Michelle Wie - I don't like what I'm seeing here
Jul 15, 2006 at 12:01 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 109


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Jul 4, 2002
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OK...now I don't want this to become a big male vs female thread by any stretch. That's not why I'm posting this.

That said, I'm getting increasingly annoyed by what's going on with Michelle Wie and her career as a professional golfer.

Here we have a young (16 yr old) woman, who is admittedly a very talented golfer, who is making repeated attempts at qualifying for a PGA event. This bothers me on several levels:

1) She's not just failing to qualify, she's getting clobbered. She was 12 strokes behind the leader when she withdrew earlier today from the John Deere Classic. What is the point of even attempting to qualify if you have no chance of even being competitive? What is the point of merely qualifying? Seems like a pyrric victory to me. Why not compete on the LPGA tour on an equal playing field where she actually has a chance to WIN?

2) It would be one thing if (like Annika Sorenstam before her) she had achieved consistent success on the LPGA tour, and was seeking to compete at the next level. She has not...she's not so much as won an LPGA event. In my opinion, she not only hasn't earned the right to compete on the PGA tour, I'm not altogether sure that she's earned the right to play on the LPGA tour. Apparently a number of her cohorts on the LPGA tour feel the same way, and are tiring of her refusal to qualify as a condition of appearing at an event.

3) Where are her parents in all this? I know that she's personable, and there's clearly money to be made in all this (surely the tournament sponsors who give her an exemption to play think so), but this can't possibly be a good and healthy thing. It's an enourmous amount of pressure to put on a 16 year old, which likely explains her exit from the tournament today from exhaustion. How many 16 year olds do you know who can't play a round of golf in moderately hot and humid conditions without requiring hospitalization?

I just think that she'd be a lot better off if she stuck to the LPGA tour and achieved some success. If she dominates the LPGA the way that Annika Sorenstam did, then the PGA tour beckons and I'll shut up about it. Until then, this strikes me as a publicity stunt designed to line everyone's pockets. I don't generally have a problem with that, but she's 16 years old and clearly reeling from the pressure that she's under.

She simply doesn't belong in a PGA tour event.

I know that this is a bit on the controversial side, and I really don't want to get this thing rolling down the male vs female route. That's not my objection here - it's that she's not even come close to earning the right to do this, and that it's not healthy to subject her to all this pressure.

Your thoughts??
Jul 15, 2006 at 12:14 AM Post #3 of 109
I don't like it either. There is a LPGA and a PGA for a reason. A WNBA and a NBA, etc. If the competition really wasn't up to par for her then perhaps I could understand but man it gets to me as well when she tries to cross over without even having conquered her own league.


Originally Posted by The_Duke_Of_Eli
It's just special that any 16 year old has ever come so close.

But why have a 16 year old come close and fizzle when you could have an 18, 19, 20 year old make it happen?
Jul 15, 2006 at 12:21 AM Post #5 of 109

Originally Posted by The_Duke_Of_Eli
It's just special that any 16 year old has ever come so close.

The thing is though is that she isn't coming close. She embarassing herself in my opinion. It's all just a cash grab. Like Elrod said, it would be a different story if she was a force on the LPGA, but she is not...hasn't even won a single event (I know she has been competitive though). She stick stick to the LPGA until there it isn't enough compitition left for her. It's turning into a farce, and I feel sorry for her.
Jul 15, 2006 at 12:27 AM Post #7 of 109

Originally Posted by tkam
Give her a break, she's a 16 yr old kid chasing a dream. As she gets older I'm sure she'll focus on the LPGA.

But isn't this the whole point? What is significant about being the first woman to qualify for a PGA event? Do you really think that there haven't been top LPGA players who could have done so prior to this? Why hasn't it happened?

Because IMHO those who would potentially have preceeded her to the PGA tour didn't see any point in being one of the worst players on the men's tour. I don't see it either...it proves nothing to say "I play as well as the worst qualifiers on second or third tier PGA events".

