Monoprice Monolith Liquid Platinum - By Alex Cavalli
Aug 22, 2020 at 8:44 AM Post #3,167 of 5,201
The person I mentioned in my post has a detailed thread on it on another site that I can't mention or link on here do to headfi policy. The position on the LP knob will not change from 130. It's where the unity gain is, but the level on the preamp or dac( if it has a volume control) will possibly be a different setting.
Where did you read that unity gain was 1:30 on the volume pot? Also, the position on the knob is going to be different depending on whether balanced or single-ended is being used.
Aug 22, 2020 at 9:30 AM Post #3,168 of 5,201
If anyone is looking to do a trade with me for their non modded LP for my cap modded one I’d be up for it. Not that I have anything bad to say about the cap mod but I like a warmer more laid back tone which is what I think the stock caps give you. I got good trader feedback. If interested please PM me.

Also @Wes do you know of a good bassy gain 12AU7 tube? I’m pretty sure I’m going for the Aeolus and want something that contributes to their slam.

You know what's weird! I also got the mod done on my original LP, and when it came back I was a little startled by the extra "edge" and "rawness" added to the notes, and also by the apparently enhanced detail retrieval, and I confess that I have caught myself second guessing myself, regarding what to think about the mod and its effects : Was it a good thing, or maybe too much of a good thing, so to speak? I have not been able to answer this question satisfactorily or definitively until now, but even then, I think it is better to say that I am only *beginning* to get the answer I am looking for, and that the process is not yet complete. This hesitation or wavering between the two options is to be expected, since I was not among those who initially found anything to be wrong with the sonic status quo of the og LP before going for the mod. I opted to go for the mod, because I found its "early adopters" to be quite persuasive in touting its benefits, and that was, at least enough to pique the curiosity of the "mad scientist" half of my audiophile brain, so to speak. :relaxed:

Now as I said before, since getting the modded LP back, I have not completely stopped wondering whether I liked the new sound of it, or whether I found it to be too much of a good thing. Well I happened to take advantage of the $484 sale, and the arrival of the new unit is allowing me the opportunity to compare the modded with the un-modded sound, and guess what I am now thinking:

First of all, I am now discovering for the first time the "muffled sonic quality" of the non-modded version, which the early adopters were complaining about. Yes, so I was not aware that my og LP sounded in any way "muffled" until I sent it out for the mod. Since getting my modded unit back, I have been wondering whether the mod has made the notes from the LP too "raw", edgy, or "un-muffled" for my tastes... Yet now that I am having the opportunity to listen to an un-modded version from the $484 sale, I am slowly discovering that I prefer the relatively "unveiled" character of the notes on the modded version, in many areas, especially in the area of most high frequency notes, and in the way the modded version can seemingly retrieve additional granular details and "plankton" from within the sound field, so go figure!

The only sonic aspect(s) I still prefer about the unmodded version is that the notes at the lower end of the spectrum, i.e in the bass and sub-bass regions, sound somewhat (by which I mean veeery slightly) meatier than those of the modded unit, which sound sightly less meaty or full as compared to low-end notes from the og LP, but also somewhat "cleaner", and and less "veiled," comparatively speaking. This difference is rather subtle, and does not imply that bass on the modded LP is taking any egregious "hit" from the mod, or that it has become"thin" or "lean" in any way that is unacceptable. Still there are times when I wish I could get this "low-end" of the og LP with everything else from the modded version in the same box, but I am guessing that this relative "meatiness" of the og's low end is exactly what produces the slight "muffled-ness" or "veiled" haze that the mod sets out to address, and addresses so well, in the first place, so what's a guy to do?.

This input is being offered not to convert you or convince you to change your mind about wanting back the sound of the un-modded LP, or anything of the sort. I am just adding it to the information you might need to consider as you weigh your options... Of course, the following question is included, but I am not pretending to supply any adequate answer here:
"What if you discover, after getting an un-modded LP, that you prefer the sound of the modded version after all."?

The "lesson" I seem to be taking away here is that one cannot un-hear what one has already heard, and that the memory of what one has heard might always or often come back not only to haunt the present, but also spoil any parties one is having in the present. Obviously, this insight does not only apply to the LP, or even to this hobby alone...

Personally, I am not planning on selling or getting rid of either version of my LPs. The new one will not get modded, and the modded one will not get "un-modded." I am just trying to decide which one of them to retain in my near-field rig at home, and which one to send to my office, and the decision is not easy. To complicate mattes even further, I do not think either version has completed its "burn-in" journey as both the modding and the $484 sale acquisition are way too recent still.

So far, I just feel I can really live with both quite easily, and besides "the mad-scientist half of my audiophile brain" is quite content and seems to enjoy such conundrums and quandaries a bit, perhaps even too much.:relaxed:
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Aug 22, 2020 at 9:34 AM Post #3,169 of 5,201
Unity gain on the LP is 1:30 on the dial. Turn the volume down on your dac and set the LP at 130 you can use your dac for attenuation. That's what @atomicbob does with a preamp.

