Makes me wonder what this forum does to you. Darn you head fi!
Jun 15, 2005 at 8:17 AM Post #16 of 52

Originally Posted by akwok
2.) I google SA3000's out of curiosity, and get led to here

Ever heard the one about curiousity killing the cat? Well, it didn't do his wallet any favors either...
Jun 15, 2005 at 9:08 AM Post #18 of 52
Except from obvious trail and error purchases, like tubes for the amp, I haven’t had much regrets so far in upgrading.

Some things might not have an immediate application
but shouldn’t therefore be sold off right away I think. I have found use for especially good IC cables after years on the shelf.
Jun 15, 2005 at 9:38 AM Post #19 of 52

Originally Posted by akwok
Before May 15th : Sony MDRV700 connected to the reciever thing that came with my Altec Lansing speakers

1.) After reading a post on a thread at another forum I frequent, I am led to ; I see the weird looking SA3000's.
2.) I google SA3000's out of curiosity, and get led to here
3.) I ask for opinions regarding the SA1000 (because that was all I could afford at the time)
4.) I get a bunch of info, mainly gsferrari telling me to go straight for the SA5000's
5.) I order the SA5000's


Hmm. Don't know what to say to you, other than I recommend the Qualia 010 and Sensaphonics 2X-S based upon these purchases. Lately, there is a lot of momentum for the Singlepower Balanced XLR SDS for the Qualia. Finally, you'll need a source capable of driving that rig - ayt999 has his Accuphase, Nik has his Linn CD-12, GoRedWings19 has his Levinson combo, and might I humbly suggest my dinky Chord DAC64+Blu.

Best regards,

Jun 15, 2005 at 9:50 AM Post #20 of 52

Originally Posted by jjcha
Hmm. Don't know what to say to you, other than I recommend the Qualia 010 and Sensaphonics 2X-S based upon these purchases. Lately, there is a lot of momentum for the Singlepower Balanced XLR SDS for the Qualia. Finally, you'll need a source capable of driving that rig - ayt999 has his Accuphase, Nik has his Linn CD-12, GoRedWings19 has his Levinson combo, and might I humbly suggest my dinky Chord DAC64+Blu.

Best regards,


And don't forget some cables to go with them too. I also heard about power conditioning improving the sound.
Jun 15, 2005 at 3:28 PM Post #21 of 52
I am Jacks empty wallet
Jun 15, 2005 at 3:34 PM Post #22 of 52
Hehe, I just got here yesterday, and I've already bought a pair of Shure E3c's, and then ran home, turned off sound check in iTunes, and ran mp3gain on my entire collection.

It's a freakin disease.

Great to be here
Jun 15, 2005 at 3:41 PM Post #24 of 52

Originally Posted by pirateninja
Hehe, I just got here yesterday, and I've already bought a pair of Shure E3c's, and then ran home, turned off sound check in iTunes, and ran mp3gain on my entire collection.

It's a freakin disease.

Great to be here

welcome to head-fi, sorry about your wallet!
Jun 15, 2005 at 3:42 PM Post #25 of 52 story began with me picking up an iPod last summer...then a pair of E1s, E2s, and E3s and selling all but the E2s for various reasons... I then got custom molds made becuase I did not like the silicone ones and didnt want to have to by the fomies all the time... then i got home for christmas and my dad had picked up a boostaroo for his ipod and quietcomforts... i gave the amp a try and turned it off after a few seconds and quickly went to my computer being completely unsatisifed with this piece of junk and knowing there had to be something better out there... then I found headfi... now I have no money... darn you

Currently i have what you see in my sig and I am very content! ... i only wish it went from the ipod right to what it is now...

and i just recently picked up a pair of HD555s and an M3 for my dad for Fathers Day so he will never have to listen to his boostapoo and quietcomforts again!
Jun 15, 2005 at 8:52 PM Post #26 of 52
The iPod was the beginning of the slippery slope. Ripped some CD's to it. Yay! Mobile music. But I've got 800 LP's. How to get them into the iPod. Phono Preamp! (cha-ching!)

Hmmm. These earbuds are stinky bad sonically. Besides, they're uncomfortable. Need something I can use on my flight to Philly next week. (looks around over at ipodlounge) Enter Shure E3C's. Ahhh. Sonic goodness! Well, sorta... Kinda thin on the bass, but they're good enough for now.

IEM's are inconvenient when at home, though (sometimes). Let's try the MDR-v6's I've had for 15 years. Hmmm. iPod can't really drive them. . Hmmm. (looks around over at ipodlounge) Headphone amps! That would help! (Googles for headphone amps, finds Tangent's audiologica site) Hey! I could BUILD a CMoy. I think I'll do that. (trundles off to RatShack, builds CMoy). Well, that was pretty easy, not too costly, and HELPS a ton! (orders SIK Din)

You know, these earpads are pretty ratty. Wonder if I can get some new ones? Where to get them? (Googles again, finds Head-fi, orders Beyer velours).

You know, my hand-built CMoy is kinda ratty looking too. (searches Head-Fi, buys a pre-populated CMoy).

Hmmm. I like the sounds coming out of my CMoy into my MDR's. But, you know building that thing was pretty fun. Hmmm. PIMETA or MINT? Enter "My Mouser", "Digikey" and an order to Tangent. (PIMETA assembled, with a "hot spare" assembled as well. Bought 2 boards and most of the parts for 2 PIMETA's in case I messed up bad...) Ahhhh, yes! Sonic Goodness yet again...

CMoy arrives from overseas. "Well, I'll drop it into the Penguin case the other CMoy was in." Works good.

But wait. MDR's are pretty old tech. There's got to be something else out there. You know, I tried a buddy's Grado's and they were SWEET. I should look around for those. (looks around locally) Bummer! I live in the Sticks.... (Hits "For Sale" forum) SWEET! Some MS-2i's! (purchased)

Ahhhh! Sonic goodness restored!

-Patrick "Hmmm. That Millet Hybrid looks pretty interesting. I hear they sound great with Grado's. Maybe I can build one... Or should I build some higher quality interconnects?"

P.S. Darn you head-fi!
Jun 15, 2005 at 9:33 PM Post #29 of 52

Originally Posted by canloader
Your not kidding !

Yikes! Well, when you do find that perfect sound (no such thing, I know), then you can sell off the 2000 pairs of cans that you'll have at that point

Given your preferences for lush, rich sound, I think Stax Omega's are on your shopping list, as is a KGSS or Blue Hawaii... yes, time to play with the big boys!
Jun 15, 2005 at 10:16 PM Post #30 of 52
Sorry RnB180, this is totally off-topic but I couldn't help noticing your pic of the Chinese tube amp. Weren't you having HUGE problems with it? I remember reading about it - I was considering getting that good looking thing from Honkers too.

Please let me know what the outcome was. Is it running sweet now?


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