Mini vs Nano?
Apr 28, 2006 at 2:11 PM Post #16 of 32

Originally Posted by Canon
My point of view on the matter is that an MP3 player is going through limited write cycles in comparison to a computer hard drive... So honestly the chance of mechanical failure is a lot greater than solid state failure in the application of a portable MP3 player since it is being moved around (I would assume at least).

I guess it's not the disk drive vs. flash. Flash itself has a limted range of write cycles, too. That's not a problem for typical listening, but it may be a problem when you use it as a mounted external pc volume with a file systems that writes frequently to the same location.

All iPods have the major problem of an internal battery. Typical numbers are 20 % loss within two years. Many devices fail after three years or around 300 charge cycles. Only few reach more than five years with a reasonable remaining capacitance at all.

For battery replacment the mini seems to be better suited than the nano - some people guess that due to nano's battery mount there will hardly be any 3rd party offers. This will leave you with Apple's $59 offer (which is not available worldwide).

I was told that the nano will not even work with a broken battery at a charging or docking station. Any confirmation here? It would be nice to leave the nano to the children for daily listening, using it stationnery instead of leaving them with my hifi CD player...
Apr 29, 2006 at 9:37 AM Post #17 of 32

It seems to me that most people don't know about a mod for ALL ipods which can save your battery.....

I used a program called podhack, which contains something called a deep sleep hack. What this mod does is it puts a configuration file onto your iPod, and it will actually tell the iPod to go into deep-sleep instead of stand-by after 5 minutes of inactivity.

This really saves your battery from dying out very quickly. I bought my mini in the middle of last year, and a recent test showed that it can still average over 18 hours of playback almost one year later with frequent use.

Also, try using programs such as mp3gain or Eupod, which will automatically edit all your MP3s to play at below 89db, which is the optimum setting before your iPods start distorting. Having tried this on both my mini and nano, I've found that this actually lets the EQ on both ipods to function properly, with bass boost actually now boosting the bass instead of just distorting it.

In case you're wondering, yes, I've also put the battery mod onto my 2GB nano....
Apr 29, 2006 at 12:19 PM Post #18 of 32

Originally Posted by nsx_23

It seems to me that most people don't know about a mod for ALL ipods which can save your battery.....

I used a program called podhack, which contains something called a deep sleep hack. What this mod does is it puts a configuration file onto your iPod, and it will actually tell the iPod to go into deep-sleep instead of stand-by after 5 minutes of inactivity.

Got a link to the hack? I didn't find it using Google.
Apr 29, 2006 at 12:36 PM Post #19 of 32

Originally Posted by nsx_23

This really saves your battery from dying out very quickly. I bought my mini in the middle of last year, and a recent test showed that it can still average over 18 hours of playback almost one year later with frequent use.

If you showed me 5 with the hack, and 5 without, and a random allocation of playing stress on all 10, and the 5 with the hack had significantly longer battery lives after a year, I would think you are saying something.

I am sure you are sure that it works though

Apr 30, 2006 at 3:24 PM Post #20 of 32
May 1, 2006 at 10:39 AM Post #21 of 32
I would really like to know whether the deep sleep hack would improve battery life for lots of people out there....

In case you're wondering, no, I didn't write the program......

By the way, I hope people know that the hack doesn't just work for minis. It'll work for most ipods (including nanos, cos I have one and have already modded it).

Please take the time out to try this mod for all you ipod owners out there now that the link has been found (thanks!), and let me know how you fair......

and here's the link for the cause of the EQ distortion on ipods and how to fix it:
May 1, 2006 at 7:28 PM Post #23 of 32
I bought a 2g mini in late august 2005. Late enough that I returned it the day the nano was announced.

The one big difference I found, apart from the obvious ones, was that the device responded much faster to input. For example, you can go through songs almost as fast as you can press next on the nano, where as with the mini I found it was best to wait for the song to come up onscreen before pressing next again.

The screen on the mini also had a very poor response time, which meant that it was nearly impossible to read what was on the screen when scrolling quickly through songs.
May 1, 2006 at 8:00 PM Post #24 of 32
Does anyone else have a link to finding PODhack. Seems all the links are broken and Google isn't providing anything either. Could someone provide a link for this program or another program that puts the IPOD into deep sleep to save the battery.

May 2, 2006 at 12:03 PM Post #25 of 32
I found the link a while ago, and unfortunately I can't exaclty post a .exe file onto the thing.......

Just keep searching google, or go to and ask/search around.

With regards to the bext IEMS, Shure E5's aren't bad, the etymotic Er4s are good (though they admittedly look terrible), but I'm waiting for the Shure E500s....mohaha

Has anyone read my post about the 89db distortion problem??
May 4, 2006 at 1:53 AM Post #29 of 32

Originally Posted by nsx_23

Also, try using programs such as mp3gain or Eupod, which will automatically edit all your MP3s to play at below 89db, which is the optimum setting before your iPods start distorting. Having tried this on both my mini and nano, I've found that this actually lets the EQ on both ipods to function properly, with bass boost actually now boosting the bass instead of just distorting it.

Is there an mp3gain or Eupod for Mac? I would love to make the EQ more useable on my mini. Does it work on AAC files, or only MP3's?
May 4, 2006 at 2:01 AM Post #30 of 32

Originally Posted by riker1384
How do they compare? I was thinking of trading in my Nano for a 6GB. I like the Mini form better.

Then go ahead, but finding a 6gb mini can be a challenge.

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