Moral: Be nice to your ears or no Etys for a week
Apr 23, 2002 at 2:28 AM Post #16 of 30
Bro-in-law is a good egg... he sent me home with some new music.... Chris Whitley, Rocket House. Excellent disk so far, even without the Etys.

Interesting, I like the sound of the Grado 125s. Great presence, lots of punch, good soundstage. But I REALLY enjoy the sound of the Etys.

Glad you're back in the fold!

Nov 8, 2003 at 5:44 PM Post #18 of 30

Originally posted by Music Fanatic
This thread could be one of the most horrific stories I've read on this forum. It expresses the fear I have about both Q-tips and Etys (although I do use 4Ps from time to time.)

Isn't it one of the most educational as well though?

Now I've got to seriously think about what to do 'bout my ear canals.. maybe the drops are really the best way to go. Are there any over-the-counter form of these drops?
Nov 8, 2003 at 5:51 PM Post #19 of 30
I usually just run a pipe cleaner through and work it back and forth like dental floss. It not only cleans my ears but also removes any unused brain cells in the process.

Nov 8, 2003 at 6:00 PM Post #20 of 30
I guess this is a lesson to you radrd. Personally, I've had no problems using q-tips to clean my ears, although I do want to try out some of the ear cleaners from a pharamcy.
Nov 8, 2003 at 6:04 PM Post #21 of 30
Why hasn't anyone mentioned Murine ear wax removal drops? It takes some time so you wouldn't want to do it every day but it does a thorough job of removing ear wax.
Nov 8, 2003 at 6:05 PM Post #22 of 30
I never have or will use Q-tips in my ears. There is too great a risk of infection no matter how careful you are. Once every couple of months I use a warm water bulb syringe and once in a while ear drops to loosen any embedded wax. I have never had a problem with my ears or my Etys. I am careful to make sure that my ears are fully dry before listening as water will ruin the filter.
Nov 8, 2003 at 6:15 PM Post #23 of 30
Wow , I never use q-tips! I don't really have to much problems with wax ( guess my showers are enough) but I can see how even a little bit of wax would be bother some for someone who use's a ety4 alot.
I tried them out like 2 week's ago , I do agree the sound amazing but they scare the crap out of me !
Rs-1's all the way
Nov 8, 2003 at 6:33 PM Post #24 of 30

Originally posted by radrd
It is very strange going from Sennheiser HD280 Pros on a daily basis and no Etys for a week to Etys again.

I recently experienced the same thing. I had some problems when I sent my Etys back for repair and I was without them for a month. I went with my Denon 950s at work for that whole time. At the time it didn't really seems a big step down, but when I got the Etys back and plugged them in they just stunned me with their sound and I had to adjust to the bass again. I don't think they sounded any better or different than they had previously, it was just the contrast after being without them for a period of time.
Nov 8, 2003 at 8:48 PM Post #26 of 30

Originally posted by dlow
Personally, I keep ear wax down by rinsing my ears in the shower (we all shower right?
). Immersing one's head in water (ie. swimming) also does the trick. Afterwards, a gentle swab of the canals with a Q-tip (no deeper than the cotton part), followed by a good firm swabbing of the ear lobe and outer ear.

For people with lots of wax, I heard there are drops that will dissolve / loosen stubborn wax buildup.

That's what I do! After I started doing this regularly I haven't really noticed much ear wax at all! I just use the Q-tips to dry my ear mostly.
Nov 12, 2003 at 6:38 PM Post #27 of 30
I put a small dab of drugstore earwax-removing eardrop solution on the eartips from time to time (a couple times a day), then wipe them clean after I remove them. Over time it seems to "sweat out" the wax deposits in the ear canal so that now the eartips come out completely does my hearing aid, which formerly was something of a wax magnet.

This is with no other special ear-cleaning effort - no Q-tips, no special wash-outs in the shower, not a lot of swimming.

The eardrops I have (drugstore private label, don't know about Murine) are mostly glycerin (like certain, er, highly personal slipperiness-promoting products), so they also help in making the eartips go in smoothly and easily. And the layer of moisture gives me a really good seal.

If you can find a similar product, give it a try. You need only a small amount (and you want to be sure it's JUST a small amount so none of it leaks down into your drivers).
Nov 16, 2003 at 3:47 AM Post #29 of 30
When I was a kid I frequently had a doctor scrape out my ear canals. It is amazing how big a ball of wax can get! Since I grew up, and the canals got bigger, wax just tends to fall out by itself. I don't like the water treatment because it doesn't do nearly as good of a job and the water tends to get "trapped" (much like when swimming.) I'm currently having this problem again (first time in a decade), but don't really want to see a doctor, especially since they will probably only want to shoot water in my ear. I'll try some drops from the drug store first before searching for an ear, nose and throat specialist.

Symptoms of major build-up are usually diminished sound, loss of detail, and itchiness/tickling of the canal (like an itchy throat which causes coughing) as well as a slight pain or stuffy feeling (like a stuffy nose.) Sometimes it causes a slight sore throat down whichever side is the problem(wierd, I know, but can also happen from the cleaning itself.)

If Q-tips aren't used properly, wax is just being packed deep inside the canal rather than removing it. But, of course, YMMV.
Nov 16, 2003 at 3:52 AM Post #30 of 30
I go to the ENT once in a month to get my ears cleaned out. He has suction equipment and a waxol (or something like that) liquid ear drops. You have to use the drops for one day before going in for the cleaning. He sucks out the wax, completely cleans the ear until it is squeaky clean and finally applies a sterile lubricant.

You do have some mild ringing for a few hours after the procedure but the next day - CLEAN!! you can feel the cool air in your ears and hear things you never heard before...

Besides - when he uses his professional cotton swab with the dewaxing agent - it just feels so damn soothing...

If I were an emperor i'd employ an ENT for personal gratification

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