Make foobar *look* better
Mar 22, 2007 at 7:51 PM Post #46 of 66

Originally Posted by Cousin Patty /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I found the button pack on the foobar official forums. I believe the download is two things: the buttons themselves, and an .fcb file. The images of the buttons go in the 'images' folder in the foobar directory. In foobar, right click on the default buttons and select 'customize'. then at the bottom of the window that comes up, hit 'tools' and then 'load from file'. Select the .fcb file you downloaded.

thanx, i'll try when i get home.

does anyone know how to display asian characters (ie. korean)?
Mar 23, 2007 at 3:09 AM Post #47 of 66
Hrm so I followed the panels ui and found it a total failure on my comp - none of the buttons work anymore and the menu tabs disappear ?!?!?!
Mar 23, 2007 at 3:15 AM Post #48 of 66

Originally Posted by thesecreted /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Winamp works straight out of the box, has far better dap support (ml_ipod), has find as you type searching, handles videos, podcast subscriptions, supports ASIO, and has myriad of skins and plugins.

Winamp w/ classic skin is on par with Foobar with speed. (533mhz computer) Especially with all the customization you need to do with Foobar.

I love both either way. Its asset is its unbeatable customization and tweaking. Just don't bash Winamp. I've tried everything (jetaudio, monkey's audio, itunes, amarok <3, musikCube, songbird) and Winamp is still my player of choice.

Winamp is gross
its a bloated hog of computer space, worse than itunes imho
Mar 23, 2007 at 6:00 AM Post #49 of 66
Well I should of just stuck with the boring plain Foobar install.. with the Panels UI and Brumal skin it has locked up twice now, no error messages, just locks up. Each time it locks up it deletes most of my playlists, and the half hour of tweaking the colors/fonts/directories to get it to work.

I just re-did everything again, if it suicides again, it will just stay stock.
Mar 23, 2007 at 7:51 AM Post #50 of 66

Originally Posted by c0mfortably_numb /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well I should of just stuck with the boring plain Foobar install.. with the Panels UI and Brumal skin it has locked up twice now, no error messages, just locks up. Each time it locks up it deletes most of my playlists, and the half hour of tweaking the colors/fonts/directories to get it to work.

I just re-did everything again, if it suicides again, it will just stay stock.

Columns UI is very easy to get flawlessly and recolor in your own way so I'd stick to that if Panels UI fails (it fails for me -_-)
Mar 23, 2007 at 6:00 PM Post #52 of 66
i also have that skin from fooblog running... but i have one thing missing. the rating system. idk how to get that up... anyone know?
Mar 24, 2007 at 11:02 PM Post #55 of 66
Anyone here suggest why I gave no menu or play/stop controls here? I think I have all the components installed and the other skins which use images for the buttons appear. How does the FofR skin set-up the menu & buttons?

They should appear in the bottom panel, there are no hidden ones as far as I can tell as no tool tips appear either.


Any assistance appreciated.
Mar 25, 2007 at 5:17 AM Post #56 of 66
i'm using the same skin myself. The menu is kindda hidden though; you just have to move your mouse pointer to the right side of the brown button (the brown button is the button just below the green "<=" button. Just slide your mouse cursor along the same row as the brown button.
Mar 25, 2007 at 5:36 AM Post #57 of 66

Originally Posted by StevieDvd /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anyone here suggest why I gave no menu or play/stop controls here? I think I have all the components installed and the other skins which use images for the buttons appear.

And for buttons images to work you need libpng and zlib in foobar root folder.
Mar 25, 2007 at 11:54 AM Post #58 of 66

Originally Posted by Andrew_WOT /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And for buttons images to work you need libng and zlib in foobar root folder.

Got to the root cause - needed newer version of component(s). Just took the latest of each one and the menus/buttons appeared.

Mar 30, 2007 at 10:45 AM Post #59 of 66

Originally Posted by thesecreted /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Winamp works straight out of the box, has far better dap support (ml_ipod), has find as you type searching, handles videos, podcast subscriptions, supports ASIO, and has myriad of skins and plugins.

Winamp w/ classic skin is on par with Foobar with speed. (533mhz computer) Especially with all the customization you need to do with Foobar.

I love both either way. Its asset is its unbeatable customization and tweaking. Just don't bash Winamp. I've tried everything (jetaudio, monkey's audio, itunes, amarok <3, musikCube, songbird) and Winamp is still my player of choice.

I am no winamp basher and use have it installed for playing random tracks for preview purposes; my foobar runs well, but takes a while to load with all the components - better suited when I am in a "total music listening mode". That being said, winamp is probably one of the worse players for video playback. I guess just having the feature itself is not necessarily a minus in terms of judging a player's usefulness as a music file player. But hey.. it really is so bad in every category, that it makes me cringe just to think there are people out there using it o_o;; I havnt found anything better than gomplayer for videos, albeit slight incompatibility with mkv files in very limited cases.
Mar 31, 2007 at 12:49 AM Post #60 of 66

Originally Posted by jayehs /img/forum/go_quote.gif
is it really worth using foobar? worth all that time?
I think i've spent about good 5 hours trying to config and i gave up. I just don't see the point of having to go thru all that trouble just to get like album art or whatever when i can just use iTunes.

Why sure it is!

Spend all that time, learning all those things, fiddling with all those command lines and racking your brain trying to figure out how to get it looking just like you want.
Then spend a few more hours putting the finishing touches on it..

When your done you'll have a nice colorful, finely tuned player to compensate for the fact that the music your listening to on it is, well, hardly that.

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