May 5th - Vancouver, BC Meet 2013
Mar 5, 2013 at 2:39 AM Post #167 of 461
:D if we need be "nonprofit" Chris can just randomly gift me 80 bucks and then I can just pay up with my account. :D

Please and thank you. 
Huge props to Chris for the generosity! We need more MoTs like you man.
Mar 5, 2013 at 6:33 PM Post #170 of 461
I'm in don't want to lug amps / sources out but I'll bring some cans probably Beyer DT-990 600 and whatever new portable I end up buying this month.

I'd be willing to give up some scratch to cover the room if needed.
Mar 6, 2013 at 1:24 AM Post #171 of 461
I'm in don't want to lug amps / sources out but I'll bring some cans probably Beyer DT-990 600 and whatever new portable I end up buying this month.

I'd be willing to give up some scratch to cover the room if needed.

Duly noted.
I've logged in 3 hours worth in this crummy internet cafe just for this 
 I have to confirm those who are ABSOLUTELY/ALMOST POSITIVELY sure they are attending bar a freak meteorite accident or something along the lines of that, so I can add them and their gear list to the spreadsheet. Those who are PRETTY SURE/SEMI-SURE will be put in a different category. PM me to confirm because just shifting through posts on the thread is not being certain enough.
Mar 6, 2013 at 1:29 AM Post #172 of 461
I'm not completely sure meaning we might have to move the date to May :) 50% chance I'm coming back from Winnipeg/Regina before the 28th. Btw. can you PM everyone whose posted in ALL of the previous Vancouver meets?
Duly noted.
I've logged in 3 hours worth in this crummy internet cafe just for this 
 I have to confirm those who are ABSOLUTELY/ALMOST POSITIVELY sure they are attending bar a freak meteorite accident or something along the lines of that, so I can add them and their gear list to the spreadsheet. Those who are PRETTY SURE/SEMI-SURE will be put in a different category. PM me to confirm because just shifting through posts on the thread is not being certain enough.

Mar 6, 2013 at 1:33 AM Post #173 of 461
I'm not completely sure meaning we might have to move the date to May :) 50% chance I'm coming back from Winnipeg/Regina before the 28th. Btw. can you PM everyone whose posted in ALL of the previous Vancouver meets?

50% sure = just semi-sure list then.
Okay. I've been gathering tabs on lower mainland HF-ers anywho. But did PM loads of people from the last recent meet and they have yet to respond. If I did PM everyone on the list it would likely exceed 100 PMs and I'd get locked out again (yes I have a list of +100 Van-fiers). Will have to do in increments.
Would also help if I got the date and location completely confirmed so I can ask to put the thread on the front page.
Mar 6, 2013 at 1:38 AM Post #174 of 461
Share the list among me and planx so we can just send a generic copy and paste.
Yes, ALL the meets. Maybe we can get some inactive head-fiers in on the action.
We might as well say April 28th, or May 12th.
50% sure = just semi-sure list then.
Okay. I've been gathering tabs on lower mainland HF-ers anywho. But did PM loads of people from the last recent meet and they have yet to respond. If I did PM everyone on the list it would likely exceed 100 PMs and I'd get locked out again (yes I have a list of +100 Van-fiers). Will have to do in increments.
Would also help if I got the date and location completely confirmed so I can ask to put the thread on the front page.

Mar 6, 2013 at 1:42 AM Post #175 of 461
Share the list among me and planx so we can just send a generic copy and paste.
Yes, ALL the meets. Maybe we can get some inactive head-fiers in on the action.
We might as well say April 28th, or May 12th.

Mind if I email it when I get back? My home machine is still back in Richmond.
ALL the meets. Gotcha, just making sure.
May is pushing it a bit. Will just put 28th on the title to make it more attractive/accessible and any discrepancies will be adjusted for later. 
 Don't tell anyone I said that though.
Mar 6, 2013 at 1:49 AM Post #176 of 461
April 28th or May 5th? :)
Mind if I email it when I get back? My home machine is still back in Richmond.
ALL the meets. Gotcha, just making sure.
May is pushing it a bit. Will just put 28th on the title to make it more attractive/accessible and any discrepancies will be adjusted for later. 
 Don't tell anyone I said that though.

Mar 6, 2013 at 5:19 PM Post #179 of 461
YAY! My new 801 is here so hopefully by the time of the meet I should have some hi rez files on it!
Mar 6, 2013 at 8:21 PM Post #180 of 461
YAY! My new 801 is here so hopefully by the time of the meet I should have some hi rez files on it!

Good luck for you, bad for me. My Woo 3+ arrived today VIA UPS, but I had to decline because of the 50% brokerage fee equaling $98... I was careless and forgot to remind the seller about the brokerage fees with UPS ground ahh... So pissed!

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