9000 also sounded REALLY good beside it - The STAX sounded warmer than the Perun)
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Looks like it's ES Lab's SR-Omega clone beside the Perun:

No idea what this headphone was (at the Topping stand) (not my music)
- Sounded OK ... I know... that's not very helpful.
- I couldn't find any obvious flaws. Good solid planar.
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NAN-7 which is supposedly a DIY Susvara replica:
May 14, 2024 at 1:22 PM Post #15 of 39
Thanks Greg great write up!
Have you been to the Viva booth?
They had Elite, Empyrean 2, Susvara, Immanis and L700 MKII with their amps.
Would be great to hear your impressions of the headphones there.

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