The idea of unity gain at 1:30 seemed a bit unexpected at first, but I have been trying exactly this approach for a while now, and it is sounding quite elegant and smooth-sailing so far. Thanks for suggesting it.
Aug 22, 2020 at 9:59 AM Post #3,170 of 5,201
The idea of unity gain at 1:30 seemed a bit unexpected at first, but I have been trying exactly this approach for a while now, and it is sounding quite elegant and smooth-sailing so far. Thanks for suggesting it.
This is one nice feature of the soekris dacs, the 1321 pairs nicely with the LP, and output levels can be adjusted to allow you to get past noon on the dial!

I hope the LP DAC has this feature.
Aug 22, 2020 at 10:39 AM Post #3,171 of 5,201
The only sonic aspect(s) I still prefer about the unmodded version is that the notes at the lower end of the spectrum, i.e in the bass and sub-bass regions, sound somewhat (by which I mean veeery slightly) meatier than those of the modded unit, which sound sightly less meaty or full as compared to low-end notes from the og LP, but also somewhat "cleaner",

I think you nailed it. The stock LP seems to sound boomier and warmer, but in my eyes more liquid. The cap mod sounds more clear and provides a sharper image and also I think responds even better to tube swapping so tubes that compliment the originals characteristics such as my 77 Vokshods sound great (laid back, more gain, more impactful midbass) but sound unpleasing on the modded version. Switching to a brighter version of the same tube accentuates parts of the sound I don't care for and tubes I would have never liked on the unmodded version like some GE JANs for being too warm sound good on the modded version albeit at a loss of a good amount of detail. As I stated before I think those that prefer clarity, purity and cleanliness will love the modded version (Keith also has different types of caps so I'm almost certain you can research how they affect the sound) but call me crazy that 'veil' warm sound sounds seductive in it's own right. I also think I liked it because I disliked my Aryas 5k peak and so the warmer nature of the stock LP calmed it down and made it a more enjoyable headphone. Nonetheless I would say the LP is a great amp for tonality and not so much technicalities (specifically detail) but that's what I love about it. If you already love your headphones or want to tweak them slightly (say a Utopia, Arya, or similar brightish can) this amp will do just enough to make you enjoy every aspect of your cans. I couldn't believe a $500 amp would be enough to make me feel this way. I thought I had to spring for a GSX MK2 or a DSHA-3 but I'm glad I was wrong.
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Aug 22, 2020 at 11:28 AM Post #3,172 of 5,201
The person I mentioned in my post has a detailed thread on it on another site that I can't mention or link on here do to headfi policy. The position on the LP knob will not change from 130. It's where the unity gain is, but the level on the preamp or dac( if it has a volume control) will possibly be a different setting.
I presumed that was what you were referring to. In atomicbob's evaluation, he states "Platinum gain knob at approximately 11:00 to achieve 0 dB gain Bal, 1:00 for 0 dB gain SE". Unless he has stated otherwise more recently, I believe 1:30 is more than needed to achieve 0 dB gain, if that's what you're trying to do.
Aug 22, 2020 at 2:32 PM Post #3,173 of 5,201
I'll have to find the post. I believe it's actually in the other LP thread on there. Maybe @atomicbob will chime in here to confirm.
I presumed that was what you were referring to. In atomicbob's evaluation, he states "Platinum gain knob at approximately 11:00 to achieve 0 dB gain Bal, 1:00 for 0 dB gain SE". Unless he has stated otherwise more recently, I believe 1:30 is more than needed to achieve 0 dB gain, if that's what you're trying to do.
Aug 22, 2020 at 2:46 PM Post #3,174 of 5,201
First of all, I am now discovering for the first time the "muffled sonic quality" of the non-modded version, which the early adopters were complaining about. Yes, so I was not aware that my og LP sounded in any way "muffled" until I sent it out for the mod. Since getting my modded unit back, I have been wondering whether the mod has made the notes from the LP too "raw", edgy, or "un-muffled" for my tastes... Yet now that I am having the opportunity to listen to an un-modded version from the $484 sale, I am slowly discovering that I prefer the relatively "unveiled" character of the notes on the modded version, in many areas, especially in the area of most high frequency notes, and in the way the modded version can seemingly retrieve additional granular details and "plankton" from within the sound field, so go figure!

This is 100% going to depend what headphone you use on it. A headphone that has tipped up treble (i.e. HD800) will sound worse on your modded one and better on your unmodded one. A headphone with blunted treble (i.e. HD6xx) will sound better on your modded one and worse on your unmodded one.

A simpler way to do this to a lesser extent is simply changing out the stock tubes for a bit brighter tube instead of modifying the hardware.

