Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings
Jan 16, 2004 at 12:17 AM Post #136 of 3,718
cripes man, you just missed an ebay auction for a brand new copy of the rattle/emi which ended at 4.99. ow.
Jan 16, 2004 at 12:42 AM Post #137 of 3,718

Originally posted by adhoc
cripes man, you just missed an ebay auction for a brand new copy of the rattle/emi which ended at 4.99. ow.


Crap!!! Doesn't that figure. Well, I'll keep my eyes peeled.

Jan 19, 2004 at 11:20 PM Post #138 of 3,718
It'll appear on ebay again, so don't worry. Thought I'd chime in here. I've heard the Rattle second, but, although I'm in a minority here, prefered the Klemperer. Still, what has been said about Rattle's version has piqued my interest. I do promise not to bid at ebay for a 60 day period though, so as not to upset the line order here.

I currently own five Mahlers, but the one that I find myself listening to most often, just cause it's so purdy, is his Symphony No. 4 with Szell conducting. Not only is it beautifully paced and warm, but Judith Raskin is impeccable as the soprano. I know this is simple in terms of the usual complexity of Mahler, but it's so beautiful, it would be a shame for any Mahler or classical fan to miss imo.

If anyone is interested it's available on Sony Essential Classics. Nice recording quality too.
Jan 19, 2004 at 11:35 PM Post #139 of 3,718
Oops, just read the entire thread (10 pages is a lot) and found that this version of No. 4 was already mentioned. Sorry, I've been listening to it all day (over and over) and it's just too beautiful.
Jan 19, 2004 at 11:38 PM Post #140 of 3,718

Thanks for the suggestion all the same. I am new to all this so I'l take all the "guidence" I have made some purchases based on peoples suggestions here and have yet to be even mildly disappointed!

Jan 20, 2004 at 12:27 AM Post #142 of 3,718
I ordered mine from Amazon last week, but failed to notice that it said it won't ship for 9-12 days. Argh, pays to pay attention!

Jan 20, 2004 at 1:47 AM Post #143 of 3,718

Originally posted by scottder
I ordered mine from Amazon last week, but failed to notice that it said it won't ship for 9-12 days. Argh, pays to pay attention!

Did I mention for new classical CD always shop first, if I do search under:

klemperer / mahler

I find it for $7.99 new ........... for future reference

Jan 20, 2004 at 2:44 AM Post #144 of 3,718
Thanks DA, I had a bit of a Gift Cert ot use up on Amazon anywho, but good to know for future reference

Jan 26, 2004 at 8:58 PM Post #145 of 3,718
Well, it's in the mail. How long can it take for something to get from DE to RI, sheesh.

Jan 26, 2004 at 9:05 PM Post #146 of 3,718
I wonder if this is any good:

Jan 27, 2004 at 4:01 AM Post #147 of 3,718
Hey Scott,

Not familiar with that particular version, but I've got a great resource for you on Mahler, as well as most any composer. The link I'll provide you below has a comprehensive review of the major players for each of Mahler's major works. Not only do they do a great descriptive job of the performance in question, but offer clues as to which recordings have the best sonics.

A great site, which takes in the input of more than one critic to come to its conclussions.

Beware though: The Mahler article I'm linking you to has 20 or more pages. I often refer to it in picking which Mahler CD's I'm going to buy.

Here's your link
Jan 27, 2004 at 4:21 AM Post #148 of 3,718
Thanks for the link, someone on Head-Fi had mentioned the American Record Guide as pretty good.

Jan 27, 2004 at 5:23 AM Post #149 of 3,718
my god! 44 pages printed!

i'm going to get this bound right now!
Jan 27, 2004 at 5:47 AM Post #150 of 3,718
On the subject of the tenth. Which completed version do you like most?

I have the EMI/Rattle (Cooke), a Naxos/Olson (Wheeler), and a Faberman (Carpenter) completed versions. I keep changing my mind, but i think i like Wheeler's the best (plus it was on Naxos and only $7, but the EMI/rattle/cooke is a better performance and recording)

Just my 2 cents. If anyone knows of any others I'd love to get them. The tenth is my new favorite.

I was thrilled to see a ten page Mahler thread. It would appear that indeed his time has come.

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