Meizu M6 + Shure e2c a good overall combo?
Jul 19, 2007 at 4:37 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


New Head-Fier
Jul 19, 2007

I've spent several hours these past days reading all sorts of reviews and opinions here, and have just shifted my choice for a portable device from the popular iPod Nano 8GB to Sandisk e280 and from there to the Meizu M6, seeing how the latter is receiving overwhelming praise in terms of value and sound quality.
I have also decided to finally take the plunge into the world of in-ear phones, though being a student, I can't afford anything above the e2c or equivalent.

I generally listen to a lot of postrock, classical, mixed with some rock/metal and the occassional trancey tune. Would this combination of player + buds provide for an overall agreeable listening experience, or is there a definite problem in the making if I choose those?

Important question as well:
I am from Slovenia (we're in the European Union); the prices for the Meizu here are exorbitant - the lowest offer for the 8GB M6 is at 190 Euro (~260 $), which is one hell of a price to pay as a student. The Shure e2c are priced at around 125$ (sadly only one company is selling those in Slovenia). What options do I have regarding online purchase (I visited mp4nation and houseofDAP, but there is a ton more)? I do not want to end up having paid several hundred bucks and receiving a lump of coal; also, if any of you live in the EU and ordered from overseas, please describe your customs experience.

Thanks for the replies!
Jul 19, 2007 at 5:28 PM Post #2 of 9
I have not listened to e2cs, but the M6 sounds great with my UM1s. As someone posted in another thread, the M6 sounds good with bass deficient IEMS. Several reviews/comments that I have read on the e2cs state that they are light in the bass area. Therefore, they may be a good match with the M6.

Jul 19, 2007 at 9:16 PM Post #4 of 9
Kramer pointed out that Walgreens sells the M6 4 gigs for $99. You could ask someone to buy it for you in the USA and ship it to you. It's such a huge value at that price point in my opinion. At least better than any unused DAP on the market atm.
Jul 20, 2007 at 2:13 AM Post #5 of 9

Originally Posted by lac29 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Kramer pointed out that Walgreens sells the M6 4 gigs for $99. You could ask someone to buy it for you in the USA and ship it to you. It's such a huge value at that price point in my opinion. At least better than any unused DAP on the market atm.

I think he already has a Meizu, he wants to decide which budget IEM he shud get. Also, Meizu is no longer available from Walgreens for $99, they removed it from their website

EDIT : I take that back. However, the $99 sale price for 4Gb is gone and now they are back for $119. 2Gb ones are available for $99.
Jul 25, 2007 at 1:55 PM Post #6 of 9
Newegg now has the Meizu 4Gb for $99
Jul 25, 2007 at 3:21 PM Post #7 of 9
The E2Cs are excellent companion to the Meizu M6, i have this setup. However I also use a pair of CX300 and even when they are bassier, they sound pretty good paired with the M6.

The M6 is an excellent buy, here in Spain it's as hard to get as in Slovenia I guess, but via eBay you get excellent prices + shipping to your country.

Check it out.

Jul 27, 2007 at 5:44 AM Post #8 of 9
If the E2Cs are anywhere near as sensitive as the UM1s, you're in for a LOT of hiss. And I mean a lot. I'm currently DIY'ing something similar to the Ety p->s converter, and it should drop the background considerably. I'm not bashing the M6, because I think it's a good player at an absolutely incredible price, but it does have its faults.

Large playlists absolutely cripple the player. I'm not kidding about this. If you're thinking about getting the M6, consider doing away with playlists. Strange thing is, the M6 will run quite smoothly if you're just playing files sans playlist, but as soon as you load a playlist, the UI takes a giant crap. Expect freezes for more than a minute when loading a playlist with ~100 songs.

One of the coolest things about the Meizu is that there is a nice, tight community @ You should read up on the problems there, and see if the M6 is still right for you.

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