Personally I've found LP + MF MX-DAC + stock tubes + HD820 is a near perfect combination.
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Aug 22, 2020 at 9:28 PM Post #3,175 of 5,201
Finally able to make my impressions of the cap mod. Luckily I am in the same state as Keith so the turnaround was literally overnight.

I’ll have to say at first I didn’t really care for this mod. I felt like it took away too much of the magic of the original LP which was a nice seductive warmth and bass for more mid and overall clarity but I was wrong. This thing now reacts to tubes like a tube amp. It’s so easy to pick apart differences in tubes even in the same family. I was able to detect changes from a more V shaped gain 77 Vokshod Rockets to 75 Rockets which is a nice more seductive laid back sound which is my preferred sound preference. Detail takes a nice back seat.

Imaging seems to have improved and the bass is slightly more focused. The biggest change the cap mod does is basically clarity and reactiveness to tubes. Treble also is smoother without losing much bite which allows you to turn the volume up quite a bit more. I went from 11 to 1 o clock on balanced! I dare not leave it there too long though.

I wouldn’t say this mod hits it out of the park or is a must have or considerably noticeable but it adds a nice bit of “aliveness” that some posters have spoken about in earlier posts. I still think I prefer the non modded LP due to the more relaxed veiled nature which had that to die for Cavali warmth but if you find a nice pair of tubes I feel like this would be amazing. I’ll reserve further judgement until I get some 12AU7 adapters.
I just got a pair of Telefunken Black Diamond ECC88 / 12AU7 tubes and put them in yesterday in my LP with Cap Mod... terrific sound! If you haven't tried them yet, it would sure be worth the $108 for the pair.
Aug 22, 2020 at 9:36 PM Post #3,176 of 5,201
I received my LP yesterday (USPS delivers on Sunday!?) and was listening to it last night.
I have Grado ps1000, Hd800 and ZMF Eikon. I spent an hour maybe with the Grado then the rest of the time with the Eikon since I've been on the fence about selling it.
It only came with stock pair of tubes and another pair of tubes. So far I haven't heard the stock tubes so I'll listen to those tonight.
I wanted to hear the LP stock for at least a week before doing the cap mod. So far I wasn't super impressed but that doesn't really mean anything since there's been lots of gear that I wasn't impressed by at first listen then ended up really appreciating it after a bit more listening.
I'm looking forward to tonight and eventually listening to it with different caps.
I had to put a little over 150 hours on my LP before it took its place in good music. Then, I had the Cap Mod done and put another 100 hours on it and it really is doing an outstanding job with the right tubes. I use the Topping D90 DAC and Arya Headphones... best sound I've had in 11 years of serious headphone music making! And, as I've already posted, I got a pair of Telefunken Black Diamond 12AU7's yesterday... still burning them in, but so far they are outstanding!
Aug 22, 2020 at 9:41 PM Post #3,177 of 5,201
I just got a pair of Telefunken Black Diamond ECC88 / 12AU7 tubes and put them in yesterday in my LP with Cap Mod... terrific sound! If you haven't tried them yet, it would sure be worth the $108 for the pair.
I’ll check those out. What do you like about them? I’m probably going to go with some Valvo Hamburg 56s next.
Aug 22, 2020 at 9:59 PM Post #3,178 of 5,201
This is one nice feature of the soekris dacs, the 1321 pairs nicely with the LP, and output levels can be adjusted to allow you to get past noon on the dial!

I hope the LP DAC has this feature.
Why do you want to go past noon on the dial? At least on my LP there is no channel imbalance after 7pm, so I don't see the advantage of going past noon

I know it may be a little easier to have a larger range of dial motion, but the sound quality should theoretically be better if you run the DAC at full volume to the amp and only amplify that signal as much needed to get to listening level. If you digitally reduce volume at the DAC you lose resolution on most DACs (even on most DACs designed to compensate for this you lose resolution - you just lose less resolution on those)
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Aug 23, 2020 at 9:02 AM Post #3,179 of 5,201
Why do you want to go past noon on the dial? At least on my LP there is no channel imbalance after 7pm, so I don't see the advantage of going past noon

I know it may be a little easier to have a larger range of dial motion, but the sound quality should theoretically be better if you run the DAC at full volume to the amp and only amplify that signal as much needed to get to listening level. If you digitally reduce volume at the DAC you lose resolution on most DACs (even on most DACs designed to compensate for this you lose resolution - you just lose less resolution on those)

I understand what you are saying...and its completely irrational, but its just fun having more adjust-ability on the volume knob!

Even still, this amp is as close to end game as I have been in this hobby in regards to amps...paired with my GLMK2 I have all my bases covered except for portable which is not a concern for me most of the time anymore.
Aug 23, 2020 at 9:12 AM Post #3,180 of 5,201
Tube madness folks. Finally got around to hearing this dac @TK16 . I'll report back later this evening with my thoughts. Initially it's soft and rolled off in the treble compared to my Denafrips Ares. We shall see though.

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