Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings
Mar 25, 2006 at 9:43 PM Post #2,206 of 3,718

Originally Posted by PSmith08
DA: I am going to have to disagree with you about Bertini vs. Boulez. I don't fault the conducting or playing on the Bertini set, but I don't think that Bertini had quite the same program relative to Mahler as Boulez does. Also, I think that Bertini could get the emotion and the drama in there when necessary; however, I cannot see Boulez being able to do that effectively. For me, I see Bertini as a literalist, i.e., the score and the intention of the composer; on the other hand, Boulez seems more interested in clarity for the purposes of deconstructing the score. I prefer, on an intellectual level, the latter approach.

Boulez is a special case when it comes to are really in Boulez's world here, hard to classify I agree with you there.

Bertini = Literalist
That sounds OK by me, perhaps you can put Kaplan in same class of conductor.......but hard to classify any style too closely.
Mar 25, 2006 at 9:44 PM Post #2,207 of 3,718

Originally Posted by DarkAngel
Amazon has it in stock both new and used:


That's the CSO set, or am I confused here?
Mar 25, 2006 at 10:40 PM Post #2,209 of 3,718

Originally Posted by DarkAngel
When I was referring to Solti/London set I mean "London" recording label not LSO

Ahhhh I see now. Trying to confuse me....not too hard these days.
Mar 26, 2006 at 12:08 AM Post #2,210 of 3,718

Originally Posted by DarkAngel
My favorite Bertini
I am puzzled with so many Bertini sets purchased there is a dead silence here on Mahler thread with almost no discussion of them. The sound quality is excellent for entire Bertini set, and although Bertini's Mahler more objective style is not my preference for Mahler he does it much better than other "objectivist" conductors like Gielen, MTT, Boulez etc

I haven't had a chance to listen to the Bertini recordings repeatedly enough to discuss them in great detail, but my overall impressions are very positive and I don't really have much of anything to add to what you said above. Unfortunately, that doesn't do much to advance the cause of discussion here on the board.

Mar 26, 2006 at 1:24 AM Post #2,212 of 3,718

Originally Posted by Mark from HFR
Just saw a news release that the MTT/SFSO Mahler cycle will be expanded to include some of the song cycles.

It is almost inconceivable to me that anyone will ever surpass Fischer-Dieskau or Baker or Ferrier.
Mar 26, 2006 at 4:01 AM Post #2,213 of 3,718

Originally Posted by Origen
It is almost inconceivable to me that anyone will ever surpass Fischer-Dieskau or Baker or Ferrier.

Well, odds are against it, but anything is possible. I myself took a noble stab at it in the shower this morning... and missed by quite a wide margin. And anyway, look at it like this: though it might be painful for you to conceive of that thought, it would be far more painful for you to actually give birth to it.

Mar 26, 2006 at 4:16 AM Post #2,214 of 3,718
One should always keep ones mind open to the possibilities.
Mar 26, 2006 at 2:03 PM Post #2,215 of 3,718

Originally Posted by Mark from HFR
Just saw a news release that the MTT/SFSO Mahler cycle will be expanded to include some of the song cycles.


I have tickets for late April when the SFSO will do the Ruckert Lieder with Lorraine Hunt Lieberson. Ofcourse, I have found that if the recording is already in the can the live performance may show considerable evolution since then. I haven't heard who he has recorded or is recording the Lieder with either, so we may find that it's not LHL on the recording either.

Edit: Personally, I'd love to hear Thomas Quasthoff doing some of the lieder which is why I ordered the cd of Boulez lieder from yourmusic.
Mar 26, 2006 at 2:20 PM Post #2,216 of 3,718

Originally Posted by Bunnyears
Edit: Personally, I'd love to hear Thomas Quasthoff doing some of the lieder which is why I ordered the cd of Boulez lieder from yourmusic.

He's excellent on that disc. Well worth it for what you'd pay on
Mar 26, 2006 at 5:59 PM Post #2,217 of 3,718
Bunnyears said:
I have tickets for late April when the SFSO will do the Ruckert Lieder with Lorraine Hunt Lieberson. Ofcourse, I have found that if the recording is already in the can the live performance may show considerable evolution since then. I haven't heard who he has recorded or is recording the Lieder with either, so we may find that it's not LHL on the recording either.

Here's the specifics from the news release:

Ruckert Lieder: Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, Apr 2006
Des Knaben Wunderhorn: Thomas Hampson, May 2007

also down the road:

Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
Das Lied von der Erde

Castings specifics were not given for the last two pieces. The MTT M5 is scheduled to be released this fall. The Ruckert Lieder will be paired with the Adagio from the 10th (incidentally, that's a horrible pairing, IMHO) for release next year. After that will come the Wunderhorn songs and the Songs of a Wayfarer, then Das Lied, then the series will conclude with M8.

Mar 26, 2006 at 6:01 PM Post #2,218 of 3,718

Originally Posted by Bunnyears
Edit: Personally, I'd love to hear Thomas Quasthoff doing some of the lieder which is why I ordered the cd of Boulez lieder from yourmusic.

Yeah, he's great if you can stand the way DG records him.
Mar 26, 2006 at 6:34 PM Post #2,219 of 3,718

Originally Posted by Mark from HFR
The Ruckert Lieder will be paired with the Adagio from the 10th (incidentally, that's a horrible pairing, IMHO) for release next year.

Probably more a factor of time than sense.
Mar 26, 2006 at 6:37 PM Post #2,220 of 3,718

Originally Posted by Mark from HFR
Well, odds are against it, but anything is possible. I myself took a noble stab at it in the shower this morning... and missed by quite a wide margin.

I trust your stab was at Fischer-Dieskau rather than Baker.

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