Besides, I don't necessarily buy this whole "chasing a dream" thing anyway. This sounds to me like the unhealthy by-product of overly bunched-up parents who see it as a money making venture.
Jul 15, 2006 at 12:28 AM Post #8 of 109

Originally Posted by elrod-tom
3) Where are her parents in all this? I know that she's personable, and there's clearly money to be made in all this (surely the tournament sponsors who give her an exemption to play think so), but this can't possibly be a good and healthy thing. It's an enourmous amount of pressure to put on a 16 year old, which likely explains her exit from the tournament today from exhaustion. How many 16 year olds do you know who can't play a round of golf in moderately hot and humid conditions without requiring hospitalization?

I could be wrong, but I think Michelle Wie is Korean. Speaking from my own experiences, I can tell you that Korean parents tend to value success much higher than their child's mental health or at least they don't take it as seriously as American society does. I remember that instead of being praised, I'd get questioned many times by my parents (and sometimes even other Korean adults) why I didn't get better than an A-. All hell would break lose if I got a B+. I'm not exaggerating. Korean kids just tend to get hit with a lot of pressure during their childhood. I don't really follow Michelle Wie so I don't know what her parents are like, but I highly doubt she has Brady Bunch parents.
Jul 15, 2006 at 12:28 AM Post #9 of 109

Originally Posted by skev13
When I look at her, and when I look at Sidney Crosby (pre NHL), I always thought to myself, wow, I'm the same age or older than these guys, what the hell have I achieved in my life?

I eventually came to the conclusion that I don't like Sidney Crosby too much.

lol...a little jealousy is ok, but he is a force in his respective sport.
Jul 15, 2006 at 12:34 AM Post #11 of 109

Originally Posted by elrod-tom
Besides, I don't necessarily buy this whole "chasing a dream" thing anyway. This sounds to me like the unhealthy by-product of overly bunched-up parents who see it as a money making venture.

I'll agree that her parents are probably pushing her too hard, but I don't really buy the money aspect. She'd make loads more money focusing on and winning LPGA events then failing miserably to even qualify for PGA events. I also doubt she'd lose any endorsement money by focusing only on the LPGA.
Jul 15, 2006 at 12:39 AM Post #12 of 109

Originally Posted by tkam
I'll agree that her parents are probably pushing her too hard, but I don't really buy the money aspect. She'd make loads more money focusing on and winning LPGA events then failing miserably to even qualify for PGA events. I also doubt she'd lose any endorsement money by focusing only on the LPGA.

I don't know about that. She already has so much pull on the LPGA that it's ridiculous. I mean, only agreeing to show up at an event if she doesn't have to qualify? I don't blame other golfers on the LPGA for being angry...she's is being allowed to bend the rules. She plays on lesser mens tournies because she can get a bigger appearance fee (something she may not get on the LPGA), I mean...what tournament doesn't want to be the one that Wie qualifies in. Let us not forget whos stable she is in...the Swoosh just wants a female you know who...
Jul 15, 2006 at 12:39 AM Post #13 of 109

Jul 15, 2006 at 12:50 AM Post #14 of 109
The other thing I just thought of is that I don't think that it is necessarily about performance with Wie, at least not to her sponsors. It's about selling the game of golf, especially to younger girls who previously had no interest. The same thing happend with Tiger, although his performance was epic. How many young kids would be playing golf these days had Tiger Woods never played? I think Nike and the PGA/LPGA wants the same thing to happen with Wie...that's a lot of pressure to put on a 16 year old irregardless of skill...
Jul 15, 2006 at 12:50 AM Post #15 of 109

Originally Posted by Homeless
Let us not forget whos stable she is in...the Swoosh just wants a female you know who...

Precisely. Let's not be naive here on the money aspect.

IMO she's beyond overrated and will never be the female le tigre although that's clearly her dream.

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