MDR-EX71, my thoughts
Jan 22, 2005 at 3:58 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 33


Jan 20, 2005
I just got some in the mail today. I'm by no means an audiophile..but I heard that these are really good. I donno, I'm not exactly blown away or anything. Maybe it's because I have Sennheiser HD202's which I think are probably comparable in sound so I'm used to headphones that are a little above average (well not to head-fi standards). Hm. And people say that you can't feel them at all in your ears. I don't feel the actual weight of them but I can kinda feel the seal in my ears which is a little annoying right now. Maybe I'll get used to it. But I like how they block out outside sounds. I can't even hear my keyboard at all and the volume on my Micro is at halfway. I like the case that keeps them from getting tangled too and the other bigger case. And they're so small! I can wear them under a beanie without feeling pressure on them.
Jan 22, 2005 at 4:41 AM Post #2 of 33
I've been looking forward to buying some ex71s aswell, I'm in Taiwan atm and there seems to be a bunch of japanese ex70/71/81 models with different colours and weird neckstraps/accerioes that I've never seen in Australia or the net before o_O

I was thinking about buying the ex81s but I think the ear piece might get in the way of wearing sunglasses ohwell
Jan 22, 2005 at 5:55 AM Post #3 of 33
After I used my EX70LPs for a long time, hours at a time, I deffinitly didn't feel them. Each person is diffirent I suppose but if you are like most people you are going to get used to the feel in the ear canal that the EX71s have and almost completely forget they are there, kind of like remembering how to tie your shoes each day or something, not very hard to do, it just kind of happens without you. Sure you fell them everyonce in a while but you get right on with your life or your music enjoyment and quickly forget about them.
Jan 22, 2005 at 9:18 AM Post #5 of 33
I was even more disappointed than you were. I followed all of the positive buzz and ended up getting burnt. They are rediculously HARSH sounding buds. Burn-in does nothing.
Jan 22, 2005 at 9:28 AM Post #6 of 33
They're really not worth the money when you can get Sharp MD33s for around the same price, which are much better sounding canalphones. They have slightly lighter bass, but better highs and lack the harsh, squealing treble of the EX71. They're not quite as scooped either.

Of course, I wouldn't trade my E3cs for either of them. =P
Jan 22, 2005 at 9:30 AM Post #7 of 33
the fit of the ex81 is kinda weird since it goes over your ears and sometimes it takes some fiddling to get it to fit correctly. the highs are less harsh than the ex71 but still harsh and the bass is still slightly bloated but for some reason, i really enjoy them with my ipod.

there are lots of different options for this type of sony buds in taiwan/japan but of the ones that i've tried (ex51, ex71, ex81), i find the ex81 to be the best sounding.
Jan 22, 2005 at 10:11 AM Post #9 of 33
well I just got home from buying my pair of ex71s for about quite cheap for about 50au. I saw a pair of SONY MDR-NX1s which I haven't seen before(or heard before) they look identical to my 71s but come with a neckstrap, I think they looked a bit too funky for me =p

Theres this one disturbing thing which annoys me about the ex71s... its when I eat/drink when I'm wearing them, its quite digusting listening to myself chew and swallow o_____________O
Jan 22, 2005 at 3:04 PM Post #11 of 33
i find my ex71 to be quite enjoyable when used with my Go-Vibe. the highs are less shrill and the bass tightened. IMHO, its really worth the $20 i spent on them.
Jan 22, 2005 at 5:01 PM Post #12 of 33

Originally Posted by azmodien
I was even more disappointed than you were. I followed all of the positive buzz and ended up getting burnt. They are rediculously HARSH sounding buds. Burn-in does nothing.

maybe it was my imagination, but a burn in on my ex71s improved the sound dramatically.
Jan 22, 2005 at 8:11 PM Post #13 of 33

Originally Posted by aeriyn
They're really not worth the money when you can get Sharp MD33s for around the same price, which are much better sounding canalphones. They have slightly lighter bass, but better highs and lack the harsh, squealing treble of the EX71. They're not quite as scooped either.

Of course, I wouldn't trade my E3cs for either of them. =P

I'm currently in perhaps about the 10th hour of burn in for my Sharps (they arrived yesterday afternoon), and so far I must say I'm rather unimpressed. Bass is authoritative, and the upper mids and treble are reasonably detailed, but the scooped mids and hot highs so far make them feel much less natural sounding than my HD497s... or my speakers, for that matter. Not significantly better audio-wise than the stock Apple earbuds which have something closer to 100 hours of burn time (I might've kept them for now if they would stay in my ear for a reasonable length of time).
Jan 22, 2005 at 9:13 PM Post #14 of 33
Canalphonewise I own(ed) the sonys 70&71, the Sharp, and the Shure E2 & E3 (and the Koss plug-thing once).
The Sharps are better then the Sonys but only slightly. They are clearly in the same ballgame, and a significant step below f.i. the E2.
The Sharps are good value for money, but the difference is very much hyped up here on head-fi, thus creating false expectations.
Jan 22, 2005 at 10:30 PM Post #15 of 33

Originally Posted by dura
The Sharps are good value for money, but the difference is very much hyped up here on head-fi, thus creating false expectations.

Head-Fiers recommend the md33 because of its price and performance value. you shouldnt really expect "audiophile orgasma" because, whether you noticed or not, they are only 40 dollar canalphones. people recommend them because its a bang for the buck.

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